Chapter 34

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(Got bored again let's switch to Jason's pov)

Getting past the security is a bit of a stretch, one of them did pop me in the nose, My nose can't stay fixed for shit! amongst the still cars. The cars in the distance coming towards my location...illuminating and casting a great shadow

"Hey Liam," I whisper, "let me see what you learned. I won't go easy on you." I roll into a corner, reloading my rifle that is strapped to my back. I haven't seen him in a couple of months, but if I know anything about Liam, he'll be the one testing me. I glance at the rooftops, checking for potential snipers, and one is already getting in formation. If I shoot him now, it'll give away my position. But who cares? It's more fun like that anyway!

I twist the gun with my fingers, aiming it at the target. I move my fingers slowly, making sure that I have the perfect aim. The gun feels heavy in my hand, but I am determined to get it right. I take a deep breath and pull the trigger, feeling the recoil as the bullet leaves the barrel. It's a perfect shot, and I can't help but grin with satisfaction. The man fell down the building his body suddenly came back to its start, water.
My eyes widen so does my smile as the two figures came jumping down from the building above me So...this-this is what fucking Isaac Newton felt when he discovered gravity! I stole a breath preparing to fight...Liam, You sly dog
I can see the determination in their eyes, and it's enough to make me laugh, I jump forward, swinging my fists at them. They dodge my attacks, but I am quick to recover. I twist my body, aiming a kick at one of them. It connects, and I can hear the sound of bones cracking. The other person tries to attack me from behind, but I am ready for it. I spin around, grabbing their arm and twisting it until they cry out in pain.

Despite being in pain, he grin and says, "Smith, knew you'd do that...he always wins."

"Suck my dick" I snicker-suddenly a sharp, shooting sensation that seems to radiate throughout my body. I try to ignore it at first, but it's impossible. The pain is too intense. I grit my teeth and try to push through it...I release the man's arm ripping off my shirt...shit! when-when did this long-ass cut mark my chest?

"Now you suck my dick!" The man I was just pinning against the wall using my own gun against me gunning me down...I glance around seeing guns everywhere, aiming at me...

I shout in frustration, "You know you fucking idiots only one gun will do the job! Don't fucking tell me none of you dumb fucks can't aim!"

"Silence" I hear a voice before I see the person, and it's a voice that I know all too well. My head turns, hoping that he'll remember me. I did grow my hair out some, and I've changed a lot since we last saw each other. But what kind of friend wouldn't remember their best friend? Finally, after what feels like hours, I finally see him. He's standing there, looking at me with a blank expression on his face. I can't tell if he recognizes me or not...I try to take a step forward but that whore! keeps putting that fucking gun to my head...I'm not his damn dog.

Excitement courses through me as I shout, "Liam! Remember me!?"

His eyes widen with shock, and I can see the recognition dawning on his face.

"Jason?" he gasps, and I can't help but grin.

"Good thing you remember me or this whole thing would have been awkward," I say, trying to lighten the mood...I hunch down holding my stomach- Is this what women deal with? Naw, They have much bigger problems such as this dick!

William comes closer, and I can see the darkness fading away from his face. It's good to see him again. No wonder why this idiot is a model. He's even more handsome than I remember.

"You could have just called," he grins, and I can't help but chuckle.

"Shit, what's the fun in that?" I say, trying to keep the mood light, I frantically try to stop the blood from coming out of me, but it's no use I try using my hands to cover the cut, but the blood keeps pushing them away...

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