chapter 29

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It's always been me who has to do this type of stuff- The sewers are a labyrinth of concrete and steel, a hidden world beneath the bustling streets above. The air was thick with the stench of rotting waste and the sound of rushing water echoes through the tunnels. It's a place of darkness and shadows, where the only light came from flickering fluorescent bulbs and the occasional crack in the ceiling...

"Keep walking and make sure you look up until you see the ladder" Riley's mumbled voice plays in my earpiece...

"I found them" I stop, looking at the grim stuck to it- How filthy...I climb up the ladder, Taking the tools from my pocket and unlocking the hatch above... And pull up into a dark room...Just as Riley said was going to happen...I pull out the suitcases I carry stacking them on top of each other... The first part of the plan...Securing the fort... I suck in a deep breath, I got this- I held tight to my gun...kicking open the door...

"To your right!" Riley shouts and as if we were in some sort of game my body turned shooting the guard then he came back to life with a replacement coming towards me, I got him as well...

"I'm going to turn on the buzzer now" Riley expresses" Be ready" She warns, The lights cut...And I took cover, red lights flash on and off rapidly, and the buzzing sound grew louder and more intense... It gave me such a high...I came out shooting whoever and whatever and they shot back and I quickly respond just as Jay taught me...

"Remember Kid, If someone ever starts shooting roll to the nearest thing, it might not save your life but, it'll spare it for 2 seconds" His voice settles into my mind...waiting for them to reload,

" Liam" Someone hisses in the distance

"Jay!" I whisper back

"You good? You need help?"

"I'm fine- Just go on with the plan"

"All right," Soon his footsteps left but more rapidly approached...I switch guns, Crouching closer to them...Shooting at their feet, They use that shield to cover everything...
They're getting closer...Whenever I don't shoot back they are taking this time to close in on me...And I can't see anything, My heart it's pounding out of my chest...

"You won't die from them, you'll die if you don't do as I order now go!" Her voice is loud and intense, and it feels like she's right next to me...I glance around frantically, my heart pounding in my chest. They are so close, and my bullets can't touch them. Fear threatens to grip me as I realize I am trapped, with no way out. All right, all right, think, I tell myself, but my mind is racing, and I can't focus. Every sound makes me jump, and every shadow seems to hide a threat.
Oh- I got it...I pump myself up with air and shot at the chandelier above them ...They saw as expected using their shields to cover them from impact...Leaving their stomachs wide open for me...And I accept the offer, I couldn't hear the bullets over the loud buzzing of the alarm the loud crashing of the chandelier and their screams as their blood gushes out the holes of their bodies, and it was almost deafening. The blood coming out so fast that it's hard to see anything else around me, So I felt...I felt the happiness overrunning me- the happiness came stepping on me crushing my skull... trampling over my body. and my cheeks hurt from grinning so much- Their pain turns into happiness for me pure bliss!... I stop shooting once the screaming subsides. At first, it was just a few people who stop shouting, and then more and more joined in until there was only silence.           

"The military is on their way boys, I'm coming" Riley spoke- I breathe heading back to the closet...My eyes lower as I saw it was open, I clutch my gun, cautiously approached the door, and peer inside, A hard gush of wind hit my nose, and My head leans back...But saw it was only Jason, holding a knife...He let out a deep breath, then stare through his eyelashes. 

"You can't be scaring people like that! I could have killed you." Putting his hands on his hip...My hand came from my side to my cheek, Then looking back at my hand seeing blood

"You cut me" I state

"Yo-" Riley came from the hole cutting off Jason's speech-She glance around, staring at the two of us and a smile stretches across her face

"We did it" Their smiles are contagious and it infected my face...

"We did it!" Jason repeats, Riley soon joins in the chant- We chant and chant seemingly forever, We did it we say strong and proud with our fist rise in the air-
"let's finish this strong! We're so close to the end, and we can't let up now" Feeling the heat of my own words, They nod and we each grab a suitcase, walking out of the closet, We move with purpose and determination, Our eyes fix on the goal ahead. we didn't flinch at the sight of the destruction around us, but instead used us as fuel to keep going. We knew that we had to finish what we started, no matter what obstacles lay in my path. With each step, we grew stronger and more resolute. we are a force to be reckoned with, and nothing is going to stop us from achieving our mission...
At the entrance of the white house...I crouch down unlocking the suitcase

"They're right at the entrance" Ava spoke into the earpiece, My hands move even faster taking out the Rocket launcher " They're moving!" Her words came out in a jumble rush, tumbling over each other in their haste to get them out...I glance at Riley whose beside me and Nod, she returns the favor 

"Ava, Tell me are they coming in a military truck?" Riley shouts

"y-yes- it-it seems they're planning on blowing open the door!" Ava shouts, adding to my nervousness...

"In position!" I say, My finger locking on the trigger facing the door...waiting...waiting for that door to open, The Rocket launcher is so long that a bit of it sits on my shoulder. 

" Don't open the doors yet" Ava says, I glance at Jason whose antics so press the button for the doors to push open... " wait for it!" Don't breathe William...Control yourself... " Doors" Jason hits the button- he slams the button-

"Fire!" Ava screams, My finger did its thing- Done what it has always done...pressing back on the trigger, the ground shakes beneath me, The rocket begins slowly at first, but then it picks up speed, hurtling out the doors, to the military trucks in front, I watch in awe as the flames shoot out the back of the rocket, propelling it faster and faster, This is what I've been waiting for - the thrill of the launch, the rush of adrenaline as the rocket soars into the trucks. I watch as the rocket disappears into the trucks I could feel the heat of the explosion on my skin, and I knew that I'd won, leaving behind a trail of smoke and fire. 

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