Chapter 12- The Sunset

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Kaylee's POV

For the next hour, we swam around chatting idly and enjoying the water. Diving under the surface we looked around at the plants and fish that thrived. Her interaction with me was different from it was before which lead to me believing she'd been thinking while I had but about what? I could feel her eyes on me often enough which made me slightly uncomfortable but I chose to ignore it.

I caught her a couple times and just raised an eyebrow, silently asking her to ask, well more like half daring her too. Each time she just looked away and said it was nothing to which I just shrugged at. For once I didn't bother trying to hide it all. Sure I felt a bit self conscious but whatever, I could deal with it.

Catching her again, I looked at her as she looked away and at some other random thing that didn't exist. "Hey, you ready to go?" I asked glancing at the sky. Nodding, we swam over to the shore. "Sure am but how do we get back up there?" she asked pointing to the cli that now loomed over us a few hundred feet in the air. "Just follow me" I say with a smile.

After climbing out of the water, I leaned over and held my hand out to her. She hesitates before clasping it lightly. Gripping hers firmly, I pulled her up and out of the lake, earning a surprised look from her. "Don't worry, I got you. Now let's go before we freeze to death out here" I say as a cool breeze passes by.

Jessica visibly shivers while I just stand there, not bothered by the cool air at all. Slinging an arm around her, I looked over as she tensed. "Relax, I'm just sharing warmth. Let's go before you freeze" I say with a smirk.

Her cheeks flare up in color but she doesn't protest as we make our way up the cliff side to the top. Not much is said as we walk a well walked path. A few times, Jessica stops to look at some plants or try and get closer to an animal. At the rate we were going, it took a good hour for us to reach the top. Once at the top, we change back into our clothes quickly and she wanders off to look at some flowers or something.

"Come here, I've got one more thing to show you" I call motioning her over next to me. Looking up, she runs of curiously. "What is it?" she asks curiously. "Look" I say motioning to the scene that was presented in front of us across the lake.

In front of us, the sun was setting, sending fiery streaking of deep orange across the slowly darkening sky. The sun slowly sank behind the forest, giving us the illusion that it was closer to us then it really was.

Jessica stood there quietly, only a low gasp slipping past her lips when first hit with the sight. "It's amazing" she breathes, watching the sky. Smiling, I sit down behind her, watching her as she watched the sunset. Her silhouette seemed to glow around the edges. Picking my phone up, I took a couple more pictures as the wind picked up a bit.

Noticing her wet hair was all tangled, I stood and walked over with a handy comb in my hand to start pulling the knots out. "Where the heck did you get a comb?" she asked while giving me a weird look. I shrugged and laughed some "I just tend to keep one with me" I reply. She nods slowly, giving my a look of pure skepticism. "Right..."

Rolling my eyes I just comb her hair out gently, humming softly. Her hair was soft, even softer as it slowly air dried. Being careful not to yank her hair, I worked slowly and once done, wrung her hair out a bit to get rid of any lingering water. Smoothing my hand over her hair and running the comb through it one last time, I leaned back.

Looking around her, I looked at the sinking fireball as it threw shadows everywhere only to eat them up and make them disappear. Glancing at Jessica, I watched as she took a few pictures, eyes still transfixed on the sky. She shivered a moment later as another cool breeze flew by. Leaning on my back, I grabbed my jacket and gently wrapped it around her shoulders. "Thanks" she murmurs. "Nah, it's nothing" I say brushing it aside some like it was nothing even though it was something.

For once in my life, I felt like someone actually cared. I knew my best friend did of course, she knew all about my past and my struggles. Eve is her name, and she's been by my side since forever. Ever though she's a year older then I am and a lot busier then me, she always finds time to check in and spend time with me.

We'd found each other years ago, both of us struggling a bit with life. I helped her as much as I could and look where she was now. An amazing softball and basketball player, 3rd degree blackbelt in martial arts, has several scholarship offers and an amazing boyfriend who as sweet as can be.

I've never see her in a romantic way, probably just because we were so close. If anything, she was my sister. The big sister I'll never have. Always watching out for me, making sure I'm okay and all that. I loved her in that way and nothing more. Our bond was quite unique I'd like to say. And I knew she felt the same.

Shaking my head and smiling to myself for a moment, I leaned forward and daringly wrapped my arms around Jessica from behind. Together we watched the sun finally sink behind the trees, throwing this side of the world into the dark and signing the ending of another day. The best part? Jessica didn't get mad and tell me off. Maybe I still have a shot with her but you never really know. 

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