Chapter 29- Regrets?

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Jessica’s POV

After walking away from talking to Eve, I skip my first class and just go to my second as I think about all this. Both things meant a lot to me, my popularity and Kaylee. I frown slightly and walk to my next class, thinking to myself. I smile as I see Kaylee standing in the door way looking a bit confused and walk over to her. 

“Hey Kay, you alright?” I ask tipping my head slightly. She blinks and smiles, nodding a little “Yeah I’m okay. Just thinking for a moment” she answers, walking into the room for me to follow after. I watch as she heads to her usual seat in the back of the room and move to follow her until Isabella walks in and gives me a look.

I stand there on the side of the room, looking around as I think to myself. I sigh to myself and remember that at least one of my “friends” were in my every class so they’d all be reminding me about this. I glance back at Kay to see her riffling through her papers and take this chance to move to a seat kinda in the middle of the classroom. I quickly pull my things out and face forward, looking at the front board as the teacher starts to talk. 

As the class goes in, I steal glance back at Kay and see her just sitting there, taking notes now an then. Other then that she didn't seem to be paying much attention. At one point, she catches my gaze and holds it for a few moments. I blink and turn away, looking down at y paper to scribble a few notes. I could feel her gaze on me, making me a but uncomfortable. I couldn't go back now, I had to follow through with the ordeal. 

The class drags on an I can feel her looking over at me now and then. As soon as the bell rings I dart out and was to my next class. I could do this, we only met and had to interact because of the stupid project that was over now. She wasn't of my social class anyway. 

I sigh as the day drags on, going class to class and just sitting alone. I never realize that Kaylee was in like half my classes. I could always feel her eyes falling on me quite often. I also never realized how inch I missed talking to her. She was good company ad a good friend too. I frown to myself as I sit in our second to last class. Maybe this wasn't a good, no it was. I had to be accepted by my other friends. 

"Hey Jess, where's Kaylee?" Cody asks me when we were just sitting around after our class work. He knew Kaylee could hear us and probably was listening. I frown a little as he smirks devilishly at me. I raise an eyebrow "Um, I dunno who you lure talkin about Cody" I answer forcing a laugh. Ge laughs as well "Here, I'll point her out. Watch this" he say pulling things from his bag. I watch confused for a moment until I figured it out. He was gunna publicly humiliate her. "Wait Cody-!" I start but it was to late. He pulled a string, pressed a couple remote buttons and grinned meanly. 

A bucket of cold water fell from the feeling, an audio recording sounded of thunder crashing and lightning crackling all around where Kaylee was seated. I watch as she doesn't flinch to much at the water but completely freak out when the auto came on. She jumped from her seat and fell over her bag trying to get away from where ever the sound was coming from. Our gazes met and hold for a few moments before I look away, not being able to hold her pleadingly look. 

I look at Cody who was laughing his head off and smirking at me. I laugh weakly and nod "Oh, that Kaylee" I half mumble looking down. "Congrats Jess, I video recorded this to Isabella and she texted saying that you can stay in our group miss queen bee" Cody say sneering slightly. I didn't say anything as I went back to work and watched as a couple other people helped get  to the nurse and councilor to calm down. I couldn't tell if she was crying or not due to the water that had been dumped on her. 

I should feel good since I was back to where I was, The queen bee around here. So then why did I feel so bad and not at all happy? I was so lost in thought, the bell startled me, causing me to jump slightly in y seat. Cody laughs "Chill Jess it's just a bell. unless you're scared of them" he says laughing. I frown an just get my things and walk out of the room and to my locker. There I'm greeted by Jake who doesn't look to happy. 

"Hey Jake what's up?" I ask faking a smile. He doesn't return the smile "I heard what happened in there. The whole schools know most likely by now" he say flatly. I blink and give him a confused look"What how-" he holds his hand up stopping me "Your so called friends posted sent it around to a few people. Kaylee's crying and she went home already. She walked. In soaking wet clothes. In like 50 degree weather. Oh and she told me to tell you to leave her alone and don't bother coming around. And she hopes your happy with what you've done. " Jake tells me. I close my locker and slowly turn to face him. "So she hates me now?" I ask stupidly. He just shrugs "Better watch our for Eve now. And you better have a good excuse or a good way to fix this or you are sooooo dead" he adds. 

I sigh and slump against my locker, running a hand through my hair. "What do I do? I didn't realize what she really meant to me" I confess looking at me feet. Jake smiles slightly and places a hand on my shoulder “Well, why don’t you start with explaining what exactly happened to Eve and maybe you can convince her to let you talk to Kaylee. Knowing Eve, you’ll have to be really convincing because otherwise, you ain’t getting anywhere near Kaylee” Jake says with a slightly laugh.

I just give him a skeptical look and stand up again, adjusting my bag. I sigh and nod “Alright…I’ll see if I cant talk to them soon…” I agree, getting ready to leave. “JESSICA NIGHTS, DONT YOU DARE MOVE ANOTHER FOOT!” someone screams down the hall. I freeze and turn around slowly to see Eve storming down the hall with some guy behind her, holding her things and looking quite serious. I was so in for it now.

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