Chapter 1- School Project

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Kaylee's POV 


I groaned and rolled over, swatting my alarm clock off my night stand. It crashes to the floor, the beeping sound stopping effectively. With a tired sigh, I pull myself up and out of my bed to get ready for the day. I take a quick shower and get dressed, grabbing my satchel as I head down to the kitchen. The first thing I spot was a bright neon sticky note on the fridge door, I mean who could miss a neon color even half asleep as I? Walking over, I look at it to see what it read. 

G'morning Kay, Hope you slept well. I have to go away for a business trip. I should be back in a couple days or so. Take care, I left some money on the counter. 

Love ya, Mom 

Business trip my ass, I thought myself sourly as I grabbed the money and stuffed it into my pocket hastily. She often disappeared on these so called trips, the time between her leaving and returning extending longer and longer. It didn't used to be like this, everything changed when Dad left. No, hush, lets not think about this now. I chide myself as I look for the time. I cursed as I saw it was 7:30. I had 20 minutes to get to school and into my homeroom before the last bell rung. Grabbing a random granola bar and keys of the counter, I darted out and to my garage where my bike sat. 

In less then a minute, the garage door was closed and I was half way down my street on my bike as I sped off to school. Easily opening the granola bar, I ate it on the way to school but not really finishing it. It sorta made me sick to be eating and biking so I tossed it to the wild animals in the bushes on the side of the sidewalk. I cruised down a shallow slope, enjoying the wind throwing my hair behind me and the rush I felt. Yeah, I didn't wear a helmet but oh well, I hated them. 

I had long dirty blonde hair that probably needed to be cut at some point, but for now I needed to hurry into my first class. Arriving at school, I jump off and lock my bike up quickly before running inside along side some other near late kids as we dart into our first classes. I make it into my seat just as the bell rings, a sigh of relief escaping my mouth. 

Now the actual class didn't really start right away so I just sat in the back of the room, not speaking to anyone per usual. I was a straight A student as well as the captain of the soccer team and yet, I wasn't truly happy. I mean sure, the good grades was a good thing and being captain was an honor but even then I just wasn't for whatever reason. I mean sure, I suffered from depression when my Dad died and then soon after my older brother left for whatever reason. Mom changed to. Wanting nothing more to do with Dad, she put his things away in the attic and never spoke about him again. It's almost kinda weird how one thing can change and affect so much of the future. 

Anyhow, Math class started and I just sat there as it dragged on for seeming forever. When the bell finally rings, I stay put until the room was near empty before getting up and walking out. I stop by my locker to trade Math books for English books, closing it and turning down the hall way silently. While everyone and everything around me was a void full of noise and ruckus, my own little world was peaceful and quiet. Well that was until someone yelled out to me. "Hey Kay! Wait up!" someone yells from behind me. Naturally I stopped and turned to see my best friend, Jake. I grin for the first time today as he approaches "Hey Jake! What's up?" I ask as we go through our made up handshake. He just laughs with a shrug "Oh nothing much, just walking to class with my bestie" he answers with his goofy grin. I shake my head, rolling my eyes "Same same. Did you do the homework?" I ask. 

It was more of a rhetorical question I asked everyday. I knew he hadn't done it but I asked anyway. Of course he shakes his head and I hand him an extra copy I made the previous night. I always did the homework twice because I'm an awesome person like that. Haha no, I just did it because I felt like being nice. Plus, he found ways to make up for all the work I was doing for him. "Thanks so much Kay," he says as we enter the class. "I owe you" I just nod to that "Yeah I know, you owe me a lot" I say with a light laugh. 

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