Chapter 34- Second chances

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Kaylee’s POV

I lead the way into the TV room, sitting down and motioning for her to do the same, still half asleep. I yawn and stretch a bit before looking over at her. She sat not to far away, leaning against the arm rest thing at the other end of the couch, watching me. I just look back at her before lying down and yawning again. 

“Well? What do you have to say to me? If its nothing important, go talk to Eve. I’m still tired” I say looking back at her. Hurt flashes through her eyes but it goes as fast as it came. I sigh, not meaning to be snippy and rude but 1) I was tired and 2) my mother had just died for fucks sake.

She clears her throat and looking at her hands for a moment “I just wanted to say…I’m sorry. I really am. I realize now that I was wrong in doing what I did. I didn’t mean to hurt you and I hope you can forgive me…it’s okay if you don’t ever wanna talk to me again, I understand..I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am” she finally says, looking me in the eye. 

I sit up some, looking back at her silently. I wanted to say something but wasn’t sure what to say. I was at the very least, glad she had come by to apologize but that didn’t mean I was letting her back in or anything. “Well you did, you hurt me more then you know and you just now see this?” I go with, suddenly mad at her. 

“I let you in faster then anyone else in my life and instead you go ahead with your perfect life and just make mine worse. And now here you are, crawling back to me and you’re asking for me to forgive you? I should just say no and throw you out of my home” I spit, my voice rising a bit louder by each word as I glare at her a bit. 

I see her head jerk back a little, clearly not expecting this at all. She only nods and looks down at her lap. Eve walks in and sets hot coco on the table in front of us, saying nothing then walking out again. I almost laughed at how calm and nonchalantly she did that but I didn’t. I just kept looking at Jessica with a closed off, glaring look.

My gaze softens a bit after a moment or so “But,” I pause as she looks up, looking hopeful “because I am me and you are you and I’m not some bitch, I forgive you” I say a bit softer. “But,” I say once again, her expression turning nervous “don’t expect me to let you back in with open arms and tell you everything and all that stuff. Ever herd of this wonderful little saying? Trust takes years to build, seconds to break, and forever to repair. I trusted you, you broke it and now you have to repair it I say simply, picking up my mug of coco and leaning back in the couch as I sip it. 

Silence spread though the house after I was done speaking. The only sound was me drinking my coco, well more like inhaling it. I really did like my hot coco. I look over and see Jessica just watching me again. I raise an eyebrow “What? And are you gunna drink your cox or what? Cuz its gunna get cold soon if you don’t drink it anything soon” I say, smirking slightly. She just smiles slightly and shakes her head slightly “nothing…thank you for…giving me a second chance. I wont mess this up again, I promise” she says softly, finally picking up her coco. 

I nod slightly “I will hold you to that” I answer looking over my shoulder to see Eve standing there. I roll my eyes and jerk my head, telling her to come over. She walks over and sit in a chair opposite of us and I stand up “I’m going to take another shower and change clothes. Eve, don’t kill her” I say with a yawn before plodding back upstairs. 

I hear Eve say something to Jessica as I head up but choose to ignore it and not try to eavesdrop on their convo. I sigh and enter my room, closing the shades and looking around for a moment before walking into my bathroom and stripping down to shower quickly. 

I was glad we were at least on talking terms now. Honestly, I just either made the best or the worst decision of my life. I let her in faster then you could say no, all because I still had the biggest crush on her. I sigh and shake my head as I get out of the shower, drying off and pulling clean clothes on. I look at myself in the mirror and just stare at myself for a moment or two before shaking my head and covering it up, closing the shakes tightly and turning the lights off. 

I walk into my dark room and sigh to myself “Kaylee, what are you gunna do with yourself?” I ask myself, running a hand through my hair. Really though, what was I gunna do? I still had the weight of my moms death, living arrangements, school, and just dealing with daily shit I got. Not that I ever really told anyone, but I did get bullied quite often. 

I shake my head and head back down stairs slowly, glancing up at my moms room and then her study as I pass it to the TV room. I walk in and sit down where I was before, busy thinking before clicking back into whatever Jessica and Eve were talking about. I roll my eyes and lean back as I hear it was some TV show they both happened to like. 

I sit there, half listening to their convo as I mostly sit in my own little world of thoughts. I jump slightly as I hear my name being called, I blink “What? Sorry? What?” I say looking back and forth at Jessica and Eve. They both laugh “See, I told you” Eve say to Jessica, sounding quite amused. I scowl at her and shake my head “You butt head” I mutter, smiling slightly over at her. She smiles and shrugs “You love me” she answer smirking. I roll my eyes and mutter for her to shut up. 

I look over at the clock and see it was about 8 o’clock. I blink, well damn time flies. “Well, I probably should be going now. My parent’ll be getting worried if I stay out much longer” Jessica finally says after a few minutes, standing up. I blink and nod, standing as well “Alright, I’ll walk you out. Eve, I gotta ask you something so stay a few if you don’t mind” I say. They both nod as I turn and lead the way to the front door. 

Its quiet now, no talking or laughter. I grab her jacket and hand it to her “Thanks for apologizing…Don’t mess it up, Eve’ll come after you even worse then now” I say, cracking a smile. She smiles in return “Alright, I’ll keep that in mind. Thank you for forgiving me…have a good night” she says stepping out the door once her jacket was on. I smile and nod “You too, see you Monday” I say with a little wave. She nods and waves back, disappearing down the street in seconds. 

I close the door and return to where Eve was standing in the kitchen. “You didn’t tell her about your mom?” she asks carefully, turning to look at me from cleaning the cups. I shake my head and shrug “No, there was no reason to. Look, the cops will be back Monday and I have a problem. Well another anyway” I say seriously. 

She nods slightly and sets the cups down “Okay, and what’s that?” she asks, looking a tad confused. cross my arms “What the hell am I going to live now? I am not going to a foster home, no orphanages, I have no relatives who respect my sexuality so no help there, I refuse to move out of this house anytime soon, I’m underage to live on my own and I can’t pay her debts and the house morgue even with all the money I’ve saved up throughout these past years. So, whats gunna happen?” 

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