chapter end

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As I lay there, my eyes closed and my mind drifting off into sleep, I suddenly hear a cry break through the peaceful silence around me. "William!" The urgent tone of the voice jolts me awake, and I struggle to open my eyes, despite the deep yearning to keep them closed. As my groggy mind comes to terms with reality, I see Ava, her eyes filled with panic and desperation, standing right beside me. It all feels so surreal, like a dream that I can't shake off.

"Jason, help me!" she cries, her voice laced with terror, and I realize that something is terribly wrong. Without wasting another moment, I try to push myself up, but my lethargic body refuses to cooperate. I feel someone's hands under my arms, lifting me up, and I let out a sudden grunt of pain. The throbbing ache in my head intensifies, making it impossible to ignore. Despite everything, I know that I have to hold on, that I can't give up. The situation is dire, and only I can do something about it.

"Stop!" I hiss, feeling the searing pain of the sharp object piercing my skin. It was as if a thousand fiery needles were piercing through my stomach, leaving me paralyzed in agony. "I'm going to die here..."

Jason and Ava's faces were etched with terror, but at the same time, they refused to give up on me. "You aren't going to die! I'm not going to allow you too! Now get up right now!" Her voices were fierce and determined as they both took hold of my trembling arms, urging me to stand.

I struggled to my feet, feeling as if my entire body was about to give out on me. My hands instinctively reached for my stomach, as if trying to soothe the writhing pain inside. I couldn't help but think of a child nestled inside my belly, the thought sending chills down my spine.

Jason's eyes were dark and gone, but his hand was a steady anchor around my waist, keeping me from collapsing. For a moment, our gazes locked, and I saw a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos. "I got you, buddy, I got you," I whispered, his grip on my shoulder providing a much-needed sense of comfort.

"Let's go now!" Ava barks at Jason and I, and we scramble to follow her lead. Even in the chaos, I can see the pain etched onto Jason's face, his foot and hand clearly injured. His shins are almost translucent, and his fingers look like twisted stems. Meanwhile, Ava looks like a shadow of her former self, with her once lustrous hair now hacked into a short buzz cut. I can't help but notice that her breasts are gone too, and her ears and hand are also missing. In fact, only three fingers remain on her remaining hand.

"Stop right there!" A group of doctors holler, their figures enveloped in heavy armor as they sprint towards us. Panic spreads through the crowd, with people running in circles unsure of where to go or what to do.

I notice something inside Ava's pocket, a bulge that catches my eye like a beacon in the darkness. My heart thumps louder in my chest as I realize what it may be. I call out to Ava urgently, desperation coating my voice like molasses.

"Ava!" I say, hoping she'll turn around, and for a moment, she does. But her gaze slides off me like oil on water, and she ignores my call. My stomach twists with anxiety as I take in her casual facade - there's no mistaking the way her hand hovers near the pocket with the bulge.
My instincts scream in my head, telling me to act fast. I can smell the gasoline

Jason and I had brought with us, the pungent odor stinging my nose. Without a second thought, I hold Jason tighter so he won't cause me to fall, my fingers closing around the container of flammable liquid.

With shaking hands, I pour the gasoline onto the floor, creating a pool of deadly fuel at our feet.

"The gun," I say, my voice low and firm, my heart beating rapidly in my chest.

"Give it to me."

Ava whirls around, surprise written all over her face as she takes in the fumes from the gasoline. "What why?" she asks, her voice as sharp as a whip, but there's fear lurking in her eyes.

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