Chapter 9- The Mall

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Jessica's POV

As we got ready to head out to the mall, I thought about her question. It was rather unexpected and very straightforward. Popularity was a big thing to me but I mean, she was the captain of the soccer team and pretty good looking (I say that platonically) and for some reason, no one paid her much attention. It was strange but she didn't seem to care.

My answer seemed to catch her off guard and something flashed through her eyes. Hurt I think? It came and went so fast I wasn't even sure I'd seen it correctly. None the less, she agreed to come along with an easy going smile.

"Great! Let's hop to it then" I say cheerfully. We change and she grabs her things, following me with far less enthusiasm them I had. She smiles easily as I glance back at her, making sure she was okay and still behind me. Strange thoughts like, her smile was really nice and that she was really pretty started slip into mind. Both freaking me out and causing me to blush a little.

Turning my head away quickly, I shake it my head as if to shake away the weird thoughts. Grabbing my car keys and wallet while yelling down the hall to let my parents know we were going out, I headed outside cheerfully. "Come on! We don't have all day you know!"

Kaylee who was still lagging behind sped up a fraction as I yelled at her. She tossed her bag into the back seat before sliding into the one next to me. "Chill out man" she mumbles as she buckles up. I just bounce slightly, way to excited and hyper to really care she was in a not so great mood.

In a sense, the only reason I wanted to get going was so I could see what she was like out of school. I was curious to figure out this other side of her that I didn't know of at all. Why? Absolutely no idea.

Pulling out onto the road, I make my way onto the main roads before turning the radio on, startling Kaylee a bit. An eyebrow lifted slightly as I chuckle at her reaction. Lots of things seemed to startle or catch her off guard. It was kind of amusing for me.

Leaning back some, I jump in with the radio, singing along freely to the music that blasted from the speakers.

Some night I stay up cashing in my bad luck

Some nights I call it a draw

Some night I wish that my lips could build a castle

Some nights I wish they'd just fall off

Glancing over at Kaylee, I noticed she was now staring at me with her usual unreadable expression.

This is it, boys, this is war - what are we waiting for?

Why don't we break the rules anyway?

I was never one to believe the hype

Save that for the black and white

I try twice as hard and I'm half as liked,

But here they come again to jack my style

Suddenly the music dies down in volume and I find Kaylee looking a bit annoyed. "Can't you sing a bit less loud? I mean, I love your voice and all, it's amazing but not so loud" she says looking at me. My cheeks color a bit at the compliment as I nod cheerfully.

By the time the song ended and more stupid radio commercials had started up. Parking quickly, I jump out excitedly, Kaylee still lagging behind me as I lead the way into the mall. She just smiles at me, looking a bit amused at my enthusiasm.

Inside it was a zoo. Hundreds of people were walking around, talking yelling, shopping, eating, everything. Grabbing Kaylee's "This way!" I call dragging her into some clothes store. Entering the store, I start browsing right away, letting Kaylee trail along behind or whatever. She didn't really pick up anything or even look at anything.

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