Chapter 3- Game Time!

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Heading down the stairs, I approached the two. Stopping next to Jake, I smiled slightly and waved my hand a little. "Hey guys, Jake can I sit here?" I asked. Kaylee's gaze flipped over to me, surprise flashing through her eyes but that was all. "Hey Jessica" she greets with a slight nod. "Hey Kaylee" I greet in return. 

"Hold up!" Jake suddenly interrupts. "You two know each other? Since when?" he asks in near shock. Kaylee nods" Yeah, we met in History class" she explains briefly before glancing over her shoulder. I just nod and watch her, well more like stare but it's all the same. Turning back around, she catches me looking at her and her cheeks redden slightly. I blush myself having been caught and turn away slightly. Thankfully, Jake wasn't paying attention to anything. 

"Well, I gotta go now. I'll catch you after the game" she says smiling at us. "Good luck!" I call as she runs off, Jake calling his good luck as well. Sitting down, I looked over Jake "What's up Jakey?" I greet.

He laughs "Not much, just here to watch Kay kick some serious ass." he answers with a grin. "They good?" I asked. Jake whipped his head around so fast I thought he'd get whiplash or something "Are you kidding!? They're the best! Ever since Kaylee joined 5 years ago, we've been at the top!" he exclaims. 

How the hell had I missed that? A frown tipped the corners of my mouth as I finally process the information correctly. "Wait 5 years ago? but we're only juniors (11th grade)?" I say totally confused. Jake only laughs "Oh you didn't know? Kay skipped a grade." he answers with a grin. "But she's the same age as most of us, 16 going on 17" he explains glancing over at the field.  

The whistle shrills again and the game starts. I find Kaylee right off the bat, her hair braided down her back now with that expressionless face again. Her eyes held determination as she instantly gained possession of the ball. Shooting down the field, faking out or out running the other team, she finds herself in the goalie box of our opponents. Rather shoot herself, she passes the ball off to the side where one of the other girls on our team suddenly appeared. 

The ball gets slammed into the goal a Moment later, the opposing goalie having no chance to stop to ball from flying in. Cheers go up all around the stands as the girls slap high fives and jog back to their side of the field. Game play resumes and I start to zone out a bit, just thinking to myself some. 

It struck me that it was a bit odd that I was even coming to this game. Normally I'd just go home and wait for her to come over to my house whatever for the project. But here I was watching her play and waiting around for her to be done. It was weird, I wasn't really one to get to attacked to anyone so quickly or in general. I mean, we'd only be working together and all for a couple weeks or something while we did this project. 

My thoughts are broken by sudden shouting and people jumping to their feet, craning their necks to see what was going on. I too jumped up and looked down at the field. There, a small crowd stood around a someone on the ground. Everyone was talking at once and things were moving faster then I could really process. 

A moment later, the crowd parts and someone is helped up and onto their feet. The breath I was unconsciously hold passed through my lips as I saw it wasn't Kaylee. I recognized the girl, Nikki was her name I believe. She seemed okay thankfully, just an ankle injury from the looks of things. Hopefully she'd be okay. Once again, the game resumed, starting with a penalty kick. 

I wasn't really sure why they started with that, I hadn't even seen what happened. Asking Jake, he quickly explained to me, his eyes glued to the field still. Only half of it made sense but I didn't feel like trying to clarify my confusion so I just shut up and watched as the co-cap took the shot. The ball flew in. 2-0.  

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