Chapter 35- What now?

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Jessica’s POV

Needless to say, I was a bit surprised when Eve agreed to letting me apologize to Kaylee and even more let me in the house. Then ever more when Kaylee forgave me. I’d expected them to both say no and tell me off. I was a bit relieved and slightly awaken back on how fast she’d let me back in and start over. 

I shrug to myself as I walk up my front steps, I guess I’ll never really be able to understand why she made the decisions she did. I was startled when she had yelled at me, it was a little weird but I guess I’d been expecting it..sorta. 

I smile slightly as I walk inside, greeting my parents with a brief hello then good bye as I head up to my room. I flop onto my bed and look up at my celling smiling to myself stupidly for some reason. I roll over and grab my phone, calling Jake. 

“What’s up Nights?” he answers. I can hear him flopping onto something, probably his bed. 

I laugh and roll my eyes “Hey Jake, so I went to Kaylee’s house” I say rolling onto my back. 

“Oh you did now? And your alive!” I can just picture him, eyebrow raised, a smirk on his face. 

I nod slightly, not that he could see it, “yeah, Eve answered…and let me in…” I say, going off to explain exactly what had happened while I was there. 

“Well, lucky you. You seriously better not screw up this second chance of Eve might actually kill you. Well not kill you but you know, kill you. In a motherly type way” he says laughing slightly. 

I roll my eyes again “Gee thanks jake, glad to see you care about my life here” I say laughing. I knew I couldn’t screw up this second, I knew I wouldn’t screw up this second chance. I wouldn’t allow this at all. 

Jake just laughs along with me “Well thats good, we still hanging tomorrow?” he asks. I nod slightly “yep, you bet. we going to the movies and mall?” I ask in return. He just grunts “yeah sure, as long as I don't become your dress up doll again” he mutters. I laugh “oh Jake, you know thats definitely gunna happen” I say grinning. He sighs audibly “fine, fine. well i’m off for the night, I’ll see you tomorrow night, Nights” he  says with a laugh. I roll my eyes “Night Jake” 

I smile and hang up the phone, getting up to change into my PJs for the night. I yawn and get under my covers, lying on my side and I settle down for the night. I turn my phone on silent, setting it next to my bed as I close my eyes and dose off peacefully.


It was Monday now, Jake and I had hung out on Saturday and I hadn’t done much Sunday except clean the barn out and spend time with family, pets and do homework. I park my car and jump out, waving to Jake as he hops off the bus. I smile and let him walk off with his friends to who knows where. 

I, myself, head in and over to my locker, wondering where Kaylee was. Normally I saw her coming off the busses but I didn’t see her at all. Maybe I had missed her or something. If I had, I’d see her in class soon enough. I smile slightly to myself and put books in my locker, taking a couple out and sticking them in my bag before walking to class. 

The day passed on, nothing really exciting happened. I didn’t see Isabella or the gang all day and I was actually pretty thankful for that. I didn’t see Eve or Kaylee all day and that got me a bit worried. I hoped they were both okay and wondered where they were.

By the time History came around, Kaylee still hadn’t appeared. All through class, I zone out wondering where she was. Was she sick? Just skipping? I sigh and try to pay attention to the lesson but it wasn’t working. I was just to worried. Which, kinda stupid to say I guess, surprised me a bit. 

I guess I hadn’t realized how much she really did mean to me. I really did care about her and like Jake said long ago, maybe she was someone right for me. As a friend and maybe, just maybe, someone a little more then a friend. She was showing me a different side of life, one that I hadn't really known of. 

I smile to myself as I think about her a bit, jumping slightly when the bell rings, signaling the day was over. I blink and look around, seeing kids running out the door. I shake my head and smile, grabbing my books and walking out to my locker. I put my things away then head to the parking lot. 

On the way I spot Seth, recognizing him as the guy who scared me to death the other day. I bet he’d know where Eve and Kaylee were. I pause before running over to him, slowing down as I got with in a few feet. “Hey Seth!” I call, waving slightly as I approach him. 

He raises an eyebrow slightly and nods in return “Hello Jessica, what’s up? I heard Kaylee forgave you” he states tilting his head slightly, looking right at me. I blink and nod slightly, a bit nervous now. I swear this guy was looking right into my soul and mind. It creeped me out a little but oh well. 

“She did…I’m thankful for that. I wont mess it up, promise” I say with a slight smile. He nods “I’ll remember that. Anyway, did you need something?” he asks smiling slightly. I blink and nod “Oh! Right, have you seen Eve or Kaylee today? I didn’t see Kaylee at all and was wondering if she was okay” I say shrugging slightly. 

He blinks, staring at me “She didn’t tell you? I thought she would've last night but I guess not..shit, okay, I gotta call Eve” he answers then starts muttering the last part more to himself. I give a confused look “What? Are they okay? Did something happen?” I ask worriedly.

He sighs “Look, I cant tell you, its something not for me to tell okay? I’ll have one of them contact you later. For now, just go home or whatever and don’t seriously do not go to Kay’s house until Eve, Kay or I say you can come over. Got that?” he says seriously. I just nod mutely, he nods in return and walks off abruptly, pulling his phone out and calling someone. What was going on?

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