Chapter 5- The forest

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Kaylee's POV

Nothing sounds after Jessica stomps off and I make no move to follow her. I just lay there for a few Moments, trying to figure that girl out. Once Moment she's totally nice and fine and the next she's acting like some prissy bitch. Sighing, i shoved that issue for later and got up to chase down the runner.

Finding her was easy and I just wandered around behind her, far enough so she couldn't hear me. My eyes and ears were on high alert as we walked, listening for things that could either be harmful or helpful. Nothing really sounded, just the footsteps of Jessica and the quiet ones of mine that trailed behind her.

I laughed in my head as I thought about this situation. For almost three years, it'd been like this. just trailing behind and in the shadows of this amazing girl. Never being noticed, never being herd. Oh how this was horribly ironic.

She stops finally, bending over to look at something on the ground. Frowning, I wondered what the heck she was looking at and stepped forward slightly to peer around her curiously. Peaking over her shoulder, I caught a glimpse at what she was looking at. My eyes widened as I instantly recognized the objects. Whipping my head around I looked at where we were. How did I not notice where we were? I would've stepped in a told her to go elsewhere but to late now.

But here were now, no longer lost in these huge woods, standing in a beautiful clearing. Stone bench on one side and a natural pond on another with two gravestones set in the center. It gave the beautiful place a sad kinda look to it all. Wistful memories all hidden there. I knew exactly whose they were and how they got there. The sight of them made me stand frozen in place, my gaze locked in on the sight in front of me.

Expressionless face, I stood there watching as Jessica crouched in front of them. A hand brushing over the names lightly. No connection had been made yet which was slightly shocking but then again, they'd been here for a long time now. They were probably eroded some, covered in dirt and dust, hidden away from the world.

A gust of wind flew by, sweeping up dead leaves into the sky. Jessica stood, her hair scattering around behind her as she turned to look behind her, finding me standing there stone still. I watched as pity slowly encased her gaze, my own turing cold and hard. I didn't ned pity. I didn't even want it. They were dead and gone. Nothing could change those facts.

Jessica flinched slightly at my cold look and we just stood there silently facing each other for a long Moment. The winds died down then sprung up again, swinging my hair around across my face. It almost felt like a scene from a movie. Some dramatic Moment, the climax or something. If a well taken picture was shot of this Moment, it'd certainly be an interesting one.

The ever lasting Moment of stillness broke as I spun heel and walked away, leaving her once again to follow or stay there. My pace picked up slightly and soon I was running. I raced through the forest, my hair flying out behind my as I duck under branches, dodge trees, jump over shrubs. I just went as fast as I could until I did the typical thing and tripped over a tree root and went flying. Tumbling several more feet, I just lay there looking up at the almost dark sky, wishing I could just disappear.

People always see me as someone I know I am not. It's like I'm on a stage and everyone I meet gather down in the audience. Here I am, spinning, tumbling and dancing a dance that is written in stone. Even when the curtain falls, my mask will not fall.

Finally catching my breath and calming down, I heard faint sounds of leaves crunching and twigs snapping. Looking over in the general direction, I watch as Jessica makes her appearance a Moment later. She looked incredibly nervous now, what from I wasn't sure. Offering a small smile, I looked back at the tree tops.

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