Chapter 16- Welcome to Hell

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***warning: has as child abuse***

Kaylee’s POV

I smile softly as I leave her house, biding her parents good night. They start to worry a bit when I mention that I was walking home but I told them not to worry. They finally let me go but of corse very worried and told me to give them a call if anything happened. 

I walk down their drive way and onto the side walk as I walk home slowly, thinking about today a bit. I really enjoyed it and had fun for real for once. I glance at my phone for the time and see that Eve has called and texted zillion times. Laughing softly as I shake my head, I figure I should text her back or something so she doesn’t worry. She knows about everything and is the only one who does at the moment. 

I glance at the time and see it was about 10pm. And there was school tomorrow. I shrug carelessly, oh well, I’d be fine. I hoped I hadn’t kept Jessica up to late....I remember I’d pretty much sang her to sleep. I smiled a bit at the thought as I walk up to my door. 

But the smile is instantly gone as I see a light on inside. That could only mean two things: One, my stupid mother was home. Or two, someone was stealing (not that they’d find much). I walk up the steps carefully, peering inside.

I frown, not being able to see the person and end up deciding to just walk in. I had a feeling it was someone I knew at least. Walking in, I head to the kitchen to get something to drink before heading to bed. 

As I turn the corner, bam, there stands my mother, clearly drunk as hell and upset about something. Shit, I curse in my head. Well this wasn’t a very good situation at all. 

Turning around she looks at me with out seeing for a moment “Kaylee AnnMarie Scott! Where have you been!? I’ve been worried sick!” she suddenly say, yelling at me. My gaze hardens into a blank expression as I look at her. 

“Why does it matter? You’re not worried at all! Your just drunk, go to bed!” I snap though clenched teeth. What did I do to deserve this poor treatment from a bad excuse of a mother? 

She glares drunkenly at me, becoming a bit sober as she starts to yell back at me. THat wasn’t the best sign, it meant she would only get madder and I’d probably go to get all sore and bruised up again “Don’t you dare talk to me that way! I am your-” 

“No! You are no mother of mine! Your just the women who gave me life and thats all” I hiss coldly, interrupting her before she could finish. If she wouldn’t disown me, which she could have already done for all I know, I’ll disown her. She is not someone who deserves to called a mother to me. 

“Yes, and if it wasn’t for me, you’d never be born! So shut up and don’t you dare talk back to me!” she snaps back becoming livid. I laugh coldly “Well then, mother, I wish I’d never been born and you never lived!” I say harshly. 

Having enough of this already, I glare at her “Good Night you daughter of a bastard” I spit before turning and heading out to my room. 

She blinks and looks at my retreating back “Kaylee AnnMarie Scott, if you don’t want to wake up with out any bruises on your pathetic excuse of a body, get your ass over here right now” she threatens slowly. 

I freeze and stand there in the door way, weighing my options. If I left, she’d come after me and hit me or something. If I stayed, everything would turn into a scream match and she’d eventually hit me. It was a loss either way. 

I think I’d rather skip the yelling so I unfreeze and keep walking to my room with out a word. I hear her start curing me out more threats but I pay no attention, I new she’d forget them when she woke up. 

In a flash, her foot connects to my back, casing me to fly forward and face first into a wall. Well, this is great, she’s super mad. Maybe I should have stayed for the yelling. Picking me up my the collar of my shirt, she drags me into our den and tosses me roughly to the ground like I was just a pice of trash. Which I was in her eyes. 

I just lay there, expression blank as I look up at her. “Listen carefully you worthless trash,” yep, see told you. “don’t you ever talk back to me. I am your mother and have control over you” she hisses, leaning down to slap my face. 

My head whips to the side and my cheek starts to swell, turning red. I turn my head, looking at her as I sit up. “And what if I do?” I ask looking her dead in the eye. She just smiles cruelly and throws a few punches at me. 

I can’t do anything except cover my face and curl up, trying to protect vital organs as she mercilessly beats me. She stops abruptly and walks into the kitchen. I groan and roll over, looking to where she went, my vision a bit blurry. 

My head was throbbing and everything was hurting. I hear a cabinet open and a bottle being removed. I close my eyes and let out a soft sigh. She was getting more beer or whine or whatever it was. 

I hear her walk back in a few minutes later, drunk again already as she kicks me a few times. “Get up you sad excuse of a daughter!” she yells kicking me again, harder. I don’t move, knowing she wanted me to get up only to knock me down. She took pleasure in seeing me cry, seeing me in pain. 

I refused to give in so I just lay there, looking up at her as she continued to kick me. I could fight back, I could try and throw some punches. But what good would that do? I would not stoop to her level. 

“Get up now or else” she hisses, getting really mad at me. I didn’t want to find out what the ‘or else’ part was so I got up slowly. I stand there, looking her in the eye, defiantly. She hits me in the face but I don’t fall this time. I stumble back a little but righten myself right away. 

She reaches forward with her free hand and grabs my shirt collar “Listen up idiot, you will not disrespect me or you will receive consequences.” she hisses. I could smell the alcohol and cigaret smoke in her break. I could feel the shaking slightly beneath her grip. I could see the anger and wildness in her eyes. “Now go to bed!” she shoves me away, kicking me over again. I scoot back quickly, almost against the wall, watching her nervously.

She sneers at me before throwing the beer bottle at me. It misses my head by a fraction of an inch but shatters behind me against the wall. I flinch slightly as she steps forward and instinctively I move back back. Right into the broken glass. I grit my teeth and make no sound as shards stab me in my hands and back. 

I look at her, keeping any sign of pain hidden away “You, will never be my mother” I say before getting up and walking out as quickly as I could. 

I knew she was to drunk and tired to come after me so I wasn’t worried. I limp into my room and into my bathroom. I carefully dispose of the glass and clean myself up, wrapping the worst up in bandages. 

Once done, I collapse onto my bed and lay there, catching my breath. I sigh and close my eyes, falling asleep in no time from exhaustion. 

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