Chapter 28- Mistakes Made

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Eve’s POV

I was walking along the halls when I heard and saw Jessica being stopped by her bitchy friends. I roll my eyes and move behind the wall to eavesdrop anyway, you never know what you can learn. 

I listen to the whole thing and peer around the corner to see her friends walking of, smirking as Jessica just stands there. I roll my eyes, the answer was clear as day to me but I couldn’t decide for this kid. 

“Well, looks like your in a tough spot. But if you truly know what you want, then this should be easy” I say, causing her to jump and spin around. I smile slightly, tilting my head as I watch her eyes widen a bit. “Oh h-hey Eve” she stutters a bit. I wave, rolling my eyes a bit “Hi and before you ask, yes i did hear what they said to you” I say motioning a hand in the direction the others had gone. 

She sighs, shoulders slumping forward as she looks down “Oh okay…” she murmurs. I nod and lean against the wall “Look, you like Kaylee right? Right, I know you do and she’s head over heels for you. The answer should be simple, I think Jake has already said this? ‘Look past your popular status for once’. Good kid, listen to that advice because I swear, if you hurt Kaylee. You will regret ever doing that” 

And with that I turn and walk off, leaving her in the hall way alone. I don’t look back once as I keep walking. I do hear her turn and head of to her class or where ever she was off to. I look at the clock and see that class would be ending in about half an hour or so, so I decided to just skip. There was no point, plus I had to find Kaylee and warn her. 

I text Kaylee, asking what class she was in. I get a reply seconds later, telling me she was in English. I nod to myself and head over to the English wing, across the school .I sigh and take my sweet time, stopping here and there to look at posters and stuff hanging up on the walls. 

By the time I reach the room, class was over and she was just walking out. I grin and punch her arm lightly “Hey there” I greet as I fall in step with her as we walk to her next class. She smile “Hey Eve, what’s up?” she answers, stopping by her locker. I shrug slightly “Nothing much, I ran into Jessica earlier” I say casually, looking at my phone as Seth texts me. 

I look up to see Kaylee looking at me “What?” I ask puzzled “Why were you talking to Jessica?” I shrug “no reason really” I lie smoothly. Kay just frowns at me, muttering to her self. I lean forward “What was that?” I ask looking at her. She shake her head and shuts her locker “Nothin, lets go now” she answer and walks off. 

I roll my eyes and follow her, stopping as we come to the door of her next class. “Trouble may be brewing in your near future, watch out. People may not seem to be who they act” I say before hugging her tightly. I smile softly and say goodbye to Kay before running off to get to my next class. 

I glance behind me to see her looking a little worried and confused. Seconds later, Jessica walk up and greets her smiling. They walk into the class together and I just shake my head as I jet into mine. I sit just as the bell rungs, grinning at the teacher as he gives me a look.

“Cutting it close now are we Eve?” he asks looking at me over his glasses. I just laugh and shrug “Sorry, had to check up on Kay” I answer truthfully. He just nods, understanding and goes to start the lesson. I smile and pull my books out, taking notes as he teaches. 

All my and Kay’s teachers seemed to understand our relationship. They all knew if something was wrong to get the other and all would be okay in good time. They all also knew about Kay’s home life, well parts of it. I only mentioned what was important and what I thought they needed to know. 

I smile softly to myself as the class drags on. Kay really was an amazing kid and I hoped Jessica wouldn’t mess this up. I start to doodle a bit on the side of my notebook as I think about al this. I glance up now and then to jot down notes but other then that I just sat there in my own thoughts. 

The day continued to drag on and I just went class to class, hearing nothing more about the situation with the younger girls. I was glad when the bell finally rung, signaling the day was over. I grab my books, toss them in my locker and go to find Seth and Kay.

I find Seth easily and walk over to him, hugging and kissing him for a moment “Hay baby, how was your day?” he greets smiling. I nod slightly “It was pretty good, yours?” I answer looking around for Kay. I don’t see her and frown slightly, tuning back to Seth. He nods “Yep, pretty good day as well. Looking for Kay?” he asks, knowing me so well. 

I grin and nod “Yep, have you seen her?” I ask tilting my head. He makes a slight face “Yes about that…” he says, trailing off. I had told him about what was going on a bit earlier and I had a feeling what he was referring to had to do with this. I look at him, raising an eyebrow, for conferment, worried now. He just nods slightly and I growl to myself.

Someone was gunna get hurt now. No one hurts my little sis and gets away with it. 



well hello, it's been like forever...sorry this is just like a filler for y'all :p haha some stuff has been goin on in mer life that's been rough on me but i'm back and slowly gettin better. i shall hopefully be updateing more often :)

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