Chapter 32- Coming to Conclusions

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Jessica’s POV

After Eve and Jake left, I just stood there in the hall way, looking at nothing. My mind was just barely wrapping around all the recent events that had happened. I couldn’t believe what I did and I had no idea how to feel. Well, no actually, not true. Seth’s words had really hit home. I guess I hadn’t fully seen the consequences of my actions. Stupid, stupid me. 

I finally stand up and adjust my bag, walking out the front doors and to my car numbly. I drive home silently, thinking about what I should do. I knew I’d be greatly risking it if I went to go see her. I doubted she even wanted to see me now anyway…I sigh and pull up in front of my house, getting out and walking in. 

My parents greet me, asking if I had a good day and such. I just shake my head as I set my things down. “What would you do if you really messed up on a friendship and now you can’t even say sorry with out possibly getting “killed” by their hypothetical parents?” I ask looking at them. They just look at me for a moment, looking slightly appalled by the question. 

“Well….I guess you’re kinda stuck hun. You have to figure out what’s really important to you and what the outcomes will be for both sides. Make a pro and con list if needed for what you decide. If whatever your decision has more cons then pros, its probably not the best choice. It may be the choice you choose seems better but doesn’t have the greatest outcomes. Look past what people are saying and ask yourself what you want.” My mother advises me with a small smile. 

I sigh and nod, picking my things up again and trudging up to my room. I sit at my desk and swivel around in my chair, looking around my room, just thinking. It was once a upon a time where Isabella and the others actually were pretty cool friends. I remembered the great times we all had, sleepovers, parties, pranks, and just having fun to gather as friends. I don’t remember when that all changed though. Everything was different now.

As I gaze around my room, I realized that new people, better friends then ones I had now, had walked into my life. I lean back in my chair, smiling slightly as I remember these memories and fun times I had with these new people. In my heart I knew what was right but was I ready to actually say what I wanted? 

My phone rings, pulling me from my thoughts. I jump up and dive onto my bed, grabbing it and rolling over as I look to see who it was. I was half hoping it was Kaylee or something but I sorta doubted it but hey, I can hope. I see it was just Jake and sigh, answering it anyway. 

“What’s up?” I answer rolling onto my back, looking up at the celling

“Not much, just called to check up on you” 

I roll my eyes “I’m fine Jake” i mutter

I hear a scoff “Right right, well how’d Eve take the whole thing?”

I groan and proceed to tell him what happened after he ran off. He just laughs when I get mad at him for ditching me with 2 of the scariest people I have ever met. We talk a bit longer, just chatting about whatever. it was nice, being able to forget my current issue. That is until he decided to ask me about it. 

“So, what’re you gunna do about all this?” he inquires 

“I’m not sure Jake, I don’t really wanna deal with it at the moment” 

“Well you’re gunna have to face all this soon. I doubt she’ll be in school the rest of this week so you’ll have to go to her” 

I blink “And why would I do that? I was told to stay away. If I went anywhere near her, I’ll probably get killed by Eve and Seth” I say dryly 

Jake just laughs “So what? If she really means a lot to you, then you would go anyway but if not, well I guess not then. Thats just Eve testing you most likely, to see if you really are fit to be friends with her or something. Seems like something she’d do” 

I make a face and shrug slightly, not that he could see it but whatever “I don’t know…I’d like to keep living a bit longer you know?” 

“Haha, very funny. Seriously Jessica, stop being stupid and go get what you want

I sigh and run a hand through my hair “Fine, I’ll go see her eventually. Just not now” I mutter

“Fine. It better be soon” he answers “I gotta go now, good luck and see you tomorrow” he adds before hanging up. I nod and slip my phone into my pocket, heading out onto the balcony, looking out over my backyard and woods. I see the horses running around in the pen, playing with each other a bit. I decide to go and try to talk to Kaylee. I was okay with Eve getting bitchy at me, I guess I deserved it. 

Grabbing a light jacket, I run down stairs and yell into the kitchen that I’d be back in time for dinner before heading out. I jog down the street, turning down a street or two before I spot Kaylee’s house. 

I walk up to it silently, stopping in front of the gate, looking at her house. I think I’d been in there once if I remembered correctly. It was a nice homey type house despite it being a lot smaller then my own. I liked it a lot though, you were less likely to get lost. 

I just stand there for a few minutes, thinking to myself again. Should I really be doing this? What if she really hates me now? Would Eve really kill me for going in to see if she was okay? I sigh and run a hand through my hair, I guess there was only one way to find out. 

I slowly open the gate, as if expecting someone to jump out and attack me. I shut the gate and walk up the steps briskly, knocking on the door after a moment or two. No answer. Should I knock again? My hands hitting the door again before I can really think about it. I knock again and this time I hear footsteps. 

Oh gods, she was gunna answer. What is she saw who it was and then just closed the door!? Would she hear me out? I took a deep breath, calm down Jessica. Relax already. I step back and wait nervously, looking at the ground as I wait.  

There’s a pause and I look up, then the door swings open. I’m greeted by a girl whose  eyebrows were raised, hands on hips and giving me a half glaring look. 

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