Chapter 25- Lost Child

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Eve’s POV

School was over, sports practices were over, and no sign of Kaylee. I stood there outside the school, hands on hips as I survey the students walking out of the building to the buses. I texted her a couple times but got no reply which meant something was up since she always replied with in seconds. Where the hell was this girl!? Had something happened?

I spot Jessica with her usual bitchy friends. I didn’t get why she hung out with them, I mean they were all so mean. She breaks off to say hi to Jake and talk for a moment before heading to her bus Jake was a good kid, I knew him fairly well and we got a long. 

“Hey Jessica!” I yell over the crowd. She turns her head towards me and I wave her over. She blinks a little confused but walks over never the less. “Hey Eve, you needed something?” she asks tilting her head. I look at her, studying her for a moment “Have you seen Kaylee at all today?” I ask finally. She pales slightly, I raise an eyebrow. 

She stands there in front of me, looking a bit nervous “Well come on, spit it out. I haven’t got all day” I say promptly looking at her. “Um...well, I saw my friends bullying Kaylee near the gym. They roughed her up a bit then she got up after they went away but looked like she was in pain. But instead of going to class she walked right out of the building” she answers quickly. 

I swear so many curses in less then a minute. I turn to punch something ten see its a lamp post ad is break my hand if I punched it. Gritting my teeth I run a hand through my hair. "Okay, I have a job for you. Keep an eye out for her. If you see and it talk to her, call me and tell me where she is" I say scrawling my number on a scrap pice of paper. I walk over to her bus and stick my foot in the door, not letting sever drive off. I turn around to where Jessica still was "well come on! Get on your bus!" I yell. 

She runs over, startled looking and climbs aboard her bus, nodding her thanks to me. I move out of the way and let the driver drive of as I walk over to my car. I get in and check my phone to see my boyfriend, Seth, has texted. I read his text to find out he wants to take me out tonight. I smile and tell him to pick my up at 6. I toss my phone in the seat next to me and speed odd towards home. 

On the way, I stop by Kaylee's house to see that no one was home. No Kaylee, no mother. I sigh and leave, driving home worried about Kaylee now. But I don't dwell on it to much as I pull up and run inside. I check the weather and frown slightly, texting Seth about it. He says we should be fine but if I was to worried I could just come over for dinner or vise versa. I smile and invite him over for a change, putting my phone down to start cooking up some food. 

A few hours later, I've made a spaghetti dinner for Seth, my mom and I. Settin the table up and getting all the plates, cups, bowls and utensils along with napkins, I check my phone again to see a text from Jessica. It was short and simple, just reading. 

Saw Kaylee and talked to her at her work in the library/book store. Seems okay. Offered a rise home, got declined, she walked off in other direction. Skies are angry looking. 

I frown as I read that and decide to do nothing for now. It seemed like she was off to her second job but it was the weather that worries me. I text her back, just thanking her before setting my pone down again to get the door as someone was knocking. I'm greeted with Seth and my mom who had arrived at the same time. I smile an welcome them both in, serving dinner and striking up conversations with the two of them. 

Dinner goes on for an hour or so and then we sit there for awhile longer, just chatting and having a nice evening. We're interrupted by a flash of lighting and the sound of heavy rain coming down. No thunder sounds just yet but one look outside showed it was really bad. I frown and jump up suddenly, grabbing my phone to check it. No texts from either girl. This meant Kaylee probably wasn't home yet. 

I curse and run back into the dining room. By now both my mom and Seth look worried and ask what's wrong. "Thunderstorms plus Kaylee do not mix well" I say running up stairs to grab an arm full of towels. By the time I got back down, Seth had my car keys and rain jacket and my mom hand my phone which of left in the kitchen. They both knew about Kaylee and I knew Seth didn't feel threatened by her. He knew I saw her like a little sister. In fact, he felt like it was his duty to help her and be there for her like me. Same with my mom, she adored Kaylee as much as she adored Seth and I. She was a great mom. 

Kissing Seth quickly and my mom on the cheek, I run out to my car, spreading the towels across the backseat and setting a few in one of the seats. I tell Seth to check Kaylee's house and my mom the wearer and for both to send updates. I call Jessica several time, we finally picking up the 5th time I called "Hello?" She answers sounding slightly annoyed. I roll my eyes "Met me in front of your house. Make an excuse to get away. Hurry up, I'll be there in 10, no 5" I say speeding if to Jessica's house. 

Seth calls to say no one was at her house. I sigh and tell him to wait at my house. My mom calls after and says the storm is I only going to get worse. I thank her and hang up as I pull I I Jessica's drive way. Thunder crashes and I flinch slightly at how loud it was. I see Jessica and honk my horn at her. She runs over and dives into the passenger seat. 

I drive off before she can even buckle up, speeding off in the direction of Kaylee’s second job. Thunder crashes again and my expression grows more and more worried. I hoped Kay was okay, she was terrified of thunder. Why the heck would she go out on this job when there was expected wether like this!? “Where are we going and be careful!” Jessica says, pulling me from my thoughts.

I dismiss the driving part and keep speeding along. “To get Kay” I answer slamming on the breaks to avoid another car. We skid to the side, just missing them. I just laugh as they curse at me, shaking a fist and looking so mad. I just wave and drive off again, glancing over at Jessica who looked so pale. I laugh again but it fades away and I grow serious. 

“You have to be careful” I say looking out the window. Jessica blinks and looks at me, tilting her head. “What...?” she inquires puzzled. “Kay isn’t someone you can play with” I continue on as I drive. Jessica stays silent. “She’s already broken and scared. She’s put a lot of trust in you already. Maybe because she feels she can trust you or because she’s got this insane crush over you. But either way, don’t mess it up, whatever you do. Wether you stay friends or not, don’t fucking mess it up or I swear I will kill you” I threaten glancing over at her. She just nods, looking paler and I go on. 

“Don’t assume she’s okay if it doesn’t seem or look that way. Keep pressing on it until she either stops talking or snaps at you. Then wait a moment or two before going onto something else. She’ll act like its okay but it probably isn’t, she’ll tell you when she’s ready” I say thinking of what else to say. There wasn’t much really, it seemed like a lot sometimes. 

“Oh, and she’s terrified of thunderstorms” I say with a slight smile. “Now, is it possible that she can stay at your place tonight?” I say changing the subject before she could ask anything. Jessica blink “Um..I can ask my parents. What do I say?” she say pulling her phone out. I nod slightly “Let me talk to them, you look outside for her” I say taking her phone once she’s dialed her parents. 

“Hello, Jessica?” her mom answer. “Hello, this is Eve, a friend of Kaylee’s and Jessica” I answer. “Oh hello Eve, how can I help you?” her mom says. I grin, this lady was awesome, I could tell. “Kaylee’s mom is out of town and need a place to stay tonight and maybe a couple more and she can’t stay at mine since I’m busy with collage applications and such” I say, coming up with a random half true lie. 

There’s a pause and talking in the background, I assume it was her husband. “Yes, that’s fine. We’d love to have her over” her mom says after a few minutes. I smile “Great, thank you Mrs. Nights, see you in a few” I say hanging up. “There she is” Jessica says right after I hit the end button. I look out and sure enough, there’s Kaylee. 

A/N--sorry that took so long :p i've been a bit lazy and still have summer hw xD also, i edited chapter 4 and 5, making the horses Jessica's and not kaylee's. i realized in chapters in 21 and 22 i said 'jessica's horses' 

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