Chapter 23- Back to school

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Kaylee’s POV

It was the next morning and my mom wasn’t there. I was glad to, she was getting on my nerves a lot lately. I was still amused on how Jessica never figured out it was me last night. I had guessed she knew my voice pretty well by now but I guess not. Eve had already left, leaving me a note on my bed. I texted her once I was back in my room saying I was okay. 

Sighing softly, I change the bandages and forage a note to my gym teacher. It wasn’t that hard to copy my mother’s handwriting or signature. I did it pretty often too. For papers, forms, field trip stuff, permission stuff, report cards, notes home. I wasn’t exactly proud of this skill but in came into handy a lot.

After cleaning my cuts and changing all the bandages, I head off to school, skipping breakfast. White gauze covered my lower torso, upper arms/shoulders, shins, and hands. I knew I’d either get a bunch of stares or a bunch of questions. Either way, I’d be ignoring people.

I sling my bag over my shoulder and grab some money left over, sticking my phone in my pocket. I had to go to work today and work double since I missed a few days from both jobs. 

I worked at the local library/book store. I was a combination of both, run by the same person. I was always there, helping out the owner with whatever she needed. She wasn’t a young women, late 60s i’d say. Very nice and understanding. Business was pretty good, there were always people buying and checking out books. 

My other job consisted of doing more work. It was cleaning windows for a few of the buildings around. There weren’t many tall buildings so they were easy to find. The owner here was actually a friend of dads. He and I rarely talked but he was a nice man. I had called both and told them some lame excuse on why I hadn’t come in and they understood. Both knew I was lying but didn’t press on why or what the real reason was. 

I sigh as I arrive at school, heading to my first class and slinking in and to the back of the room. I rest my head on the table as I wait for the bell to ring. I feel my phone buzz in my pocket and pull it out to see Eve had texted. 

you okay? she had asked

yeah, fine. why?’

her reply came a couple minutes later ‘no reason, just checking. you in school today?’

i sigh softly ‘yep. wanna hang out at lunch or you busy?’

can’t sorry :(  got some collage things to do’

i roll my eyes in amusement ‘rightttt, okay. well have fun with that’ she was probably going to see her boyfriend.

‘i’ll stop by later. gtg now, love you’ she says as the bell rings

‘okay, love ya’ i put my phone away after sending the reply. I look around to see everyone was in class and talking amongst themselves. I stayed alone in the back, not caring on what was going on. 

My teacher walked back to gave me the work I missed and the homework along with it. And todays work on top of it. I got some stares as people walked in, easily noticing my bandages. I ignored them. I hated these teachers for giving so much work. I just sat there doing all the papers while he taught todays lesson which I plainly ignored.

By the end of class I had finished everything, including todays work. I had it in as I walk out, ignoring everyone around me. Head down, jacket around my shoulders, I make my way through the halls to my classes.

They pass fairly fast as I tune out to them all. I just do the work and get on with life. Lunch comes and goes. I see Jessica, Jake and Eve around but I don’t go say hi. Jessica was with her friends, Jake with his and Eve with her boyfriend. I didn’t feel like bothering them so instead I walk outside and lay in the grass, looking up at the sky. 

I think about ditching school for the rest of the day but decide against it since I wasn’t caught up with everything. I sigh and grouch as the bell rings and i head off to gym. I walk through the locker room and out to the teacher, handing him the note which basically said that I’d gotten hurt, duh, and couldn’t do anything for awhile. The teacher nods and just tells me to sit on the bleachers watching or doing other homework. Any misbehaving she’d give me work for gym. 

I nod and sit down, watching the others do the activities a bit, receiving some stares here and there, nothing interesting. I jump up and dart out when the bell rings, heading to my next class. 

I’m pulled to a stop as someone grabs my bad arm. She catches me by the arm and I almost crash into the wall as I’m swung around. I’m face to face with some other popular girl and some other girls and a few guys.

I look at them confused ‘Do you need anything?” I ask puzzled. They sneer and I know whatever’s coming isn’t gunna be good. “What, you don’t remember us?” the girl who grabbed my arm asks. I just stare at her blankly “ I know you guys?” I answer still confused. 

The lead girl snorts “Well, for starters this is Katie, Vivvi, Luke, Cody and Sara. And I’m Isabella. Jessica’s true friends. So stay away from her you freak!” she says smirking at me. I blink, rather confused why they were talking to me about this. As if hearing what I was thinking, one of the boys speaks up. 

“At your soccer game, she said she’d rather wait for you instead of coming to hang out with us” he says, i think his name was Luke. “Yeah, and then Saturday you got her lost” says Vivvi “and then you stayed  over for a sleepover!” says Sara. “Stop stealing her, she’s just a project partner, not your friend” Cody says scowling at me.

I blink again, wow that really hurt. “She offered for me to stay over” I say shrugging slightly “Not my fault she wanted to hang out with me and not you” I say rubbing my arm slightly. Isabella glares at me, just noticing my bandages on my hands “What happened to you freak? Did little Kaylee get a boo boo?” she mocks. The whole group laughs at me.

I glare at her “I don’t have to explain what happened to someone like you. Your just looking for gossip and you just jealous that I got to hang out with Jessica and not you” I retort. The laughing stops and from the looks, I can tell I’’m right “What’d you just say freak?” she growls at me. I smirk “You heard me” I answer smugly as I turn to go. Before anyone else can say or do anything, Isabella’s grabbed my arm, spun me around and slapped me across the face.

Just the force and from me already being spun around nearly knocks me over. I crash into some near by lockers, wincing in pain. She smirks at me “And that’s just a warning” she says before turning around. The others just stare at her and glance at me, looking a little sorry but not really at the same time. They walk off after Isabella and I just sigh, getting up again. At this rate, we were already a few minutes late to class. I had History next and I wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone now.

Getting my things together, I walk out of the school and down to the library. I take the long way around incase someone was watching me. They didn’t need to know where i worked. 

I walk into the library/book store, knocking lightly as I walk in. “Ms. Ava?” I call walking to the check out. She walks out and smiles “Hello Kaylee, how are you doing” she greet me warmly. I smile and walk over, giving her a hug “I’m doing okay. What do you need done today?” I ask setting my bag down. 

She leads me to a cart piled with books “These are returns and the ones in the box are new ones. Just put them on the shelf and if anyone comes in see what they need. I’ll be in the back if you need me” she say smiling. I nod “Thanks Ms. Ava” I say getting right to work. 

Ms. Ava was great. She never asked why I was out early or came late or anything to personal. She obviously knew something was wrong and never pressed the subject. She knew I’d tell her when I was ready. She already knew somethings but not everything. 

I turn on the radio after some time, not to loud, as I work quietly. People come and go, checking out books, returning them or buying them. Time passes and soon schools over but I don’t leave yet. I still have a few hours left. More people trickle in, some High, Middle or grade students. Some collage. I recognize a few kids that go to our school but don’t know each other personally.

I take a quick break to check on Ms. Ava before sitting at the cashiers desk and reading a book of my own.

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