Chapter 31- Gone

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Kaylee’s POV

I was home now, all dried off and just sitting on my bed. My long hair fell around my shoulders, still drying off. I’d taken a shower to clean off and changed clothes to dry ones so I wouldn’t get sick. I just sit there in the silence I was oh so used to. Not a sound was heard, not even my breathing could be heard. I just sat there so silent and still, looking at my plain white walls.

I couldn’t believe it. I had trusted Jessica, let her into my life and this is what I get in return. Suits me well, I should’ve expected this from someone like her. I was a fool. I should’ve know this was coming. I mean, think about it. She's rich. I’m not. She’s a popular. I’m not. What business would she have hanging around someone like me? Such false hopes we could be friends and maybe more even after the school project. This was the last straw. I was so done. 

And on top of that, I was utterly alone now. My dad, gone. Brother, gone. And now my mom, gone. Everyone was leaving, disappearing. Yeah I still had Eve and Seth, but for how much longer? I asked my self bitterly as I sit and just let the memories and thoughts flow. 

“Why are you sitting here alone?” a little girl asks. She had short black hair and green eyes. The other girl looks up. She had dirty blonde hair and blue eyes “Because I’m new. No one really likes the new kid” the younger girl answers smiling slightly. 

The older one scoffs “Well then, I’m Eve. I wanna be your friend” she says smiling, sticking her hand out. The younger girl blinks then smiles “I’m Kaylee but you can call me Kay” she says taking Eve’s hand. 

Eve pull’s Kay up, smiling “Let’s go play! What do you wanna play?” she asked her. Kay grins, “Soccer!” she said right away.

Even being so young, I remembered my first encounter with Eve. I’d never forget, it was the day my life changed. I’d met someone who cared about me, and continue to do so forever. 

“Eve, do you know why my dad and brother aren’t home yet?”  Kay asks Eve one day, very serious. It was 4 years later, I was 13 and she was 12, her dad had died along with her brother. Her mother had left the job to me to break the news to the little her. “They’re...dead.....” Eve says slowly, watching Kay’s expression change from one of some hope to an absolutely crushed one.   

My own mother couldn’t face me and tell me what had happened to my brother and father. 

The two girls watched as Kay’s mom walks into the front room to greet them drunkenly. They had just walked in the door from school and this is what they got greeted by. Eve sighs softly and glance at Kay. They were 14 and 15 now. Kay was getting a grasp of everything and was suffering. 

I smile at nothing, a cold, empty smile. I remembered my mom started to abuse me. I got depressed and it was the first time I had run a blade through my skin. It felt nice. It still did.

Eve! Where have you been!? Come here child!” Eve’s father yelled at her, drunk.

I remember finding out about Eve’s life. I stuck by her through it all and was glad her dad got sent away for good. I remembered failing a grade that year then making it up again. He family situation got better as mine got worse. I continued to play soccer and do well in school. I kept things from everyone except Eve. Then Seth walked into her life. 

“Hey kay….so you know that guy I was telling you about? The cute one?” Eve asked me one day. I nodded and she continued “Well, he asked me out! His name is Seth by the way and he’s the best” she had said excitedly. 

I smile slightly, I remembered that time. She was a sophomore then and I had gotten jealous. I wanted her all to myself but I knew I had to share her. She couldn’t couldn’t be mine forever. With time I slowly got used to Seth being around and came to like and trust him. He was nice, kind, understanding and very much like Eve sometimes. Life went on…Jessica came….and now has left….I couldn’t believe I’d been paired with her for a project. It seemed so long ago now…and now she wanted nothing to do with me…

And then…not even an hour ago….

A knock echoed on my door. I had just gotten home and set out my things to dry off a bit when someone knocked on my door. I walked over slowly, peeking out the peep hole cautiously. Policemen. Policewomen. Police cars. Other important looking people. I got scared but opened the door anyway. The door swung open as I stood there in front of the tall officer who looked down at me when I answered. 

“Are you Miss Kaylee Scott?” he asks. I nod. He nods. “Well, Miss-” I cut him off “don’t call me Miss. Just Kay” I say softly. He blinks and nods. “Alright, Kay. It is very unfortunate to bring you this news” he says, going on. I pale slightly, tuning him out. I could feel what he was going to say next. Something bad had happened to my family. My mother. Where was she? She hadn’t been home in ages. I panic slightly but don’t show it. 

“Your mother has passed” he says with a sorry look. I ignore that look and just stare at him blankly. He starts to look a little nervous, glancing behind me briefly. “She was found 13 miles away from a rehab center, seemingly headed in this direction, about 3 hours from here. She crashed due to speeding. She died right away so there was no pain or suffering” he informs me. Speeding? Not drunk? Had I heard that right? 

I just nod. he nods again in return. “This is for you. It was found in the passenger seat of the car and is addressed to you” he says handing me a package. I hesitate then take it, looking at it for a moment before walking and setting it on the couch. “Is that all you need?” I ask monotone. He smile softly “Yes, that’s all. We’ll be back to discuss burial arrangements, her will, living arrangements and such” he says. I nod once again “When?” I ask looking at him. “In about 3 days or so” he answers. I nod “Alright. Thanks. Good day” I answer closing the door in his face. Rude I know but oh well.

After that, I felt so numb, so empty and I still do. I just walked upstairs to change and shower. The razor became my best friend again. And now here I am, sitting on my bed. Alone. With almost everyone gone. Gone in an instant. 

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