chapter 53

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"Matt!" I shout," I won!" He stood up pointing a gun to my face, still holding that cigar.

"You killed my daughter." He spoke.

"She killed herself."

"You gave her the idea!" he shouts, I roll my eyes...She still killed herself " Remember I said I bugged the whole house? yeah! I heard you on the tapes!" Tears streaming down his mask...he threw it off...

"I thought you were my friend, but you're nothing but a monster" His lips fell around, trying to hold themselves together just as he was.

"Please, I told you I was going to kill you when we first met-"

"Shut up!" He shouts, I hear the beeping sound that's getting louder and faster. The beeping sound is like a ticking clock, counting down the seconds " I'm deciding if I should give you the mercy of quick death, or let your body explode just so I can see that you are human!" I swallow...

Is this how I'm going to die? by being blown up? I rather get shot-My timer stops...and I hear the
beep beep
sound, and I'm still here-

"What-" Matt let out a short gasp before, everything, everyone explodes everywhere. It got onto everything in the room. The blood feels thick and sticky, and it clung to everything it touched. It was like a living thing, spreading and growing with each passing moment. I tried to wipe it off, but it just smeared and spread even more. Ava is covered in blood, her clothes ruined and her hair matted. The blood stains her white mask, her mouth, and her nose. It was like a dream come true. I can hear her screams and cries, but I was frozen in place, unable to move or speak. The blood is everywhere, and there was no escaping it. It was like being trapped in a world of color and chaos.
And I enjoy everything about it...everything about it, it's raining- It's favorites, my head threw back and laughs, spinning under the rainfall...

and I feel the cool droplets hitting my skin. I start to spin and dance, letting the rain wash away all my worries and fears. As I twirl around, I feel the water splashing up around me, creating a beautiful and serene landscape. The raindrops are like paint, falling from the sky and creating vibrant colors all around me. I close my eyes and let the rain envelop me, feeling the rhythm of the drops as they hit the ground. I start to move my body in time with the rain, feeling the music in my soul. As I spin and dance, I feel alive and free, like nothing can stop me. The sound of the rain is like a soothing melody, calming my mind and lifting my spirits. I open my eyes and see the world around me, transformed by the rain. The colors are more of the same, the air is thicker, and everything feels dead but I feel alive. I keep spinning and dancing, lost in the moment until I feel a tap on my shoulder, I couldn't care if it was the Grim Reaper himself, I don't care If I died, and this is the afterlife...I invite the person to dance, Twiling the person in my arms, listening to the sound of lungs, livers, and other organs bursting open as it hits the ground. The organs spill out in a messy heap, making a loud thud as it hits the floor. The sound echoes through the room, making me wince in pain and pleasure. The meat is scattered all over the floor, and I can see the juices and blood seeping out of it. The smell of raw meat fills the air, making me feel a little queasy. The meat is slippery and slimy, making it difficult to spin without falling but I did...I open my eyes, seeing Riley on top of me, seeing my own expression on hers...Pure happiness


A week later

Riley gains all control over Matt's gang, once she throws his head to the people- or what's left of it...
We took over all of the northwest, it took a while not because of the people but because of the drive, some gangs in Italy wanted to fight back, so we hung the using the spaghetti they love so much...The government is our friend, for most important they don't care about us, they care about their families...that's how it should be, they should be thanking us actually because we are giving them more family time,

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