Chapter uh idk

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Riley yanked open the trunk with a force that sent us tumbling out into the harsh glare of the base. Our sanctuary was a grand house like no other - the rooftops showcased a dizzying array of styles, with pointed peaks on the sides and an imposing centerpiece that boasted a strange decoration at its apex. As we gazed up, trying to decipher its mysterious shape (a clock, perhaps, or some other kind of emblem?), we couldn't help but notice the bleakness of the windows - only five in total, and all a desolate gray.

Even the porch was engulfed by leaves, which crackled under our feet as we took hesitant steps towards the entrance. And then, like a dark omen, death seemed to have followed us inside. The once-thriving trees around the house were now skeletal, stripped bare of their leaves. Riley fumbled with the keys before finally unlocking the door, and we stepped inside - only to feel a coldness that seeped through our skin with the very first step.

The sunlight that dared to invade the house created a surreal, haunting atmosphere, casting everything in a dim teal hue that made us feel like we were walking through water.

"William!" Ava's scream reverberated through the shadows, sending a shiver down my spine. Her pounding footsteps echoed like a warning, and I could feel my heart racing as she drew near. As she emerged into the sunlight, my fear dissolved, replaced by a sense of comfort at the familiarity of her face.

But as she snatched off my mask and ravaged my lips, I recoiled. Her mouth devoured mine with a hunger that made my stomach churn. She wasn't the girl I knew; she was a hideous ogre, a monster from my worst nightmares.

My tongue refused to dance with hers as before, and I felt her pull away. She returned to her original height, settling back onto her heels. "I'm sorry. I know it must have been scary," she said.

"Scary?" I scoffed. "It's refreshing."

"Refreshing?" she repeated, confusion etching lines on her face. I shook out my arms, feeling the power surge through my veins. I hadn't murdered someone in a long time, and the kiss had broken down my walls. I was back in my element, and I welcomed the bloodlust.

"Atta boy, William," Jason declared, slinging his arm around my shoulder. "Riley, you should have seen him! He's like a demon, popping them left and right!" A subtle smile crinkled his face beneath his eyes, and I savored the praise like a drug

"You two need to take baths, you guys are bloody!" Riley exclaimed, her voice filled with disgust. She crouched down to a small, old television set, trying to connect it.

The abandoned house was dark and eerie, with no electricity running. Riley claimed it was to avoid the risk of being found, but once we became more well-known, we would be kings. 

I filled up the tub and sat inside, surrounded by darkness. I couldn't tell whether the blood was peeling off my skin, but it didn't matter. It would come back again and again, a never-ending cycle.

The thought of warm blood hitting my skin was tempting. The idea of someone else's blood heating up my dead body and giving me life ignited a strange excitement in me. I couldn't wait for it to happen, my muscles tensing at the thought.

Suddenly, a knock broke the silence, and Ava's voice could be heard through the door. "Will, can I come in...please?" Her whisper-like voice sent a disgusted chill down my spine.

"I'm shitting," I called out, hoping she would leave.

"I'm scared," she said, but I ignored her. However, I soon saw a strange light reflecting on the bath water, and my head turned to see the door slowly opening. Ava stepped inside and shut the door, engulfing the room in darkness once again. It took my eyes a moment to readjust to the shadows.

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