Author Notes

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So I finished this in about a year (2013) Yay me! I'm proud of myself ^.^ Yes I'm writing this little note ages later but I just forgot to write this awhile back so here it is now haha

Thank you to all who've read and enjoyed this book! Thanks for all the votes and comments and everything, y'all rock <3 To be honest, I don't like it to much but then again this is my first book so maybe I'll cut myself some slack haha seeing your votes and comments and how much you like it really boots my confidence as a writer. I never expected this to be pretty popular and all, I just put it up for fun :p

It became kinda fun for me after some time, eagerly seeing people voting the occasional comment, watching the read count rise haha I'm not really one to ask for that stuff, if you like you like it. If not, sorry mate maybe one of my upcoming stories will peak your interest :) simple as that ^^

As for my "this needs to be edited notice", yeah that could take awhile, like years haha I'm busy person with other things to do (not really xD), kinda forgetful and a tad lazy like any teen xD

I've been asked if there will be an sequel and right now I don't really have a clue if there will be one. Tell me if you think I should, feel free to give me some ideas too haha I'm pretty open to anything :)

I'm currently, I'm mainly working on my other book 'Riverside Academy' so that's my top priority at the moment. You should check it out, it's better written out I think since I've learned a lot from this book :)

Again, thank you for all the support!


28 June 2018

Hello! Long time no communication. Apologies.

I've posted this on my convo board thing as well but for those who don't follow me I'm putting it here as well so you get to see this.

First off, it has been forever since I last looked at this site. I've either been busy with life kicking my ass or just didn't think about this site to much resulting in never checking here. I just wanted to say that, I was going through the hundreds of notifications I get from you guys as you read my stories and I can't thank you enough for the support despite my clear absence from everything. They make me smile and I'm proud a very old work of mine is still being read and enjoyed today. I just realized this evening that 'Falling for the Popular Girl' has hit 1.7M reads and idk guys, I feel like this is huge! It's also #119 in the girlxgirl category and I'm just blown away. Did I ever write anywhere else how dumbfounded I am about this???

Tiny shout out to my other work as I also see that 'Riverside Academy' is also still read and loved and that also makes me happy.

I'm pretty sure I've remarked on this before so you get to hear it again. When I first started writing back then, it was simply an outlet for me and my depressed self. A place where I could write a bit how I feel in a world that wasn't mine as much as it was (and for the record I still struggle with depression and anxiety today hence the poor motivation noted below). I never thought it would take off the way I did or even continue to be read and I feel like, I should really sit down and own up to my word and edit it hardcore because we all know there's a lot of typos, slight plot holes and other things wrong with it. I'm not sure I can hardcore promise that I'll do that considering general life things and lately I'm struggling to find motivation to write again. I don't think enough thank you's can express my gratitude to you guys.

Tonight has been kinda rough on me and looking at this has helped my mood tenfold. I wish there was something I can give back but until my tired brain can think of something, I hope this note to you works.

Much love and thanks <3


15 March 2019

Hi all,

I'm just putting all the random author notes into one "chapter"/section thing, sorry! I will give a quick update(?) of sorts regarding this book and my other two. 

Regarding this book and editing: I see a lot of remarks about grammar issues, plot holes, and general flaws -- yes, I know they're there. I also know even if a part indicates 'edited', there are probably flaws still there. I haven't fixed them because I haven't worked on this book in several years now and I probably won't ever get around to fixing them either. You can stop making random comments like that xD 

Regarding this book and sequels: Probably not going to come, sorry! Ish. I'm at the point that when I think about this book, I shudder because it's an early work and to me, is very bad. I'd want to re-write it completely and then maybe work out a sequel. But that takes a lot of time, I don't have an editor (be it a friend or professional) to really re-work this to the best it can be. So, for now, this is all there is regarding this story line. Hope you can understand!

Regarding other works: Time for some minor shameless self promotion! As mentioned (sort of) above, I have another story called Riverside Academy. That work is probably better written than this one but not by much in my opinion. The third and most recent work is a book called Not Your Romeo & Juliet. I'm currently co-writing it with a friend of mine and in terms of writing, I'd like to think you can see a shift from my 2013 writing to my 2019/present day writing. So basically, better writing, better thought out plot line --it's just better. 

The synopsis goes:

The player can get whoever they want and they're used to exactly that. Scarlet Rose Academy's Queen Bee is adored, and feared, by all but just can't be bothered. Each person enjoying their own world where they're the queen and having everything anyone could ever want, yet neither want anything. What happens when the Queen Bee and the Troublemaker cross paths in the same school? Both with large egos, neither willing to lose to the other, who will win the game of pride? Worlds colliding, the two queens's views are suddenly locked in on each other as a dangerous game ensues. As secrets, lies, and (god forbid) emotions arise, Scarlet Rose Academy better watch out for the biggest game ever about to unravel or there could be casualties.

So yeah! If that sounds interesting, go give it a read. As always, thank you for liking, commenting, voting and supporting my writing. I hope you all have a wonderful day/evening. :)


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