Chapter 15- Heading home

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Jessica’s POV

I had so much fun running around and playing keep away with her phone. I had managed to look through a good amount of the zillion photos she kept. She kept yelling at me to give her phone back and how she looked awful in all the pictures she was in. 

I completely disagreed with her of corse. I noticed how the earlier ones there, she didn’t have any scars. Something must’ve caused them and now I was determined to help her the best I could. 

Although, I have to say the earlier part where we nearly kissed like twice wasn’t the best in my opinion. I mean, I swear I nearly died inside when she got so close the first time. She was such a tease! That was just mean but I think I got her back after I’d finished tickling her.

I pretty much did the same but she didn’t really react the same way I had. Even still, I’m pretty sure she was a little nervous. I had felt her heart, racing in her chest, not from me tickling her to death, I had felt it speed up even more as I was leaning over. I smile slightly to myself in triumph. 

Getting dizzy from running in circles, I dart down the path to where the car was parked. It had gotten a lot darker and I couldn’t really see where I was running, plus I was still looking at her phone. 

Suddenly, I trip over something, I think it was a tree root, and pitch forward. I scream bloody murder as I await the cold hard ground to hit me, or me to hit it. But I never reach it. I feel Kaylee’s arms wrapped around my waist, holding me gently, keeping me from falling. 

“It’s okay, I got you. You can count on me to make sure you never fall” she murmurs softly, standing upright, her arms still around me. She smile softly and makes sure I was okay. 

I blush slightly and assure her I was fine. Nevertheless, she goes ahead and double checked before giving me a smile “Okay, your all good” she decides “yes thank you Dr. Scotts” I say in a teasing manner, a bit amused.

She grins at me before boldly kissing my cheek softly. I look at her with surprise and of corse, being her, she snatched her phone back. “Thanks for my phone hun” she says grinning. I just looks at her with an expression I knew she wouldn’t be able to read. 

My blush deepens a bit though although I’m not totally sure why. “Lets go home, its late” she says taking up my hand and leading the way down to the car. I blink again, hiding my surprise. 

She kept throwing things at me but I couldn’t be sure if she was teasing me or not. It felt like there was much more behind her simple actions but I didn’t know what. 

I run slightly, falling in pace with her as we walk down to the car, hand in hand like it was  completely normal for people who didn’t know each other super well. What were we? Friends? Best friends? Maybe already more then that?

UG. Why did this have to be so hard? 

Being a gentlemen, she opened my door and let me in, shutting the door carefully after me. I smile slightly as she walks around and hops in the car, starting it up and driving down to the highway and on the way home. 

After some time of comfortable silence, I turn the radio on and flip to some random channel. Static bursts on for a moment before playing a song. I blink as I recognize it as “Just the way you are” By Bruno Mars. 

I just listen to it quietly but then I realize something, he wasn’t the only one singing the song. I glance over at Kaylee and notice her lips moving so I turn the radio dow a bit. I listen harder and finally hear her, she was singing along softly. 

I could tell she was trying to muster up her confidence as the song went on so I decided to look away and not stare so I wouldn’t make her uncomfortable and nervous. By the time the chorus came around again, I could hear her loud and clear. 

When I see your face (face face...)

There's not a thing that I would change

'Cause you're amazing (amazing)

Just the way you are (are)

And when you smile (smile smile...)

The whole world stops and stares for a while

'Cause girl you're amazing (amazing)

Just the way you are (are)


I glance over at her and notice that she was looking over at me as she sang. I blink and turn away slightly as I feel my face warm up. To me, it felt as if she was directing the words to me and she probably was. 

I steal a glance over and sigh softly to see her eyes back on the road but she didn’t stop singing softly. She had a wonderful voice, why hadn’t she mentioned she could sing a bit? Oh well, I can pester her about that later.

I close my eyes and just enjoy the music. Soon enough, the song ends and another comes on, a more relaxing and lullaby kinda song I think. Either way, it made me sleepy.

I could feel myself dozing off but manage to stay awake as she pulls up in my drive way. Taking the keys out and jumping out before I could even take my seat belt off, she appears on my side, helping me out and up to my house.

She somehow ends up carrying me again, singing a different song I think, as she carries me up and into my house. It was a ll a blur really, I just remember her laying me down in my bed, pulling the covers over me and kissing my forehead, whispering Good night before walking out.

I’d have to thank her in the morning but for now, I was going to sleep. 


Luck you, 3 updates this week hahaha, enjoy! :p

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