Chapter 27- Back to School and Threats

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Jessica’s POV

I wake up the next morning to fine something pressed up against me. Yawning and rubbing my eyes, I sit up slightly to find Kaylee curled up in a ball pressed up against me. I smile and just watch her sleep,watching her face as she sleeps. I look around and pick my phone up, taking a couple pictures of her before carefully moving away to get up and ready. 

Before I can really get out of bed, she stirs and wakes up sleepily. “Whaaaaa?” I asks looking around confused. I smile and poke her nose “Morning silly” I muse smiling at her. She blinks and then blushes as she realizes how close we were and scoots back quickly, almost falling off. 

“M-morning” she stammers slightly, cheeks still light red. I smile and get up “Morning, sleep well?” I ask stretching. I sigh and start hunting around for my clothes and books for the day. I glance over to see that Kaylee has gotten up and out of bed and was walking over to the door “I slept good. I’ma use the bathroom?” she says, asking it really but walks out nevertheless. I laugh softly and shake my head, slightly amused. 

I take this chance to change my clothes and throw my books in my bag. I finish up as she walks back in, looking a bit less tired. I notice fresh clean gauze wrapped around her in various places but say nothing about it. She looks around for a moment before looking at me questioningly. I blink and just stare back, an amused smile on my face. 

“Where my clothes and stuff?” she asks promptly. I laugh and shrug slightly “Um, I’m not sure myself” I say with a small laugh. I motion with my hand for her to follow me as I head out the door and down stairs to where my parents probably were. I glance behind me a couple times to make sure Kaylee was following. I watching from the corner of my eye as she adjusts the clothes to hide any visible body part besides her head. 

I shake my head slightly to my self as we enter the kitchen “Morning Mom, Dad!” I greet my parents with a cheery smile as i walk over to them, giving them hugs “Morning Ms. and Mr. Nights” Kaylee echoes softly “Good morning girls, did you sleep well?” my mom asks smiling at us. Kaylee and I both nod “Yep, I slept great” I answer moving to find something to eat.

Kaylee just stand there, a sleeve in front of her mouth. It looked like she was chewing on it a little as she nods slightly, watching the three of us. “Kaylee hun come here” my mom says beckoning her over. She glances at me, looking slightly nervous as she moves over to my mom. What’d she want with her? I wondered to myself as I get some cereal to eat. 

My mom just smiles and engulfs Kaylee into a hug. She blinks and just stands there awkwardly for a moment before hugging back a little bit and letting go quickly, moving back a bit. Mom just smiles warmly at her before getting up “Well, I bet your wondering where your clothes are. I’ll go get them for you” she says heading out. Kaylee nods “Thank you” she murmurs as my mom walks out. 

I turn to Kaylee “Hey, what do you want for breakfast and are you up for school or you not ready to go back?” I ask walking over and setting my things on the table, looking over at her. She just shrugs slightly “Um...just an apple and I don’t know....” she answers softly looking at the floor, the sweater sleeve back in front of her mouth. 

I smile at her and ruffle her hair a little as I walk back to the kitchen “Okay, just a minute then. I’ll fix something up. Have a seat, and no arguing. Dad, come help me?” I ask glancing over at Kaylee then my dad. He smiles and gets up, walking over to me as Kaylee sits down. 

“Whats with the personally change?” he asks me softly as we get to work. I shrug slightly “Not sure...might be cuz of last nights thunderstorm. It scared her to death” I murmur in reply as I start making eggs. I smile and shrug again “Don’t worry, I’m sure Eve told you something about her last night” I say raising an eyebrow. He laughs and just nods, heating up the pan for me. 

I smile and quickly whip up some eggs for her, bringing the plate over and setting it in front of her. Dad leaves the the room for a few minutes before returning with his work bag “Have a good day girls, I’m off to work” my dad says hugging me and Kaylee before heading out.

“Have a good day sir” Kaylee says smiling a bit. I grin and wave to my dad “Have a good day dad” I add before sitting next to Kaylee to eat breakfast. We eat quietly in silence as the TV runs in the background in the other room. My mom walks in and sets Kaylee’s dry clean clothes next to her before walking out. 

Once we were done eating, I clean the table up while she changes her clothes. I look up as she walks out, dressed in her black jeans and shirt but my sweat still on. I grin at this and walk over “You like that sweater huh?” I ask. She nods shyly and hands my sweat pants and stuff back. 

I take them and lead the way back to my room, dropping them in the hamper “You ready to go back to school?” I ask as I watch her pick her papers and books up, sticking them in her bag, all of it dry now. Her phone was next to her, lighting up every few seconds as  text from who know who comes in. 

She nods slightly “Yeah, I’m ready. You coming?” she asks with a smile, turning around to look at me. I laugh and pick my own bag up “Sure am, lets take my car” I say picking up my keys. 

She agrees and we head off to school, arriving with a few minutes to spare. I walk her to her first class, making sure she would be okay before heading to mine. I’m stopped by Isabella and the rest of the gang.

“Why’d you bring her to school? In your car?” Luke asks making a face. I shrug slightly “She needed a ride” I answer, half lying. Vivi sneers “Yeah right. We’ve been talking and thinking about this” I blink “about what?” Cody jumps in “about you hanging with a looser like her” I frown. Where was this going? “If you wanna keep staying in our group, you have to do a couple things” Isabella says smirking “One; Stop hanging out with her”  Luke says “Two; ignore her” Vivi says next “three; ‘crawl’ back to her then break her heart” Cody says crossing his arms “Four; rough her up some after school one day” Isabella says. “Or do you own version of mean things and you’ll be good” they add

I stare at them in shock. They wanted me to do this to her!? But she was a good friend and I kinda liked her...”W-what!?” I sputter looking at them still a bit shell shocked. They all nod “Do this in that order, then we wont question you. You are after all the Queen Bee around here” Isabella says smoothy with a smirk as they all turn to walk off to class “Oh and, don’t tell anyone else about this. Or someones gunna pay” Cody says cracking his knuckles.  Luke nods behind him, punching his hand and looking a bit excited. They walk off and I just stand there alone, watching them go. 

“Well, looks like your in a tough spot. But if you truly know what you want, then this should be easy” someone says behind me. I jump and spin around, eyes widening more as I see who it was. 

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