Chapter 20

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My voice got caught in my throat...

"Sorry...I must have the wrong address" I chuckle, She didn't find that funny no girls do, And slowly closes the door but before she does I hold it with my hand.

"That was a lie, You heard about the terrorist on Tv right? I-I thought this was their base" Her eyes shake with nervousness- looking back inside the house. Is- Is she not alone?  " Are you...okay-?"

"I don't know anything about that" She quickly reply

" You don't know anything about the terrorist that's dominated the news channels?" She's hiding something...and their's more people inside that house...

" I don't know anything- I'm sorry" She uses both of her hands to try to close the door but I force it open falling inside the house- falling on top of her...My eyes open and her eyes are full of tears, and this intense gravity laying on my back...I lift my eyes and turn around, only to see two dark and scary figures staring at me through the shadows. Their eyes are piercing and seem to glow in the darkness. I can't make out any features on their faces, but I can feel their intense gaze on me. My heart starts racing and I feel a cold sweat break out on my forehead. I try to move away, but my feet feel like they are glued to the ground. The figures continue to stare at me, unblinking and unmoving, as if they are waiting for something. The longer I look at them, the more terrified I become.

" Hello, Cameron...I've been waiting for your arrival" A woman spoke walking from the shadows with her hands behind her back...I gulp at hearing my name...She's beautiful, Soft blonde hair and dull blue eyes...a beautiful body...I never knew such people can exist.

"Who are you?"

"Riley" She smiles a fake smile but still...Her head turn to the two figures thanks to the moonlight gave me pleasure and horror to see who I'm up against. " This is William and Jason" She introduces.

"Riley introducing us was so unnecessary I mean we are famous" Spoke jason childly shrugging he seem to drop his serious persona for now...Unlike William whose still staring into my soul...Then I remembered I'm still laying on top of the woman and I quickly remove myself. 

"William! Jason! hands up...I have a gun and I won't hesitate to shoot!" lifting to my feet not nearly as tall as them. 

"That's a lie" William has a  lower pitch than most, which gave it a sense of power and authority. When he spoke, people listened. 

" Officers are supposed to turn in their guns after work which means" Riley spoke cutting herself off to face Jason Who held this long rifle to my skull. "You're at my mercy." When I first see her, I am struck by her beauty. She is a blonde woman with long, flowing hair and a figure that seems to defy gravity. Her skin is flawless, and her eyes sparkle like diamonds. I feel drawn to her, like a moth to a flame. But now, her beauty is shifting like a mirage in the desert. Her features blur and twist until I realize that what I am seeing is not a woman at all, but a monster in disguise. Its eyes glint with malice, and its smile is full of sharp teeth. I try to run, but it is too late. The monster has me in its grasp, and I know that I will never escape its clutches. 

my body is reacting in ways that I can't control. My heart is racing and I can feel it pounding in my chest. My hands are shaking and I can't seem to stop them. I'm having trouble breathing and my chest feels tight like there's a weight on it. I feel like I need to escape, but I don't know where to go. My thoughts are racing and I can't seem to focus on anything. Everything around me seems too bright and too loud. I feel like I'm losing control and that something terrible is about to happen.     

"Join us or you die" She spoke. simple and short...As if this is an easy decision to make.

"Die!" Scream the Brown hair woman hyperventilating on the floor, Is she telling me to choose death?

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