Chapter 39- From me to You

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A will? She left one? What’d it say? Did I want to read it? I had to. I nod slowly “Uh..okay, well go ahead and read it then…” I say slowly, glancing over at Eve who wasn’t really displaying any kinda of emotion. Officer Trent nods and picks up a sheet of paper “Alright, it says…”

November 30th

This is the will of Jane Hope Scott. 

Ah well how do I start? Um lets see…Ah!

Regarding my body, my daughter, Kaylee AnnMarie Scott can do what she likes with my body. Bury me, burn me, throw my ashes somewhere, give me to the church yard, whatever. 

If I die young, which if quite likely, I willingly hand over the guardianship to Eve and or her mother. You guys figure it out. I know they will take good care of her. I Eve, Seth and their families to watch over my little girl. 

Let’s see what else..uh..geez, who knew this could be so freaking hard!

To Kaylee, I give you full possession of everything I have and I mean absolutely everything I own. The house is yours as well, there’s a beach house that I own, that is yours too. Do whatever you want with both. I’ve paid off the mortgage and stuff for both buildings so there is no debt to be paid there. There is a bank account for you (Bank account #1). Use that money wisely. 

Let’s see…anything else…? Oh right! 

To Eve, I give you Bank Account #2. Get into a great collage, I know you can do it. Don’t give up, go to the collage of your dreams. 

And…well I think thats it really. Gosh, good luck with this Kay when your old and grey, this is harder then you think! 

Oh and lastly, Kaylee, read the letter and open the freaking box already! I know you haven’t yet so open it already child! Sheesh, even dead and as I write this before my death I already know that letter and box isn’t open. The letter has what I didn’t get to tell you in person and the box something for you, I guess it’s like a last gift you from me. Enjoy!

-Jane Hope Scott

“and that’s all it says” Officer Trent says looking up at us, slight humor in his eyes. Eve and I smile a little too, I guess mom had a bit of her old self left in her. I glance over at Eve, wondering how she took the whole back account #2 thing. I didn’t quiet understand that. Probably in the letter then. 

I sigh a little and look down at the box and letter curiously. Alright mom, what do you gotta tell me thats so important? 

“Should I open them now?” I ask both Officer Trent and Eve. Officer Trent just shrugs “Its up to you really. I can stay or go for this and do as you asked about the coffin now” he says tilting his head slightly. I look over at Eve who smile slightly “Why don’t you open it” she suggests softly. 

I nod slightly and pause “Alright, I will..and officer, stay, go, I don’t mind” I say looking over at him. He smiles and stands “I’ll leave this part to you guys and do as you asked earlier. I’ll be back in an hour or so. That alright with you?” he asks me. I nod slightly “okay..thank you for everything sir” I say smiling a little bit at him. He nods and turns, walking from the house and driving off. 

I felt a bit relieved and less tense and upset about all this. It was strange, taking this so calmly and smiling here and there…I look over at Eve who smiles encouragingly at me. I sigh and open up the letter first. It was dated like 5 different times, the last date pretty recent, a day before her death actually. I read it silently to myself.

August 23 (crossed out) 

September 22 (crossed out)

October 17th (crossed out)

November 25th (crossed out) 

December 8th

Dear Kay, 

I have several things to tell you. Um where to start…uh 

Well first off, the bank stuff. Here’s the explanation for it. 

I created a bank account long ago when you were first born. I wanted to save up money so I could send you to a good collage, anyone you wanted to go to. But things change and both your dad and brother died. 

I can’t say I never did fully turn to the ‘dark side’ . I did for a bit but when you finally screamed at me “I hate you! you will never be my mother!” for the first time, it really brought me to my senses. Obviously I didn’t stop drink and all that but even while doing so, I continued to get money and save it up. 

Then I thought, what about Eve? She’s been a great friend and will make a great mother one day if she decides to. I created the second bank account for her. I felt like I owed her for everything she’s been doing for you all these years. I don’t know what to give her so I thought, why not money to go to a good school? I knew about her home life as well and all that. She deserves to go to a good school. 

That’s why both accounts are there. By now both have probably collected a lot of money. Use it well and wise, got it? Good.

Second, The stair well in the wall, if you haven't found it go look in my office room. Its simple, its a secret. Don’t tell anyone about it. Your best bet is to actually remove the stairs, if someone unwanted get in that could be trouble for you. Otherwise, good luck with that. 

Thirdly, this is a bit late (or on time…or late depending on when you open it), Happy Birthday. Open the box, you’ll find a gift or two I’ve gotten for you. I know it may not be much but I hope you like it either way. 

And last, my apologies to you Kay. 

I just wanted to say I’m sorry. I know just say it isn’t really enough, saying it on paper certainly isn’t enough. I know my behavior the past few years hasn’t been the most responsible or caring. I sincerely apologize your hurting you so much. 

I want to tell you that, even though I wasn’t around to often, I knew what you were doing and I’m proud. No child your age should have to deal with a parent like me. You got yourself 2 jobs to earn money for yourself. You continued to get good grades, kept playing soccer, you kept at it all. I have to say, I really am proud of you.  

I know your brothers and fathers death wasn’t easy on you and I know I wasn’t the greatest help with that. Sure I comforted you a bit but it hurt me to and I didn’t deal with it the right way. I lashed out at you instead and for that I am sorry. 

I want to thank you for dealing with me and my sorry ass all these years. You did nothing wrong to deserve the pain I brought upon you. I hope you can find in your heart to forgive me. Maybe not right away but one of these days, I hope you understand I regret what I did and that I was always thinking about you wherever I went. I know it may have not felt like it but, I love you Kaylee. I always have deep down even tough I didn’t show it very well and I will forever continue to watch over you. 


The End

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