chapter 18 frfr

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                                                                         Camaron Delly

Hope is slipping through the fingers of the public like sand in an hourglass. Every passing day, the terrorists remain at large, their grip on power and fear tightening. The simmering anger of the people is palpable, a tangible force that crackles in the air. The thought of losing loved ones in such a gruesome manner is enough to turn the stomachs of even the bravest souls. The disgust and horror are indescribable. As the frustration mounts, the public's trust in the authorities is wearing thin.

"Let's give a speech," I suggest, hoping to placate the irate Steven.

He looks at me as if I'm insane, his eyes narrowing in disgust. "What?"

"To show the public that we are with them. To give them hope."

"The only thing that's going to give them hope is when we have those bastards' heads on a platter," he spits out, his voice filled with venom.

"I know. But that's not going to happen overnight. We need to do something to show them we're not giving up. That we're fighting for them." Despite his age, Steven's expression remains etched in disgust, as though he has seen too much of the ugliness of the world in his seventy-two years.

"The public, this, the public, that!" Steven bangs his hand on the shelf, his anger palpable. "What the fuck are they doing for us, besides talking shit behind our backs?"

I try to calm him down with a wave of my hand, but his tirade continues. "We need them to die overnight."

He storms off, leaving me with a sinking feeling that his views are shared by many. I slump back into my wobbly chair, feeling the weight of the responsibility pressing down on me.

"There's no doubt that either William or Jason is the mastermind behind the hacking group. Or perhaps, there's a third party involved that I'm missing. It's hard to tell, but Jason Amber's criminal history is concerning. He's been involved in kidnapping and who knows what else. On the other hand, William has a clean slate. No theft, no kidnapping, nothing. But why does he have connections to terrorists?

I can't wait to get those answers once I have him in handcuffs. It's perplexing that they haven't even tried to conceal their fingerprints. It makes me wonder what they're planning next. A bank heist? Done. A whole city? Done. What about the airport? It's a possibility, given the increasing frequency of their hits. I just hope I can get the authorization to send my team down there to assess the situation.

As I packed up to go home after working tirelessly for days, Clessia, Clement's assistant, walked in with two cups of coffee for her boss. "You should go home and get some sleep," she said. I knew she was right, but I couldn't shake off the feeling that she secretly enjoyed watching me work endlessly.

"I should," I replied, standing up from my chair and picking up my coat. It swallowed me up, covering my black pants and buttoned light blue shirt. "Have a good night," I told her, walking past her. She looked surprised that I had decided to leave. Clocking out, I started walking down the street, wondering what kind of trouble the hackers were brewing up next."

Taking in the sights and sounds around me, I closed my eyes and allowed the energy of the city to envelop me. The hustle and bustle of the people passing by didn't bother me at all; instead, it fueled me with a sense of calm and contentment. As I walked, I noticed the different expressions on people's faces - some were beaming with joy, while others looked lost in thought. The vast array of emotions on display fascinated me, and I spent a few moments observing each passerby.

Despite the chaos around me, I couldn't ignore the obvious... The news reporters were describing the horrific acts of the terrorist, and the victim list seemed to go on and on. My heart sank as I listened, and I craned my neck to see the people behind me huddled around a television screen. Making sure they weren't repeating names, I soon realized that those people were real, and they could be anyone. They could be me, or they could be you.

A surge of anger rose within me, and I vowed to find the perpetrators behind these heinous acts. For the people, for me. I would make sure justice was served, and those responsible would face the full extent of the law. With a steely resolve, I marched forward into the bustling streets, my eyes scanning the crowd for any sign of suspicious activity.

But even as my heart pounded with righteous fury, I couldn't help but notice the beauty around me. The vibrant colors of the street art, the soft chatter of the passersby, all mingled together in a serene and peaceful symphony. For all the darkness in the world, there was still light to be found if one knew where to look.

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