Chapter 46

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He keeps coughing up blood into a tissue. His face is twisted in pain, and his eyes are red and watery. I can see the fear and desperation in his gaze, he looks up at me and snarls, "What the hell do you want, terrorist? You here to kill me?" His voice is hoarse and strained. He continues coughing, and I can hear the sound of blood gurgling in his throat. "You better be glad I'm sick," he says, "or I wouldn't have missed."

" You want water?" I offer-But he looks up at me with suspicion and anger.

"What the hell do you want!?" he cuts, using all of his strength to make that command

"I heard coughing. I thought I should come to see what's the problem"

"There's no problem you can solve" lowering his gun, slowly taking breaths.

"You have cancer, don't you?" I ask, trying to make conversation. He looks me up and down, shutting his eyes

"Did Riley tell you that too?" he asks, his voice strained. I shake my head

"No, Um...My grandfather, he had that same cough" I came in deeper shutting the door behind me...I don't know why I sat beside him on the sofa he has in his room. "So, What type do you have?" I ask, trying to keep the conversation going.

"My stomach hurts" he spoke holding his stomach...I can't let him die, Well, not yet. I stood- looking around for a fan, I took one and plug it in. 

"I don't think a fan will help me with my stomach problem. Terrorist" His coughing has subsided, but he still looks pale and weak

"I know that" I spoke, Leaving the room...I walk into Clayton's room... grab a pack of weed, and I'm surprised he didn't smoke it all...and return to Matt's room, closing the door and sitting beside him on the sofa.  

"Is that my son's weed? Terrorist"He asks, His firm voice coming back.

"it'll help you" I spoke. handing it to him, He took it and pinch it in between his thumb and index finger.

"terrorist. I have lung cancer" he spoke.

"Yeah, You already have lung cancer" Holding the lighter at the end...he sighs, He takes a deep drag and exhales slowly, his eyes closed...He coughs a bit but not a hearty cough more like those first-time smokers cough, fanning away the smoke. 

"Damn," he says, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "here" Passing it back to me.

"Can't be high on the job"

he takes another hit from the joint, his eyes close in pleasure. "I'm your boss. Take the damn joint," he says, his voice laced with amusement

"Does your family know?" I ask

He leans his head back on the sofa, looking up at the ceiling. "About what exactly?" he asks, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Your cancer" I spoke, He takes another puff from the joint, exhaling slowly.

"Like I said before my family don't give a damn, Terrorist." his voice tinged with bitterness

"How much time you got-"

"about a year," he says, his voice resigned.

"So, You think Clayton is ready to take over the family business huh?" taking the joint from him, inhaling it- wow this stuff is strong.

"Clayton? Have you met that boy? My family worked hard for this money...I'm not just going to give him all that money so he can stick it up his arm" He shrugs and continues " And plus, He won't be able to handle all the things I see every day"

he stood up dusting off his pants.

"Come with me"

"Are we going out?"

"It's close by" walking out of his room and I follow after him, down the stairs and more stairs until we made it to the inside of the elevator, heading down.

My eyes travel down to see what looks like another warehouse under his house, but it's not filled with guns or drugs. It's filled with people. They're chained up, shipped like the inside of Amazon. The sound of their moans and cries echoes through the space, bouncing off the walls like a drumbeat...The elevator came to a stop but the busy workers didn't-

The sound of moaning catches my attention, and I turn to see a sole person running toward us. She's covered in grime, blood, and stink, and I can see the desperation in her eyes. "Help us!" as she approached, Matt slap her down to me, and I slap her as equally as hard slapping her back to him.
Not my Circus, not my monkeys.

The woman falls to the floor, and I can see that Matt is pointing a gun at her.

"I have a son! He's-" she starts to say, but suddenly the sound of infants screaming catches my attention. I look around and see that they're being carried in plastic bins. One of them says "infants" and another says "toddler," and some have kids on them too, even old people.

"Can you believe it? Some people will pay for old people's pussy," Matt laugh. I don't know how he does this, I mean infants?... I can't that'll be too loud and I get annoyed easily...And I don't see how he's okay with being with all these disgusting people that look like grease on the back of the stove.

"Yeah, Whatever man- get her away from me she smells like ass" Pinching my nose. He laughs

"Take her away"Matt claps his hands, and some man took her by her arms dragging her away she screams and keeps screaming

"You'll get what's coming to you! Deuteronomy 8:11 Beware that thou forget not the LORD thy God, in not keeping his commandments, and his judgments, and his statutes, which I command thee this day" She warns, But I smile at her

"Hey hey stop" Coming closer and then men stop pulling her away, I towering over her...Her eyes widen as if she's staring at a demon. 

"get away from me demon!" she tries to crawl but her weak body couldn't I laugh at the sight, she's like a worm. just there...a free meal. "Psalm 71:4 - Deliver me, my God, from the hand of the wicked, from the grasp of those who are evil and cruel."

"Shut. Up" laying my boot on her stomach, " Your god isn't going to protect some filth like you."

"Maybe But when it's all said and done. when all the hatred, the sadness the power- When the rain ends...You'll wish God had protected you "James 4:7 - Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." my foot comes down hard on her stomach, and I feel a sickening crunching of her bones stomach, ribs, and whatever child she is- was carrying. I look down and see the bug squished under my shoe, its legs twitching in the air. Blood shoots out of her mouth and it's getting everywhere, and I can see it spreading down her chin and up her nose.

"You can have your god! I don't want him!" I shout- screaming at her...blood and whatever shit came to the surface of her mouth. " Do you hear me?" Stomping on her, and I'll keep stomping on her until she understands. Trying to throw bible I step back...I had to...I-

"Matt, let's go-" I look around, everyone is looking at me....but someone is staring at me....I- I - I- " Matt!" 

"I heard you"He pats my shoulder, twice "Let's go" and we went.

Some hours pass, I walk back to my room, where Ava has woken asking where I was, I ignore her and to make sure she knows that I place a pillow over my ears.

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