Chapter 18- A visit to the past

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Eve’s POV

I’d pretty much stalked Jessica the whole day until lunch. Kaylee hadn’t texted or called or made any type or reply to me. I was growing more and more nervous and worried about her. She was like the little sister I’d never had.

Finally catching up with them, I make an appearance and we start to talk. They were an interesting pair, I could tell they were best friends though. Just watching them for a few minutes I could see the bond the two shared. it was like the one Kay and I shared. I smile slightly as I somewhat politely interrupted their conversation.  

Now I was about to tell them how we met. Most of this was Kay’s story but Jake was already pretty good friends with her and it seemed like this Jessica person was growing on Kay again. So I might as well as long as they never repeated any of this of let on that they now held thins information.    I pause, thinking for a moment as I gather my thoughts. I decided to make this long story short-ish. They would find out the details on their own when Kay was ready to tell them more.  

“Well, we met when she was about 8 and I was 9. It was when both parents and her brother were still around and things were normal but that was about to change.”   

“Why are you sitting here alone?” a little girl asks. She had short black hair and green eyes. The other girl looks up. She had dirty blonde hair and blue eyes “Because I’m new. No one really likes the new kid” the younger girl answers smiling slightly.   

The older one scoffs “Well then, I’m Eve. I wanna be your friend” she says smiling, sticking her hand out. The younger girl blinks then smiles “I’m Kaylee but you can call me Kay” she says taking Eve’s hand.   

Eve pull’s Kay up, smiling “Let’s go play! What do you wanna play?” I’d asked her. Kay grins, “Soccer!” she said right away.  

“From day one, we had a great connection. We easily became fast friends and she’d loved soccer from the start. But things changed a bit when her dad and brother died. I believe that her brother is alive somewhere” I say softly, thinking for a minute.   

“Eve, do you know why my dad and brother aren’t home yet?”  Kay asks me one day, very serious. 4 years later, I was 13 and she was 12, her dad had died along with her brother. Her mother had left the job to me to break the news to the little her. “They’re...dead.....” I say slowly, watching her expression change from one of some hope to an absolutely crushed one.     

I sigh and shake my head “Her mom had held off telling her the truth for like 4 years or so. When Kay found out, boy was she distraught. Her brother was her best friend and she loved her dad a lot. She didn’t really understand quite yet why her mom was changing her ways.   

I watch as Kay’s walks into the front room to greet us drunkenly. We had just walked in the door from school and this is what we get greeted by. I sigh softly and glance at Kay. We were 14 and 15 now. She was getting a grasp of everything and was suffering.   

“It was about then the child abuse started, the cutting, depression, everything. Of corse I had my own problems at home but it was nothing compared to hers”   

Eve! Where have you been!? Come here child!”  my father yells at me, drunk. Kay knew about my home life and I knew hers. Except for me, things would be changing for the better. My mom was tired of my father’s behavior and attitude so she pretty much go him in jail. I was glad for that, but it helped be understand sorta what kay was going through.   

I lay down on the grass, hands behind my head as I look up at the sky. “Around then, she also failed 8th grade. That’s when her mom hit her for the first time. She repeated 8th while I went on to 10th, we’re exactly one year apart and one grade apart except that one year.”  

I watch as Kay worked harder then ever, continuing on with life as if nothing was wrong. But she pushed away the few friends she had, making none that year. I refused to be pushed away. I really cared unlike the others. She worked harder then ever in school, gathering up everything she knew and managed to skip 9th grade so it was back to normal. No longer a grade behind.   

I smile slightly as I remember that year. Things had changed both for the good and bad. “And so now we’re nearly caught up to the present.”  

Now only a year or so ago. Thing’s in my family have improved. My mother and I are still recovering a bit from what my father has left behind. Kay on the other hand is still a mess. She keeps to herself, doesn’t talk much at all, still payed soccer and did pretty well in school, but it wasn’t the same hyper, happy little girl I’d met so many years ago.  

“And so here we are now. She hasn’t changed much in the past few years. I’m amazed she let you in so much already Jess. She’s been so guarded since the last time she let someone get close to her” I say thoughtfully.   I observe as Jake and Jessica sit there looking a bit shocked. I stand up and dust myself off a bit “And as the years went by, we grew closer and closer. We’re like sisters, always watching out for each other” I murmur looking at the sky now.   

“So there you have it. Our story in a nutshell. Remember, repeat none of this to anyone, especially her. She’d kill me if she found out I’ve told her this stuff. And this isn’t even the start of everything” I say looking at them seriously.   

I smile softly “Just be careful what you say. Words can never be forgotten, only forgiven”  I say softly before heading back inside.

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