chapter 13

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My eyes open to a dinner table filled with people I've never seen before but I know this another dream? or rather memory?

"Mom" I spoke My head turned facing the middle age raccoon...Her hair has brownish-gray curls to her ears She's wearing a pink sweater and has young blooming emerald eyes despite her body don't. My hand squeezes the woman beside me...taking a while to remember who it was...It's Ava...but her hair is shorter than before...

" Mom, This is my girlfriend, Ava" The raccoon's eyes jump a while from William cutting to her steak...then seeing her husband...He cleared his voice. As if William asked for his opinion.

" William, We went over this..."

"No, You guys went over this...All you have done was ignore me time and time again- I told you multiple times I love Ava! Only Ava! Just Ava! forever Ava!" I could feel William's blood boiling, His heart pounding in his chest as anger coursed through his veins. It was like a switch had been flipped, and he was suddenly consumed by a fiery rage. his- My muscles tensed, and I could feel my hands balling into fists. he wants to lash out, scream and yell and let all his frustration out. It was like everything that had been building up inside him had finally reached a breaking point, and he- couldn't hold it in any longer....we couldn't bare it...I could feel my face turning red, and my breathing became shallow and rapid. It was like I was ready to explode, and I knew that I needed to get out of there before I did something I would regret.

"I mean look at her...she's poor-"

"She's rich! she's rich in love with me! I don't give a damn if she's poor or not! She couldn't give a shit if I was poor or not! She loves me and I love her that's it!" My hands hit the table with a loud thud causing the plates to jump and the people around that table to jump back...I don't give a damn! they're all here to embarrass my girl! Monsters...their monsters... every last one of them...I'll kill you! I'll kill you!

"William...calm down- Please it's all right..." Ava whispered- her gentle touch held my hand- Bringing me back...there not monsters...I smile at ava whose my light in the no monsters, There are humans...and Humans can be killed...

At first, it's just a faint whisper, barely audible above the sound of my breathing. But as I start to wake up, the voice grows louder and more insistent. It's like someone is standing right next to me, calling out my name over and over again. I open my eyes, Seeing the kid standing beside me...

"I'm hungry" He spoke- I sat up from the couch, rub my eyes and stare at him...

"Then go eat?" Picking my hand from my side, seemingly to be wrapped up...

"They won't let me-"

"Here- Here you go" Ava came through handing the kid a sandwich with a cup of milk...He sat there on the hard floor eating away...taking small bites...small sips. " William, can we talk?"

"Make it quick" I spoke- coming off the couch...she took me into a hallway crossing her arms

" He doesn't belong here" She spoke while looking at him. " He's going to see things...and grow up to think it's okay to do those things-" She caught a glimpse of my face- something on it made her eyebrows come together into a frown.

"You...You brought him here to make him think this is okay isn't it!?" Her stern voice cut through the air like a knife, each word sharp and precise. It's like a cold wind blowing through the room, Her eyes blaze with intensity, and her face is set in a hard, unyielding expression.

"No, Ava...I just felt guilty" I sigh " I killed his mother in front of him...I felt guilty...I always feel think I wanted this? do you honestly believe I people?" My hand slid under her chin tipping her head up...staring into her rich, warm brown, like the color of freshly brewed coffee. They are deep and soulful, with a hint of mischief lurking beneath the surface. The brown is so intense that it seems to glow, like a pair of amber jewels set into her face. Looking into them is like gazing into a bottomless well, full of secrets and hidden depths waiting to be discovered.
Why can't I live without you?

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