Chapter 8- Confessions?

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Kaylee's POV

I was in the bathroom, pacing around, trying to calm my nerves. I'd overheard Jessica's conversation with Jake, loud and clear. It almost felt good to know there was a possibility she liked me back but that was dulled greatly as she refused to admit whatever it was. Popularity of course, always ruled over everything else. Whatever, I've spent like the last, what, 5 years trying to get over her. Totally been working. Not.

Groaning, I gave up trying to figure things out and quickly got changed. A small smile made its way across my face as my mind replayed the last half hour of the movie. I mean, it was rather embarrassing but I couldn't help that, horror and I did not mix well. The feeling of someone holding me was an old feeling new.

My mother hadn't hugged me in years, hadn't told me she loved me, hardly even spoke to me. In a way, I was envious of Jessica. She had something I desired greatly. But never mind that, I walked out several minutes later in fuzzy socks, PJ pants and a plain t-shirt. Setting my bag down, I found Jessica just sitting on her bed looking off in space.

Clearly she was thinking deeply about something so I said nothing as I pulled a couple things from my bag. I'd come prepared, sleeping bag and pillow since I wasn't sure where I was sleeping. Laying those out, I sit indian style on the floor, playing with the hem on my shirt, unsure what to do now.

"Oh no, you are not seeing on the floor" I jump, startled to hear Jessica suddenly speaking. Looking up, I see her towering over me with a firm look. "Um..okay? I'll seep on the couch?" Ambling to my feet, I hold onto my pillow, hugging it against me tightly. She only laughs and grabs my arm, pulling me back to her bed. "No silly, up here next to me. Far more comfortable. Is that okay?"

I shake my head no while my brain scream yes but proceed to slip back under the covers where I was not long ago. Lying on one side, I tuck my arms under myself to keep warm, my head facing away from her. The bed shifts slightly as she slides in, pulling the covers slightly over herself as we settle down to sleep.

"Night Jessica" I murmur with a soft yawn. "Night Kay" she answers. Eyes barely closed, I lay there completely still as I listened to her quiet breathing. Time passed and it soon evened out, slowing down and barely heard, letting me know she was most definitely asleep now. Rolling onto my back, I stare up at her celling.

I felt rather conflicted about the recent events. My feelings had at one point definitely left leaving behind some silly little obsession type thing but now they were back, far stronger then before. I wanted to just hide away and keep to myself. I didn't want my hopes to rise to high because eventually, everything would come crashing down.

Raising my arms above my head, reaching towards the celling, I looked at them quietly. The once flawless skin was covered in scars, both new and old alike. Even more cuts and bruises lay along my stomach and rib cage. Not all were put there by me though.

Feeling a bit depressed now, I continued to lie there wide awake, left alone with my thoughts. It felt as if no one would ever love me again. Who wanted some depressed poor girl in their life anyway? My sadness turns to anger as I silently scream hate filled curses at my Mother for not being here to take care of me. Hate towards my Dad dying. Hate to my brother for leaving me all alone. But all this anger, it wasn't really anger, it was just sadness.

Pulling myself up and away from the warm bed, I pad over to the window, pushing the curtains aside gently as I peered out. A bright almost full moon sat there in the sky, surrounded by stars. Glancing back at Jessica, I smile slightly and watched her sleep for a moment. She looked peaceful and rather cute.

Turing away, I stepped out onto the balcony quietly as not to wake the other girl and looked up at the sky again. Sitting down in the doorway, I leaned against the frame and just gazed out over the quiet night. A light breeze brushes against my skin lightly, chilling me.

The next thing I know, I'm waking up with a warm blanket over my shoulders. Yawning, I looked around sleepily, wondering what time it was and how the blanket got here. Finding a clock, I saw it was about 3 in the morning and looking down, I found a note attacked to the blanket.

'Hope you sleep well- Mrs. Nights'

I smiled and pulled the blanket around my shoulders, hugging myself tightly for a moment as I made a mental note to thank her in the morning. Getting up, I grab my pillow and move back nea the door, lying down comfortably. Looking at the sky again, I easily fall asleep again.

The next time I woke, it was late morning. The smell of food was wafting up and into Jessica's room, reaching my nose. Rolling over, I see Jessica casually sitting next to my looking at something. Completely caught off guard and paranoid from last nights movie, my mouth opens to let out a startled scream but before it could even be sounded, Jessica's hand was over my mouth, camping down gently.

She looked highly amused as I looked up at her, sleep coated eyes as I smile sheepishly. "Well Good Morning to you to, still a bit scared?" she asked smiling. I nodded slightly, her hand still over my mouth. Relaxing a bit, I move my head over and onto her leg lightly. She tenses slightly for a moment but relax too, removing her hand from my mouth. "Sorry, I couldn't sleep so I moved here to look outside but then I guess I fell asleep and then I woke up at like 3 to fin a blanket on me and saw your Mom had brought it and then I got my pillow and then lay down to fall asleep again and-"

Jessica started laughing, cutting me off and receiving a confused look from me. "It's fine, I know you moved over here. I woke up around midnight to find you gone and freaked out. So I called my Mom up here to help me. She saw you first and said rather wake you, just to leave you be before getting the blanket." she explained. "Oh...sorry about all that" I say with another sheepish smile.

Of course she just waves it aside and smiles "Don't worry about it. Are you hungry?" I just shake my head slightly "Thanks for offering but no" Silence falls over us, not something really unseals by now. Curling up, I pulled the blankets around me a bit higher as I started to doze a bit, not really sure what was to come next.

"Who called last night?" I decided to ask a few minutes later. Jessica tenses for a few moments "Jake" she answers carefully. My head tips to the side "Oh? How come?" I asked wanting to know how she'd answer to this. " reason really" nervousness laced her answer and I just looked at her curiously. "Oh?"

Not pressing the matter any farther, she relaxed. Eventually I just sat up and leaned against the door frame once again, looking outside and just thinking mildly about things. Jessica stood up and went somewhere but I don't move as I sit there dozing.

For the rest of the morning, I slept lightly, hearing things but not processing them as I rested for a bit longer. By noon, it was warmer and the half the day was wasted away. Shedding the blanket, I stepped out onto the balcony and looked around as a warm breeze flew by. Smiling happily, a bounce on my toes a little bit, just stretching out some.

"Enjoying yourself I see" an amused voice says from behind me. Whirling around, I smiled to see Jessica watching me. My cheeks heat up almost instantly but die down soon after. "Well, what do you wanna do since we basically finished our project?" she asks curiously. I shrug and jump up on the railing, looking over the forest.

"Anything is fine by me" I answer mildly. "So helpful" she scoffs with a smile as she came up next to me. I shrugged and looked down at her "You choose, I don't really mind do anything" I reply honestly. My fingers tap my sides lightly, a low hum coming from the depths of my throat as I looked around a moment longer before getting down.

"Let's go the mall or some than" she suggests. Personally I hated going to the mall but if she wanted to go, I'd go along with her. However..."Sure, but what about your friends? Wont they disapprove of you hanging out with me? I mean, your the Queen Bee, Miss Popular of the school and I'm just a looser" I stated bluntly.

Jessica looked rather taken back at that and says nothing for a moment. I really didn't care what people thought of me (for the most part...) but I knew she did. She shrugs slightly "Whatever. I guess I'll have to see what they say. I don't mind, it's only this one time anyway"

I wasn't sure whether to take that as a good or bad thing but I guess I'll just take what I can. "If you insist"

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