Chapter 24- Library/Book Store Encounter

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Jessica’s POV

I had seen both Kaylee in the hall ways, watching her from the corners of my eyes as I walk to and from my classes and while my friends we talking to me. She just kept her head down, not talking to anyone and ignoring everyone. 

By the time lunch roles around, I look for her, wondering where she was. “Who are you looking for?” Isabelle had asked me. I look at her with a slightly shrug “Kaylee” I answer smiling slightly. She and the rest of the gang scowls slightly “Why?” Cody asks glaring at me slightly. 

“Project” I answer sitting down and eating at my lunch slightly. That was a lie, we’d already finished our project, I just wanted to see if she was okay, I was worried about her.  

I hear Isabelle mutter something but I didn’t catch it. I sigh and sit down, hoping she was okay. I knew I’d see her later in History class but first I had art. I smiled slightly to myself and tuned my friends out. 

“Hey! Earth to Jess!” Luke snaps, looking at me. I blink and shake my head “sorry what was that?” i ask looking at my friends. Isabella gives me a weird look and huffs, rather annoyed. Luke just shakes his head and sighs, “Nevermind” he mutters. 

Isabella suddenly stands up, the other following. I blink and watch them walk off, saying they’d see me later. I frown, wondering what they were up to. Waiting until they left, I get up and follow them out after them. 

I get lost though, loosing them pretty fast. Sighing, I head to next class, wondering what was going on. I wanted to know and I had a feeling it wasn’t a good thing. Math flies by quickly and I dart out of the room to hunt my friends down.

I walk down the halls, past classrooms, looking for them. I text Katie, asking where they were and she says they were meting at the gym. An eyebrow raises, what could they be doing there? 

I turn around and jog in the other direction, wondering what was going on. The halls clear out as kids run off to their classes. At this rate, we’d all be late to our next class but I didn’t really mind. 

I soon hear voices and slow to a stop. I hear Isabella and the gang talking to...Kaylee? I blink and peek around the corner to watch everything unfold before me. 

I watch as Isabella calls her a freak, and Luke, Vivvi, Sara and Cody spit at her. I glance over at her to see she was rather confused and just tired. I wanted to run over and defend her but that could be costly to my popularity. I mean already hanging out with her was bad enough. 

I frown as Jake’s words come back to me. Look past your ‘popular’ status and really think about this. I frown slightly and think to myself, wondering what was more important: Kay or my popular status. 

I knew Kay should be the answer hands down but something kept nagging me and saying she wasn’t worth it. A beaten, broken, run down girl...but there was more to that, I could see that. Why did this have to be hard?! It didn’t have to be, I knew that in the back of my mind but being me I was just afraid. 

I blink as my supposed friend slaps Kay so hard she crashed against the lockers. Her shirt rides up for a second and I see white bandages, wrapped around her and her arms. My eyes widen and I was pretty sure only I saw that. 

I hide again as they turn and walk off to their next classes, all late but I knew they could easily worm their way out of getting a detention or even in trouble. I look back and see Kay walking off, leaving the school. 

I take a step after her but decide against it, turning around and running off to class. I knew I could get out of trouble easily but the scene I had just witnessed was bothering me and I couldn’t focus on anything.

The last two periods pass by quickly. Kay didn’t show up for History so I knew she had ditched the rest of the day. I wondered where she had gone. Home? I kinda doubted that but I wasn’t sure. 

I walk out and jump into my car before driving off to pick up some books for my parents from the library/ store down the street. I pick up my phone, glancing at it for a moment, debating wether or not I should ask my friend what they were up to. 

I decided not to as I pull into the lot. I sigh, sticking my phone in my pocket and walking into the store. I enter and glance around, my eyes landing on the girl who was at the cash register stand. I blink and peer close, she looked so familiar. I watch as she sets her book down to check out someone. 

I gasp softly as I recognize Kaylee. I dart behind a book shelf before she look my way. What was she doing here? Wait, she said she had two jobs...was this one of them? It had to be! I sigh softly and shake my head, laughing softly to myself. 

At least it was a decent job, I had expected something more horrid and awful but at least she seemed pretty happy and content working here. I straighten up and walk out from behind the book selves, walking over to the front desk behind the other costumer.

He leaves and I move up slightly, standing in front of Kaylee with a slight smile. She looks up saying “Hello how may I help-Jessica!” she says looking very surprised and like she’d just seem a ghost. 

I laugh slightly, a tad nervous. What the hell was I nervous! I smile and wave “Hey Kaylee, I’m here to pick up my parents books...?” I say tilting my head as she just stares at me with an unreadable expression. She nods and walks out from behind the desk and into a room briskly before I can say anything else. 

I hear her talking to someone for a moment or two, laugher following. I blink as she reappears with a slight smile on her face as she sets my parents books on the tables. Scanning them and ringing up the total she does in complete silence. 

I watch her curiously, zoning out as I ask myself millions of questions. “Here are your books” she says softly pushing towards me a little. I blink and snap out of it, smiling at her “Thank you” I say handing her the money to pay for them. She nods slightly and hands me change back. I shake my head “Nah, you keep it for yourself” I say picking my books up. 

She just looks at me again with that blank look before frowning slightly “Um..I’m not allowed to keep the change for myself. Either you take it or leave it as a donation to this shop” she says holding the change. I shrug and take it, knowing I’d find a way for her to keep it. 

I smile “So, this is where you work huh?” I ask leaning against the desk. She nods, watching me curiously. I grin “You off the clock yet? I could give you a life home” I offer. She glances at the time on her phone, texting something quickly before looking back at me. “I am but no thank you. I have to stop by somewhere else before going home” she answers. 

She disappears behind the door again, talking to her boss no doubt. An elderly lady walks out. Well she wasn’t that old, she just wasn’t middled aged. Whatever, wither way she spoke to Kaylee kindly, handing her money. Kaylee just frowns and says it wasn’t payday so why the money.

The lady just laughs and tells her it was for coming in early working so hard. After a moment or two Kaylee sighs and takes the money, thanking and surprisingly, hugging the lady before grabbing her bag and heading out. 

I gawk for a moment before grabbing the books and rushing out after her. I ditch the books in the car and call out to her “Hey Kaylee! you sure you don’t want a ride?” I ask tilting my head. 

She pauses, looking at me for a long moment before shaking her head. “Thank you but no thank you” she says so softly I almost didn’t hear it. I frown slightly and glance at the sky “It’s gunna rain though” i say watching her. 

She shifts under my gaze, looking a little uncomfortable. “Don’t worry, I’ll be fine” she says before turning and walking off. I raise an eyebrow and watch her go, wondering where she was off to now. 

I just shake my head, rather amused as I get in my car and head home for the day. Kaylee was one interesting girl, that was for sure. 

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