chapter 39

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William pov

My eyes wake before my body in the middle of the night, my heart racing. I hear a sound that sounds like a door creaking open. I lay there for a moment, listening intently, but everything is silent. I try to calm myself down, telling myself that it's probably just the wind or the house settling. But then I hear it again, the same creaking sound. I sit up in bed, straining to hear any other noises- I turn to the left and only saw Ava throwing up again

"Damnit..." She mumbles "I have to tell him"

"Tell me what?" I ask, she flinches bringing her head from the toilet at me- staring intensely but not saying anything- She eyes me down and then moves her eyes again- what is she doing? suddenly I felt something pressing against the back of my skull...It's a gun

"You killed my men now I'm returning the favor, you sick bastard." It's just one man, I can handle him " Boys grab the girl" He shouts, The door bursts open with a sudden and violent force, causing a loud noise that echoes throughout the room- Ava jumps as she found herself surrounded by men dragging her out- I can see her mouth moving...She screaming I can tell but...I feel like I'm drowning as if I'm physically here but not actually here...My body feels heavy and-and everything seems to faint...why?


"Damn" My mouth is awake before I am, My eyes open- Showing two Naked Mole-Rats- I blink again that can't be a closer look, they do look like mole rats.

"Wakey wakey sleeping beauty" One of them approaches, He looks dirty or homeless- a rugged, outdoorsy look...a sleeveless shirt, leather vest, and jeans..." I ain't never seen you before, Where you from ?"

"I don't know" I answer, He snaps his fingers a couple of times, with his mouth open- acting like he's the one trying to remember where I'm from

"You-You from that north american place?" He smiles- North American...

"North America. Merl, North fucking America- How retarded are you?" Seems like the other guy seems to have some sense...Just barely.

"Same thang, butterfly" The one name Merl points his machete at the other rat.

"Merl...No the hell it isn't-" The butterfly guy grips his roots obviously tired of Merl's shit

"Whatever I say goes" Merl rolls his eyes back at me

"Why am I here?" I spoke up,

"I think you know why you're here sunny" He spoke, and judging from his voice he smokes-

"I wouldn't be asking if I did so you'll tell me or I'll rip out your-" A sharp pain shoots through my chest, making me gasp for air. It feels like I've been hit by a truck. I stumble forward in my chair, trying to catch my breath.

"Look, Ion knows who you think you are, but this ain't how we run shit over there maybe back in the north american-" He turns back looking at butterfly " North America" He corrects himself...holding out his air quotes- Blood piles up in my mouth and I spat it out.

"I swore on my love for killing I will not tolerate anyone. ANYONE spilling my blood" I grip the hand rests- I-I will not! I won't go back there again I will not be weak- I can't stop laughing I can't- it's making my- my chest hurts it's making my eyes water! I won't have anyone touching me

"Oh my bad" He holds his hands out as if he's surrendering "We won't spill your blood, but we'll spill the blood of that girl next door- the pretty girl we found in your room" I pick my head up staring at the both of them...are they serious? they-

"You think I care? She's just a fling nothing more, nothing less...She means absolutely nothing to me" Please please kill her, I'm begging you to kill her...My hands and legs are taped down to this chair but if I tried I can break out- not good...Merl narrows his eyes

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