chapter 28

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(Old house)

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(Old house)

The house went up in flames after we packed everything, and So did the small towns nearby...I stare out the car window watching the world go by. The scenery is beautiful, but I can't help feeling bored. I wish I had something to do, something to occupy my mind. Maybe I could kill some people at our new house...

" Can we pull over?" Ava asks

"Someone finally does something besides whine" Jason and his sarcastic are best friends today.

"Pull over why?" Riley answers, Her eyes still on the road

"I need to pee"  

"Are you sure that's the only reason?" That question is enough to make my eyes come off the blurry trees back inside the car...And that face Ava's making...Is she hiding something from me?


"If you attempt to do anything deceitful, I will find out" I caught a glimpse of Riley in the rearview mirror and her eyes narrow. Ava couldn't get the words out smoothly. and she keeps stammering and stuttering and says

"y-yes I know" The car came to a slow stop at a nearby gas station...I follow her with my eyes as she walks out of the car...She's hiding something...I open my door

"You. stay inside"Riley commands it's hardly a command as I ignore her and follow Ava into the one is inside... besides the shopkeeper.

"William-"She gasps, I remain at the door, and in the corner of my eye, I still see Riley's truck park.

"Do you have something you want to tell me?" I ask...She gulps looking down...grabbing another thing of peanut butter...

" I'm...I-"

"You? Tell me...I won't be upset" That's a lie, Anything she tells me will be a pain.

" I just need to use the restroom alright? then...I'll tell you" I narrow my eyes and then spat on the floor...

"no" Pulling out my gun and aiming it at the store clerk, " Tell me or I swear I'll murder her"

"William-" She stops - and freezes...

"It's up to everything up to this point has, Her life, My life... everyone's life is in your hands"

"I've just been a bit...gassy lately, all right? I wanted to get some pills too...fix my problem" Her cheeks flush unable to meet my eyes

"Is that your final answer?" Licking my bottom lip briefly

"yes-" Her sentence quickly ends with the explosion of the store clerk from my gun...her pieces went flying in all directions, staining the wrapped candy bars, and spurting juices all over the place...She just flinches she's more immune to death than I thought...

"Free food" Jason came inside grabbing a shopping cart, I look back at Ava who was already making her way to the bathroom...Jason and I collected snacks and some gas before we all came back inside the truck and kept driving...

Hours later
I saw a castle house that caught my attention. It was unlike any other house I had seen before, and I couldn't help but stare at it. I could see it in the distance, and it looks even more impressive up close. it's massive, with turrets and towers that rose high into the sky.

"Well damn, And I thought castles were only in fairy tales" Jason comments...

"We won't have time to explore everyone go inside and put on your gear. you have 1 hour then we have to hit the white house got it?" I see so we are doing this right now? I got out and took my bag and walked inside the house pushing open the door I was immediately struck by the intricate stonework and wood arches that surround me, The high ceilings and dramatic architectural style give the house an old-world charm that is hard to find in modern homes...I walked inside a room... any room and Took off my lazy clothing changing into a uniform...the armor is made with high-quality materials that are both durable, Well that's what Riley said...
The body armor fits me perfectly, hugging my body in all the right places without feeling too tight or restrictive...I push my hair back- clearing my vision... I came out of the room and saw Ava wondering about the big hallways,

"William" She whispers...She's alone and scared...Slowly scrolling through the halls- I observe her every move, analyzing her behavior and mannerisms. I pay attention to the way she walks, how she breathes, and the pitch of her voice. I try to predict her next move...I want to hurt her. I want to kill her. I grip her forearm forcing her inside the same room as me...Our eyes lock onto each other, and I can see the intensity in their gaze. a strong connection between us, as if we are the only two people in the world. Her breath is on my skin, and I inhale deeply, taking in their scent. her heartbeat against my chest is making me think it's my own, and I know that mine is racing just as fast. We stand there, lost in the moment as if time has stopped. her body heat against mine...But I hate the heat...I prefer cold...I want- I want to make her cold...I want to make her into a blanket to shield me from the cold.

"You should get dressed" I step back...stepping away from the temptation of killing her...strangling her...She's lucky William loves her if it was up to me she'll be dead...I left the room leading back inside the truck- holding the gun bag...

Soon Riley and Jason come out of the house, standing tall and proud in their black armor suits...The suits fit them perfectly, accentuating their toned bodies and giving them an air of authority, Jason is in a suit jacket and blazer creating structure and adding to his slender frame...
while Riley's suit jacket gives her a powerful and commanding look...Jason's muscular build is emphasized by the suit, and his broken nose adds to his rugged and tough appearance...They open the door and come inside looking at me up and down...

" Our goal is to show- show that we are doing something...even if we don't kill anyone people will know we are doing something about the evil system" She explains

"Wait, I'm confused"

"The people are frustrated with the government and the current state of affairs, People want the government gone and us going up against the government will show that we are taking action...and then they'll want to join us do you understand now?"

" So we are making a common enemy with them?" I cut in

"Yes" She answers

"What makes you think they'll see us as good? They know us as the bloodthirsty terrorists who slaughter their sons and daughters"

"You remember what Cameron said about us being good and all? Well, I had that recorded and I just uploaded it it's set to air at 10:59 am"

"Fair enough, Just make the people believe we are doing this for their sake but in actuality, we aren't, Got you" He grins loading up his sniper

"You have to do exactly what I say...Even If I say blink you better fucking blink"

"Oh, how I love it when you take charge Riley bear" He leans close to her rubbing his finger under her chin as if he's fingering her...I have no doubts it will work If It was just the three of us...If Ava dies I die...Simple...Ava came out wearing her armor, She place her hair into a messy ponytail which I'll like to take down later...

"You fuckers ready?"

"Yeah!" Jason cheers, waving his hands in the air and screaming at the top of his lungs. 

"Ready for what?" She smiles- A rare sight...Like a white tiger in the wild that is still alive. 

"To conquer the world" I spoke...They all stain me with their eyes...

"Not yet kid" Jason holds my shoulder

"No, Jason...he's exactly right" Her smile spoke, They turn around and began driving...Driving to the end of the beginning to the start or the finish...
The world is born from death, The first day of human existence was when The one above created Adam and Eve, no one was born that day, but they both died that day. They died spiritually, not physically.

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