Chapter 21- RIde in the Woods

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Kaylee’s POV

I run out the door barefoot and around back to the woods, ignoring any pain I felt. I ran through the woods, trees and plants whizzing by. I knew Eve wouldn’t follow, she knew when I needed space. 

I smile slightly as I arrive at Jessica’s stables. Glancing around, I dart in and grab one of the bridles. I frown upon seeing the bit and fiddle with it for a moment. I figure out how to get rid of the bit but keep the bridal part intact. 

I walk over to her horses and select a young one. It was pure black one with a white star on its forehead. I think this was Midnight but I wasn’t sure. I approach it slowly, making sure not to scare it. I mage to get the bit-less bridle on before standing next to it. Stroking its side and getting it used to me for a moment, I lead it out of it pen and to the door. 

I jump and swing myself up onto its bare back smoothly, adjusting my self as I grab the reins. She stomps and lets out a snort but stands still otherwise. I smile slightly and shake the reins, urging it to go. “YA!” I yell, kicking its sides a bit as well.

She neighs, and bolts off into a gallop as I hang on for dear life. I hadn’t realize they could run so fast. I grunt and upright myself as we race across the fields, past fences and gates and into the woods. 

I slow the young mare down a bit as we enter the woods, I didn’t want her going to fast if we suddenly had to change courses. I glance behind me, hoping no one saw me ‘steal’ the Night’s horse. I smile slightly to myself as i race on, deeper into the woods.

We race past where Jessica and I got lost not to long ago. I race past the mini grave yard I had created, past my favorite tree to climb, past a tree house I made with Eve years ago but slowed down a bit as we near a stream. 

I knew these woods inside and out, for the most part. I often came here to just chill by myself or to think or to relax. I did a number of things in the woods. I even went hunting sometimes, I had my dad’s hunting guns that he never used. I never killed anything though, just did target practice.

I stop by the stream to let the horse drink some water while I tied the reins to a low tree branch and hopped down. I kneel at the bank, washing my face a bit as I sigh and dip my bare feet in the cool water. 

I turn to the horse slightly, stroking its nose gently “What’s your name? It seems I’ve completely forgotten it” I say, talking to her quietly. She snorts and butts my hand in what seems disapproval. I laugh softly “My apologies, I’ll ask Jessica later on” I say to her smiling.

It felt good to just escape reality for a bit to just relax, smile freely and mean it. I wished all my problems would disappear or become fixed but I knew that wouldn't be happening anytime soon. 

I sigh and lay on my back, hands behind my head as I look up at the clear blue sky through the trees. I hum softly to myself and the horse as I just lay there for hours. The horse walks around a bit, going as far as the reins would allow her, grazing here and there. Occasionally she walks over to me, nuzzling my face. 

I smile as she says hi to me now and then, stroking her nose every time. Somewhere along the line, I doze off into a light sleep. I lay curled up in the grass next to the stream and the young mare next to me. 

I felt safe and quite at home as I sleep. Early on in my nap, the young mare decides to lay down next to me, her nose poking my head now and then but I don’t wake. When I finally do wake up, it was dark out and the mare back on her feet again. 

I smile and pet her nose “Ready to go home?” I ask softly, untying the reins from the tree. She neighs, bobbing her head a bit as she prances around. I swear she can understand me when I talk to her. 

I laugh softly and swing up onto her back gracefully “Well, lets get you home and pray your owners aren’t there” I say shaking the reins. We gallop off at a fair pace, heading back to the Night’s stables. 

It doesn’t take to long but on the ride back, I reflect on today. I’d spent pretty much the whole day in side and the rest of it in the woods. I liked being in the woods alone, besides the horse. I should do this again I decide but maybe I’d show the mare around the woods. 

I look up and peer through the darkness as we near the edge of the woods and the Night’s stables. There are lights on and people moving about, talking and yelling. I groan, looks like they noticed. I wasn’t surprised really. 

The mare’s ears prick as they yell her name. Midnight. So I was right, her name is Midnight. I hear someone one crying, another yelling, another talking really fast, someone scolding and one who was shinning a strong flashlight everywhere. 

It passes over us, stops then comes back. Theres lots of yelling and people suddenly running down to us. I sigh, yay I got caught, oh well. I pull my hood over my head, before I ride her over to them to spare their energy. 

We gallop across the whole pen area, jumping over fences and gates like last time. The people yell and scatter. Some says ‘thank you, you can go now’ and pretty much every one disappears. I stop in front of Jessica who was crying and sit there still atop Midnight, looking down at her. 

She looks up once and sighs in relief as she manages to stop crying. I wanted to reach out and wipe away her tears and tell her everything was okay. I could tell they didn’t recognize me, I wasn’t surprised on that really. I had my bandages still on and my hood was covering my face a bit.

“Who are you and why did you steal my horse?!” she asks looking up at me again.

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