Chapters 10&11

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Kaylee's 'Secret Garden'

Kaylee's POV

Hands in pockets, I walk down the familiar unmarked path, a hidden smile plastered across my face. I could hear Jessica crashing through the quiet woods after me, falling in pace next to me a minute later. I say nothing as she huffs, a bit out of breath, muttering curses about the woods. It was rather fun to play games and tease her a bit. Plus, I think she deserved it a bit for putting me through hell at that mall. Good gods could that child shop.

Trudging on, I navigate easily, not at all bothered about dirt and undergrowth. by now it'd gotten fairly thick and I had to push some of it aside to get past it all. I could hear Jessica swearing and complaining about her clothes and shoes and what not but ignored that.

there was still some of the spoiled brat in her even though she seemed to have changed a bit since meeting her. She wasn't as stuck up and snobby as I typically saw her. Of course I'd see that side as soon as we stepped foot back inside out school. Her the Miss Popular and me just chilling on the sidelines.

Her conversation with Jake had sparked both curiosity and hope. Whether that was good or not I wasn't really sure. I wanted to get closer and get to know the real her because I was pretty sure the girl I saw everyday at school wasn't the same one that I've been seeing this weekend. But at the same time I was very content on keeping my distance from her. She didn't need to know about my very messed up life. Her's was so perfect and wonderful, or at least that's how it came across.

The sound of water falling broke me from my thoughts and a smile spread across my face. Picking up seed, I headed down towards the falling water. My secret garden wasn't to far away, I hadn't been here in awhile. It wasn't exactly a garden but what else would I call it? It was a secret either way.

Flowers dotted the grounds, wild and growing wherever they pleased. Trees surrounded the entire area, wildlife learning and thriving off the area. There were two waterfalls, one big and another one a bit smaller not far from the bigger one. Above it all stood a huge cliff.

Green lush grass extended form the edge of the forest to the edge of the cliff about as long as a soccer field. More wildflowers and animals lived up here as well. While the waterfalls spilled into a long winding river, part of it split off under the cliff. There sat a huge and deep lake where ever stranger things lived.

But before we even reached any of that, I stopped and turned to face my companion. "Cover your eyes" I get a look from Jessica. "Just do it, I'll make sure you wont fall" I added, eyebrow raised slightly. Another long moment passes before she abides to my demand. Resting my hand on er shoulder, I lead her carefully to the edge of the cliff.

"It's not much, but I like it here and come often" I say softly, allowing her to open her eyes and look around. Only the sounds of water and birds floated in the air as she stood there taking it all in. While I couldn't see her face, I noticed her stance changed. Going from nervous and tense to relaxed and excited.

"This place is so cool!" Jessica suddenly says, running around excitedly and looking at everything. With a laugh, I pulled my phone out to take a few pictures of her as she looked at some flowers. Grinning, I suddenly dropped my phone to the ground and pulled off my shirt soon followed by my shoes, socks and shorts leaving me in my sports bra and boxers. By now Jessica was looking at me like I was crazy, which I was.

For once, just forgetting about the marks that scattered across my body, I took a few steps back and charged full speed right off the cliff side. As I plummet down towards the water, I hear her shrill scream. Twisting in the air, a laugh echoes the air as I see her terrified expression. Before I know it, my wonderful free fall has come to an end and I land into the cool water.

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