Chapter uh 8?

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I approached the sign with anticipation, my eyes scanning the bold letters that screamed the name of the city: Erso. Riley had warned me about this place, claiming it to be a hub for weaponry. Just across from Erso lay the city of Aling, an ominous presence making the air heavy with anticipation.

Stepping out of the truck, I adjusted my suit, the dark fabric expertly concealing the stains of blood that clung to it. With a steady hand, I wiped away the sticky residue from the sides of my face, erasing any evidence of the brutal encounter I had just escaped.

My gaze shifted to the warehouse that stood before me, its exterior adorned with graffiti, each word splashed on the walls in a vibrant array of colors. The spray paint danced across the surface, teasing me with its cryptic message.

Remembering the instructions given to me, I hesitated for a moment before mustering the courage to proceed. My hand curled into a tight fist, pounding on the door with a determined rhythm. And just as I had hoped, the response came swiftly - a knock, echoing from within.The door slowly creaked open, revealing a void of darkness that seemed impenetrable, even in the light of the morning sun. A warning echoed through the air, reminding me of the

 consequences that awaited those who entered without permission - a bullet-ridden fate.

Summoning all my courage, I cautiously stepped inside, the warehouse door crashing shut behind me. In that moment, a flicker of light illuminated the space, revealing a scene that sent a chill down my spine. Six figures emerged from the shadows, each sporting a long gun slung across their backs. Weapons adorned the surroundings, as if serving as a silent testament to the dangerous world concealed within the four walls of this warehouse. 

Boxes, filled with who knows what, lay scattered about, adding an air of mystery to this hidden den of intrigue and danger.

"Who are you?" The towering figure bellowed, his imposing presence casting a shadow over the others. His hands hung menacingly in front of him, the grime-laden ring of his wifebeater a stark contrast against his sweat-soaked skin. Each step he took seemed to stomp the ground beneath him, his black joggers smothered in layers of dirt. Yet, despite his unkempt appearance, he audaciously approached me.

"Riley sent me," I declared, echoing the words Riley had carefully instructed me to say. My voice resonated with a sense of urgency as I locked eyes with the behemoth. Raising a skeptical brow, I continued, "You have our stuff?"

His head nodded up, lifting the veil of cracked remnants that clung to his unkempt beard. It was an unsettling sight, a reminder of the lives this man had led. But I couldn't let my guard down.

"Depends on if you have our stuff or not," I countered, my gaze unwavering. I stared into his eyes, searching for any hint of deceit. His eyes met mine for a fleeting moment before quickly diverting away. With a dismissive spat, he glanced at me again.

"The delivery man who's supposed to provide us with weapons hasn't arrived yet," he admitted begrudgingly. "This 'Riley' ordered a lot of...stuff."

"When will he be here?" I asked, my voice tinged with a sense of foreboding. If my calculations were correct, today was the final day, the breaking point where any delay could jeopardize not only my life but also Ava's.

"Ion knows," he said with a nonchalant shrug, "Last I heard, he was supposed to be in Aling." My eyes shot open in alarm, but as I turned back, I realized there was nothing to see but the cold, imposing warehouse door. A sinking feeling settled in the pit of my stomach. Don't tell me... that man... I see... So those things he loaded into the car were my weapons...

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