chapter 43

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William pov

"Look, I'm going to say it again I don't need you to watch over me, I'm 21 years old" She leans close, well not close to my face she's a bit on the short side...But judging from those cut marks on her arm, The one she needs to be protected from is herself.

"And I don't want to watch over you, I have better things to be doing than watching over you" Meeting her glaze, Which isn't pretty- She looks like a beaver. "But, Since your father told me to, I really can't say no" She raise a brow

"So, You're just going to kiss his ass like that? " Her eyes narrowing, and I could see the smug look on her face. she thought she had won,

"Yep," I say, She rolls her eyes, Sitting back on her bed...I stood at the door, Looking around the place.

"You got a name?" She asks, Almost defeated

"You don't watch the news do you?" I answer, She looks and shakes her head

"No, Not really...My dad told me, there was nothing on there but, death...And I shouldn't be listening to that considering..." She holds firmly to her wrist almost trying to cover it up, Covering up her mistakes.

"Considering how you tried to commit suicide, right?"

"How do you know?" she asks, her voice barely above a whisper. She looked startled as if she had just been caught off guard.

"You just told me" I sigh and forced myself to sit beside her on the bed. "Let me see" locking eyes with her

She whispered, her voice barely audible, "N-No." Her head shook back and forth as if she was trying to convince herself of something. She repeats herself, her voice growing slightly louder, "No."I watch her closely, trying to read her expression. She seem scared, her eyes darting around as if she was looking for a way out.

"It's okay," I say, my voice soft and gentle. "You don't have to be afraid."But she didn't seem to hear me. She just kept shaking her head, her eyes wide with fear. I reached out to touch her arm, but she flinches away from me as if my touch was painful.

Angela quivers with panic as she speaks, "My dad told me to about this!" Her tone is stern, but her fear is palpable.

"And...That's why you continue to do it...because you don't talk about it"I say...Her jaw tenses and her tears are on the verge of slipping

" I don't...I don't want to talk about that day"

"What day?" Leaning my head closer, She sighs and stops squeezing her wrist

"I was raped okay? by one of my teachers... Is that what you wanted to hear to use to blackmail me?" She slowly claps " Well, congrats a fucking ulations, You have it"

"I don't understand" I sigh running my fingers through my hair "If he raped you, why are you hurting yourself? shouldn't it be the other way around?"

"I can't hurt anyone that'll be wrong" She doubts

"But you are hurting someone, You. Your father. and the rest of your family" She looks dead in my if she can't process anything I just said As if she's drunk. "You remember your teacher's address?"

"" She tightens her lip, but nods " Yeah" She breathes

"Let's go there"

"What-what...why!? Turning herself to me, her eyes widen in Curiosity but also fear, I shrug

"I'll tell you once we get there," I say as I walk from the end of the bed to the too-large window. I unlock it using my index finger, giving the window a bit of encouragement to open it...
The wind blew back my hair, Just a bit- And I glance back at her whose still sitting on the bed.

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