Chapter 33- A new puzzle

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Eve’s POV

I sit silently is the car, thinking a bit before turning to Seth “Thanks for stoping be back there” I say softly. He nods, a small smile forming on his lips. “No problem Eve, wanna go check up on her?” he asks, already turning to her house. I nod slightly, leaning back as I sigh. Well I couldn’t really do anything about this now, it was up to her. 

I know that, even though we sorta threatened her to never come around Kay, I hoped she would come by at some point, hopefully soon. It’d be good for the both of them, to realize how much they really need each other in their lives. I sigh again and sink into my thoughts as we drive to Kay’s house. 

When we arrive I see police cars outside and an officer walking away from a door, an audible bang of a door closing. Seth parks instantly as I jump out of the car and run over. I hear Seth following, close at my heels. 

“Officer!” I yell before the young man can get into his cruiser. He stops and looks up, turning towards us “Hello, can I help you two?” He asks us, looking at both Seth and I. “What happened? Why were you at Kaylee’s house?!” I demand, not caring if he had the power to arrest me. I wanted answers and I needed them now.

He blinks “That in confidential information miss” he answers. I take a deep breath to keep my cool “I am her best friend and know her since she was 8. I’ve basically raised her along with my mom’s and recently my boyfriends help since her mother couldn’t do that much” I spit glaring at him. “Now, I demand to know what is going on” I say slowly.

The officer just looks at me, obviously debating on how to deal with this situation. I raise an eyebrow, waiting for him to answer. He sighs “Alright, here’s the basics of it. Her mom died in a car crash speeding on the way here form the rehab center. A package was found in the backseat and we gave that to Kaylee. We’ll be back in 3 days time to sort the rest of all this out.” he finally says. 

Even before he’s completely done explaining all this, I’m running off down the street and up the steps to the house. I bust to door open and look around, seeing a package on top of the couch near by. I walk over and pick it up, walking up stairs quickly and looking into the rooms. I find Kaylee in hers just sitting there. 

I set the box thing on her desk lightly and walk over to her, taking in her state. Her hair was wet, probably just took a shower, and she seemed to be outta it. Shock I guessed, I could be wrong though. I sit next to her, hugging her gently, pulling her into my arms gently. I feel her tense before collapsing into my arms. 

I just sit there, hugging her and comforting her the best I could. I got up eventually to make some food for her and make her eat at least some. I the bring food up for her and sit back next to her, coxing her to eat some. I could tell this was really affecting her despite her and her mum not getting along very well. 

“They said she was speeding right? Speeding, not drunk?” she asks suddenly looking up at me. I blink and say nothing for a moment, a bit a-taken back by her question. I nod slowly “Yes, they did say speeding and not drunk driving” I clarity slowly. She just gives me a look “Why speeding? Well, how speeding? Well no, I don’t know…do you know why it was speeding and not drunk?” she asks me looking very confused over this. 

I shrug slightly and try to think about all this. Where would she being going in such a rush? i sigh and shake my head “I’m not sure…but she left you a letter and a box with something inside…maybe there are answers in there? Why don’t you read and open them?” I say gently, motioning to to the unopened box and letter on her desk. 

She just shrugs “Yeah I guess..okay, but later. I’m not in the mood” she answers with a shrug. I nod, not wanting to press it at all. “Alright, well why don’t you get some rest” I say setting the food on her bedside. She just lays down and I pull the covers over her, kissing her head before walking out quietly as she crashes out intently.

Once out of her room, I start to scope the house for clues on this. The whole speeding incident didn’t puzzle me as much as it did Kay. I knew where her mom had been the past several weeks, I’d personally made sure she’d gotten to that rehab center. So speeding made since. But why so suddenly? It seems as if she had forgotten something or was in a rush to get back soon. 

There wasn’t anything important really that was going on around this time of year except…I frown slightly to myself and shake my head, not getting what was going on here. I sigh and look around and just start to clean up a bit, not that there was much to clean up. I stopped by her mom’s room, seeing it was a total mess, her work office as well. 

I step in and survey the room, debating on wether to clean it out and such but then decide to let Kay deal with her mom’s stuff. I hoped she’d at least look at it all instead of just dumping it out, who knows what were in those rooms. 

I’m pulled from my thoughts when I hear a knock. I blink and step from Kay’s mom’s rooms and silently walk out. I hear a knock again, a bit louder. I scowl and decide to answer, anymore knocking would wake Kay up. 

I glance through the peep hole thing and raise an eyebrow as I see who it was. Well, wasn’t this a surprise. I pause then open up the door, eyebrows were raised, hands on hips and giving Jessica a half glaring look. “What do you want?” I hiss, narrowing my eyes at her. She swallows, obviously nervous. 

“Uhm..I just wanted to apologize and I’m really sorry, please don’t kill me! I realize I was stupid and I shouldn’t have done what I did and I really do care about her and I just wanted to tell her that. And was okay if she didn’t want to talk to me again after what I did, I understand. And, yeah…” she says quickly, her gaze flicking from the ground to me repeatedly. 

I blink and take a moment to process what she said before nodding slightly. “Hm well don’t tell me this, tell her that.” I answer finally, glad she was here. It showed she really did care about Kaylee. I smirk slightly at her surprised face, her lips in an ‘o’ shape as she stares at me. I nod and wave my hand “Yeah, yeah, surprise I’m not as mean as I can be” I mutter sighing. “But she’s asleep at the moment” I say. Jessica’s hopeful expression deflates a bit but sparks again as a new voice speaks. 

“Tell me what? And I woke up a few minutes ago” Kay says walking down the stairs. I glance at the time and see an hour had passed. I raise an eyebrow slightly, hm time really flies. I grunt and look at Jessica “Well you might as well come in. Kay, Jessica is here to talk to about whatever” I say lightly, letting Jessica in. She steps in hesitantly, looking over at Kaylee worriedly. I shut the door and look at Kay, she seemed half asleep and a bit surprised to see Jessica here. I could see the walls rising as she reached the floor, nodding slightly to Jessica.

I smile sickly sweet at Jessica “Well, common, we wont bite,” yet “give me your jacket and stuff. Kay, take her to the TV room and I’ll bring you both something to drink” I say, getting a reaction out of the both of them. They blink and do as i say, walking off silently. I sigh and hand Jessica’s jacket up before heading into the kitchen where I could both see and hear them. This would be rather interesting. 

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