chapter 47

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I knock on Angela's door in the morning, but there's no answer. I knock again, and the door cracks open. Although the house is a yellowish-beige color, meant to be all cheery, Angela isn't affected by this. Dark circles emerge from under her eyes, and her skin is paler than usual. She doesn't say anything but flops down on her bed...I came deeper inside the room shutting the door behind me, willingly surrounding myself with the unpleasant odors of depression.

The air is thick with the smell of sweat, tears, and despair. She lay there moaning and groaning, twisting around in her bed

"Sleep with me" She mumbles "Please...just hold me"

"Why would I do that? the smell is coming from you"

"please" She whispers, As I look at her, I can see the exhaustion etched on her face. Her eyes are closed, and her breathing is shallow. She looks like she's in agony...I took off my black blazer, sat it down in a nearby chair, and climbed into bed with her, facing her...
Her makeup melts from her face, and although she looks like her father at this moment she looks like her mother, ugly making that face when they can't get what they want...I suddenly feel something emerging into my shirt,

"why is this bed so wet?" I sat up " Did you piss in the bed?" Quickly getting up from the bed yanking the cover off the bed, and seeing blood staining the mattress, My eyes left to the source, her she lays there... her eyes barely open. I walk to put on my jacket, cracking open the door, I glance to the right, no one's there and to the left is more hallway. I close the door back, locking it... turn on the lights, open the curtains    

"You want to die? why?" I ask, She groans and tosses around as if she doesn't want to go to school. "I didn't ask you to groan, I ask you why do you want to die?"

Tears fill her eyes as she cries out, "I killed him." Her voice grows louder and more desperate, her brows furrowing with anguish

Tell me something I don't know

"So what? You miss him that bad you want to join him?" Narrowing my eyes, I cross my arms

"No!" She screams, her body lifting from the bed as she tries to make herself more convincing.

"Yeah, of course," Taking her wrist, she grunts, this wound is nothing " With this, The only thing you'll see is another day" throwing her pitiful excuse of a suicide attempt back at her. " If you truly wanted to die, You'll plug it deeper inside, until you hit the bone." I lean closer to her, which my nose hates me for so I hold my breath

"I will" She smiles, She nods...I pick up her bloody razor... hands it to her,

"If you don't die, I'll make you wish you were dead. I'll put you in a locked-In Syndrome, Where you can see everything around you but you can't move" She nods, holding the knife up to her wrist


"Angela you awake?" Clayton ask through the door, knocking twice "You wouldn't believe this" I took the razor from her stuffing it inside my pocket

"We'll do it later" I whisper, She nods and rushes into the bathroom, I made up her bed and open the door...He sighs in annoyance at seeing me. I return the favor.

"No surprise you're in here"

"I'm surprised you're still alive" He crosses his arms

"Whatever man, Where's my sister?" His head leans, looking into the room.

"Here I am" She came standing beside me, inviting her brother inside, and he took her offer, They talk on the sofa, I wasn't paying attention much...the smell of blood and weed is too strong for that. The door knocks and I open it seeing Ava.

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