Chapter 26

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.The sound is jarring and disorienting, and I feel like I'm in a different world. It's like an explosion of sound and electrical fizzing all at once. The ringing is so intense that I can't focus on anything else. my mind clearing from the fog of the loud ringing. The sound fades away...
He lays awkwardly on the ground, his body twists nothing I haven't seen before... His blueberry hair covers the hole the bullet dug in his brain.
The remainder of his lips, were uneven and jagged, with small pieces of skin sticking out. and a permanent square smile left on his face, the blood trickling down his chin and onto his shirt...If he were alive he'll wipe it up.

" This is your training- I'm glad to say that everyone passed with flying colors" Riley slowly claps...I glance back at Ava for a moment her fingers brush her lips making sure they're still there after all her mouth has been hanging for a while.

"Oh, William?" Riley caught my attention from Ava's " Kill her" indicating towards Kendel, I aim for her crown pulling the trigger all in the same second.

"Everyone we are back on regular Schelde, Tomorrow we have another day ahead of us so get some rest" Riley claps her hands again shooing us off...
I threw Cameron's body over my shoulder and Kendel's under my right arm heading outside.
He should have known better than to doubt Riley, She told him she controls everything, Well not everything not me... I don't feel like burying them right now, I threw them inside some bushes and walk back inside the house take a bath and got ready for bed...Good thing Ava's here...I'm in the mood

"He was...He was going to help us escape William" She mutters and I sigh in annoyance, Why does she have to ruin it? every single time.

"We don't need his help?" What does she want me to say? The only thing she needs to say is 'Yes, I'll open my legs for you' and that's it.

" William...Do you enjoy killing people"

"I already answered your question" I sigh laying on the bed, There's a window right next to it and from here, I can see the two corpses, then though they are separated and live in different worlds they come together in isolation and loneliness...I sat up

"I'm leaving" Preparing her in advance putting a black hoodie over my bare chest...She too came off the bed

"Wait where?" She asks frantically trying to follow me to the door, I turn my eyes look back at her, and speak

"Stay here-"

"Don't leave me here alone-" Her arm latches to mine-a surge of energy and adrenaline coursing through my body causing my fists to clench and grit my teeth...My fists react hitting her in the nose, She wobbles to the ground...her nose pours with crimson red.

"If you know what's best for you stay your little ass here, and make sure that hole is open because once I get back I want to fuck, do you understand? if not my fists are all the explanation you'll ever need" I walk out of the room door slamming the room shut, Riley she won't be sleeping- I knock on Jason's room door and he opens it a few seconds later

"Don't let me you miss being my little roommate" He has a slight smirk on his face

"Not really, do you want to kill the rest of Kendel's family?" His eyes gradually widen so does his smile, and he blinks a few times to make sure he isn't dreaming.

"Of course, why kill one when we can kill all?" He smiles shutting the door, I push it back open seeing him put on his shoes and overall, studying the room he shares with Riley. The room was lonely and desolate, with an eerie sense of emptiness. The walls were bare and colorless, with no decorations or furnishings to add warmth or personality. " You ready?"

"Yeah" He came walking out of the room and I follow behind him, going out the backdoor- I walk to the backyard before he pulls my shoulder back.

"Today's lesson is knives" he spoke, tossing one in the air and I caught it. The blade long and slender, with a razor-sharp edge that glints in the light...Moonlight behind...I stare back at the distance seeing the corpse and walk over, Kendel always had some beautiful eyes...I slip to fingers inside, The feeling behind her eye is cool and refreshing, sending a shiver up my arm, feeling its smooth surface in my hand. The eyes are light and easy to hold, fitting comfortably in my hand.
We got in a normal-looking car nothing fancy and Jason went on and on telling me about his darkest secret and that was that one time in his life he had sex with a man before he was too pussy to say if he was the only bending or he got bent over, I didn't care for any of it of course which made it easier to tell me, Because I don't care.
We made it to the house Riley gave to the people... At first, when I saw them I wanted to puke and I still do...He rang the doorbell, The doorbell emitted a soft chime, A pinkish glow walks towards the door, follow by it opening.

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