Chapter 26- Thunderstorm Terrors

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Kaylee’s POV

I walk down the streets as the skies get cloudier and stormier. I really hoped that it wouldn't rain, it would suck if it did. My second job was cleaning windows up on the tall work buildings and if it rained I'd be outta work for today. 

I walk faster to the building and arrive within the next few minutes. Checking in with my boss, I grab my things and start climbing up the side of the building, cleaning windows. I work quickly but efficiently, making my way around the building. 

Glancing up once in awhile, I see the sky darken even more but no rain falls. I smile slightly to myself, seems like the rain would hold till I was done. I start hum softly as I work, stopping occasionally to rest and look around. 

About 2 1/2 hours later, I was done and the skies had held their rain. I smile slightly and rush inside, putting the window cleaning stuff away and grabbing normal cleaning things for inside the work buildings. 

Cleaning the main lobby and some of the of the office buildings didn't take half as long as the outside. Plus that, there wasn't much to clean up so I finished in like an hour. 

I grab my bag and stop by the bosses office to see e was already gone but my pay check was on his desk. I walk over and pick it up, eyes widening in surprise. I had at least 3 times as much as I normally got paid. I look around and fun a note nearby. Picking it up, I read it quickly. 


I know you work hard an I know home life isn't great. here's a bonus, get yourself a treat 


I grin happily and take the note as well the money, walking out happily. Opening my messenger bag, I open a secluded pocket with a zipper, putting the money in there. Taking the note, I put that in a folder before closing my bag up and head outside. 

Pulling my good over my head, I start the long walk home. And it's just my luck that it starts to rain after I'm like 4 blocks away from the work buildings. Cursing mentally, I just keep plodding along, head down as I watch my feet slap against the cold hard ground. 

I was thankful that it was raining though. I didn't mind it, as long as there wasn't thunder I'd be just fine. So far the rain just came down heavier, making it hard to see through the rain not to mention it was cold rain. My phone buzzes a few times, probably a weather alert. I stop at a bus sip and suck under the shelter to check to weather thing. Yep, expected thunderstorms, heavy rains, fairly strong winds, flash flooding. Great, seems like a hurricane on the way. 

I sigh and stick my phone in a plastic bag and the bag in side my now soaked school bag. I turn and walk back out through the rain, getting a little lost since I couldn't see very well. I jump out if my skin as lighting flashes and thunder crashes. I glance around, peering up at street names as I get back on track, moving quickly through the rain. 

All around me, people are running under shelter, jumping into their cars, diving into buildings, homes, anywhere for shelter. Some people take off in their cars and start driving carefully back to their home. I keep running through the rain, feet slapping even harder against the cold ad wet ground. 

Checking the street names again, I find I've missed my turn so I turn around to try and find it. It was pretty pointless since you could barely see five feet in front of you. But I had to get home soon, before I got sick. Plus I had school work to make up still. 

A car honks at me and I stop looking around for the source of he sound. Car lights break through the rain and I reel back a bit, watching the car carefully. The driver is peering through the window, at me. I blink as I barely recognize Jessica and Eve in the car. Since when did they hang out? And why were they out here in this weather? Didn’t Jessica go home? 

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