Chapter 2- Soccer Game

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I sat upright as I my gaze darted over towards the other girl then back at my teacher. What'd she just say? I totally just herd wrong right? No way. No frickin' way. No. This wasn't good. Well it was. But it wasn't. I bet she didn't even know who the hell I was! I was pretty much a no one around this school!

Glancing over at Jessica, her curious wandering gaze proved me right. She had no idea who the heck I was. I groaned softly and slouched in my seat, not sure if I was happy or annoyed at this pairing.

Someone must've pointed me out since the next thing I know, she was standing in front of me. Looking up with a blank look, I just stared at her as she sat down in front of me and glanced at my blank paper. I didn't know what to say or do, normally the other person spoke first and it went along the lines of "You just do the work since I don't know any of this stuff" but unlike those people she was just sitting there. 

I looked away and down at my paper nervously and started to randomly doodle a few things on the corner of my paper as my brain tried to process something to say. In general, I was rather awkward with people I didn't really know. Looking up again a few minutes later, I found her leaning over and looking at what I was drawing with a curious look. I glazed at her, my eyes scanning her face which was practically the definition of perfection. 

I blushed as she looked up and caught me looking at her, turning my head away awkwardly. "Um..hello. I'm Kaylee..." I manage out shyly. She smiles and leans back some. "Hey Kaylee, I'm Jessica" she answers as she looked at me for a long moment. I offer a small smile in return and match her gaze but grown self-conscious and nervous a moment later, forcing me to look away. I could feel her eyes still on me for another moment or two before she spoke again.  

"You're the captain of the girls soccer team aren't you?" she asks in recognition. It was more of a statement then a question. I nodded slightly to confirm her statement. "Cool! Well anyway, for the project, its going to take some times so why don't we just start later? After school cool with you?" she asks moving on briskly. I nodded again but shook my head a second later "No, I have a soccer game. Can I come over after that?". She thinks for a moment herself before answering. "When does the game end?" she asks. 

Now I stop to think. "Um..I leave school early to warm up...and we get out at will be over around 4..." I say coming to a conclusion as I think aloud. Jessica sits there thinking for a moment for like hours before nodding. "Sure, I'll just come to you game" she deicides. I look at her in faint surprise but smile and nod as I pack up my things. "Awesome, well, I'll catch you later then" I say as the bell rings. "See ya" she agrees as she walks out before me.  

Slipping out quickly, I snatch a copy of the assignment off the teachers desk and head back to my locker where I quickly ditch my things and grab my sports gear. Before heading to class, I make sure to grab my assignment and hold it securely in my hand before walking down the halls again. 

Entering Photo, I glance around before making my way off to the side next to a friend of mine. A goofy but sweet boy named Jake. Smiling broadly, I wave to him "Hey Jake" I greet as I sit. "Hey Kay, what's up?" he replies. "Nothing much. We have a game today. You coming to see us kick some butt?" I asked flashing a grin. "Of course, wouldn't miss that for a thing" he says with a laugh as the teacher walks in.  

We quiet down as our teacher starts talking and walking around to collect our projects. Setting mine on the table in front of me, I lean back in my seat and watch the clock. The second hand flies by 30 seconds before seemingly slowing down incredibly and going slow as a snail. I mentally groan and look away as the teacher walks past Jake and I, collecting our pictures on the way. The assignments are soon all collected, a very simple one in my opinion. Just to take a picture of something that meant a lot to you and edit it.  

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