chapter 14

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"It was the least I can do, love" Pulling the back of her head close, kissing her forehead...The two others rejoin us inside the car and we drove again.
Minutes passed as we came to a stop, The headlights illuminated the fancy cars parked in front of us, They are parked in a row, each one perfectly aligned with the others. The headlights are turned off, but the taillights glow like red jewels in the darkness.
The cars are expensive and luxurious, with logos and emblems that signify their high status...

"Be on your best behavior" Riley look at the four of us before unlocking the door, We all came out...Leaving the kid inside, He's sleeping...
I adjust my jacket, Making sure it's neat making sure my jewels shine...I glance over at my girl, Black circles form under her eyes, she caught me staring those bags disappear and her cheeks flusher.

"I want to go to sleep" She sighs, rubbing on her bare arms...I open the car door again taking another one of the black leather jackets and capeing it over her back.

"When we get home you won't be sleeping either" I tease...She grins rolling her eyes away from me...and we walk catching up with Jason and Riley...

" Damn, this car is nice" Jason admires the green supercar the paint job is glossy and reflective, giving the car a sleek and polished appearance...He tugs on the handle The doors are locked, but you can see the plush leather seats and high-tech gadgets through the tinted windows.

"I'll get it for you" Riley smiles at him and he kisses her cheek...We made it to the 'entrance' even though we aren't inside the air is fills with the sound of engines revving and exhaust fumes, creating a sense of energy and excitement.
A man steps up...maybe security he's Well built...His shirt hugged his muscles, his hands in front showing power and confidence, but his smug look as he stares at us...As if we are weak.

" Don't you think you are overdressed?" He asks, Riley tips her head, checking him with her eyes.

" No?" She answers sounding offended...he took out a clipboard and sighs raising his eyebrows.


"Riley" She spoke- The guard's eyes narrows in suspicion looking up from the clipboard at her. "My boss told me not to let you in"

"Ah, and who is your boss?" Slowly tipping her head to the right, His eyes follow her, I shot Jason a glance but he was already one step ahead, Grabbing a random person, holding the random man at knifepoint, The grin on his face is wild and manic, stretching from ear to ear. his eyes are wide and bright, and his whole body seems to be vibrating with energy. It is as if he's on the verge of exploding with excitement, and his grin only grew wider as he moves the knife into the man's neck few drops of blood fell onto the grass, creating tiny splashes that dispersed in all ground. The drops merged to form a larger puddle that slowly expanded when more blood leaked from the man's neck...The bodyguard's face turns to horror but not horror of seeing a dead body but horror - Of Jason, that smile he's wearing would rather anyone be in hell right now...Before the man could run...I took out my gun and shot the man in the chest...

"Wrong...I'm your boss" spoke Riley licking her lips...stepping over the corpse, I follow- trying my hardest not to look back- but I did- I turn back seeing Ava there still processing what happened- I walk back clenching her wrist, and dragging her along...

"Over here" Riley waves down from the bleachers, I drag Ava to where Jason and Riley are. cutting in between the hurdle of idiots...Ava yanks her arm away with an attitude behind it, sitting down, and crossing her legs...


The engine roars to life as feeling the power of the car echoes. The sound of the engine was deafening, drowning out all cheers. I took a deep breath and focused on the woman Riley pointed to...coming close to me to even hear what she spoke.

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