Chapter 30- In trouble now

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Eve’s POV

I storm down the hall after hearing like 2 seconds of what happened. Seth started to explain and then I lost it. I stormed all over the place looking for Jessica then got a text from Jake telling me where she was. I growl and atom down the halls, Seth following after me in his usual serious manner when it came to things like this. I round a corner and see her and Jake talking and she was about to leave. 

Oh no, she wasn’t getting away this easy “JESSICA NIGHTS, DONT YOU DARE MOVE ANOTHER FOOT!” I bellow, storming down the hall. “Oh your in for it now. Seth is here to and those two together are like angry parents you do not wanna cross” I hear Jake mutter. Jessica glances over at him “Whose Seth?” she asks him quietly, looking a bit pale and nervous. That girl better be afraid! 

“Seth is Eve’s boyfriend and both are quite protective of Kay” I hear Jake answer quietly as I come to a halt in front of the two. Hands on hips I send death looks at Jessica as she looks down at the floor. Silence spreads down the hall as the busses leave and after school kids disappear into the classrooms. 

After a few minutes, jake shifts on his feet awkwardly and speaks up “Um…Ima just go now…….” he says awkwardly, turning to go. Jessica shoots a panicked look over at him and he smiles apologetically before half running away from this. Seth sets out bags down and moves next to me, hands in pockets. 

“Care to explain?” I ask Jess coldly, my gaze never leaving her. She shifts on her feet now, chewing her lip before looking up and meting my gaze dead on. I blink, slightly surprised at this, normally people just coward under my gaze. Despite what she did to Kay, she seemed confident, defiant and hardworking but also quite caring and kind. It was no wonder Kay fell for her but she has fallen and this little punk has some explaining to do. 

She clears her throat a bit and looks down “I went along with what Isabella said and ignored her through out the whole day. In our last class, Cody had rigged a bunch of things around her seat. He started to purposely talk loud so she could hear us and I pretended to not know her. Then he dropped a bucket of cold water on her while setting off thunderstorm sounds while I ‘laughed’ and did nothing.” she says looking back at me. 

Just hearing about it made my blood boil. I give her a murderous look which she flinches under, looking at the floor. For the moment being, I was very pissed off at this boy, Cody. How dare that boy do that! He is so now on the “i’m-going-to-beat-you-up-for-hurting-my-sister” list. Seth takes up my hand silentl, calming me a bit as I just stand waiting for anything else she had to say. She spoke again. 

“And…she gave me a look, asking for me to help and I did nothing….” she added hollowly, looking at me again. My eyes widened and my jaw drops a bit. I couldn’t believe Kay even gave her that look when she had heard them talking. I guess she was hoping Jess would come around but I guess not. A moment later, I’m screaming so loud, I was pretty sure the whole school heard and yet no one looked out their door to see what was going on. “HOW DARE YOU JUST IGNORE HER PLEAS OF HELP! I SWEAR TO GOD YOU ARE A DEAD WOMAN JESSICA!” I explode jumping at her, fists swinging.

Jessica cowers against the lockers as I explode, waiting for the hit that never reached her. Seth had stepped in at the last second and graded my arm, pulling me against him. I spit curses at him and try to get from his iron grip to shake some sense into the girl who hurt my little sister. “Shh, baby calm down. Think sweetie, Kay wouldn’t want you to beat her up” Seth murmurs softly in my ear, calming me down a bit. I shoot a glare at Jessica, the brat was so unbelievably lucky. I swear, she had no idea how lucky she was since Seth was here with me. 

I wanted to beat her up so much but I knew in my heart Kay wouldn’t be happy when she found out. I fall a bit limo as the fight seeps out of me. I frown at her, trying to come up with a non violent way to make her suffer. Instead, it was Seth who spoke next and landed a huge blow which I could tell affected Jessica very much. 

“I know you know that Kay is like a little sister to Eve and Kay see’s Eve as her big sister, sometimes a mother since she doesn’t really have a mother figure in her life. Me being Eve’s boyfriend makes me like the father figure. I know Eve told you about how fragile Kay was that stormy night. And yet, you break her anyway. Do you realize what you’ve done? I’m not gunna forbid you from seeing or talking to her, or go crazy and beat you but I want you to think about what you’ve done. That and know, she might not let you back into her life, or if does, not as close right away. You betrayed her trust. 

You entered someone’s life, someone who is already depressed. You made them truly happy for once in a very long time. But then you friends come along and tell you to ditch the “freak” because they don't like her or the fact you hang out with her. They give to the option of staying “Miss Queen Bee, Popular Girl” or staying with an actual friend who you also happened to crush on a bit. And I know Jake warned you, told you to think past what you thought was important. But staying popular is nothing compared to a real friend. You chose them over Kay and now you possibly have lost her forever. Think what you did Jessica and I hope you realize this isn’t something none of us will forget. Good day now” 

And with that, he turns and walks way, pulling me along gently, our bags already in his hands. He says that all so calmly, not a hint of anger spiking his voice or demeanor. It was scary like, I’d never seen him so calm with something like this. I see the blood drain from Jessoca's face as we turn and walk off, leaving her in the silent hall. 

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