chapter 24

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We walk deep into the back, descending a staircase until we reach a bright red door. I hold onto the doorknob, twisting it open to reveal a small, crowded room. The stench of decay and death hits me like a wave, making me gag and choke. The people inside are covered in filth and grime, their eyes sunken and hollow. They stare at me with a hunger that makes my blood run cold. The room is so small that they are pressed up against each other, unable to move or escape. The air is thick with the smell of rotting flesh and the sound of labored breathing. As I look around, I realize that we are not alone. Something is watching us from the shadows, waiting to pounce. The fear that grips me is so intense that I think I might pass out.

My eyes shock in horror as theirs. Their eyes are completely blacked out like some type of animal, an animal that never saw the sun and decided it didn't need its eyes. The darkness in their eyes is so deep that it seems to swallow up everything around it. It's as if they are staring into the abyss and the abyss is staring back at them. The blackness is so intense that it feels like it's seeping into my soul, infecting me with its malevolent energy. I can feel my heart racing and my breath coming in short gasps. The fear that grips me is so intense that I can barely move. I am frozen in place, unable to escape the terror that surrounds me.

Riley speaks, her voice creeping behind me. I'm sure I thought I lost her, but she's been watching my expression, watching me. "You think what we are doing is hell?" Her voice breaks, her eyes couldn't be on them, but they had to be. She forces herself to see, to acknowledge their pain. "These people haven't seen daylight in over 8 years!"

Her voice suddenly goes up as if she's struggling to control it. She sucks in her lips, not wanting to speak from the embarrassment but also the sadness. "These people are monsters! They won't stop, no matter what, no matter how many people report it, no matter who sees it, it never stops!" Her voice breaks as she speaks, and tears start to roll down her cheeks. She only speaks with her laptop as she takes it out, flipping it open. She types some names, and it looks like she's transferring money to 50 people. I turn my glance around from her to those people in the closet, whose skin is stuck together as brick, stuck in that same space. The sadness in her voice is palpable, and it's clear that she's been fighting this battle for a long time. The weight of the situation is heavy on her shoulders, and it's clear that she's doing everything she can to help these people.

Her eyes shine with diamonds as she speaks, "I do this because I love it...I love helping people... free people." William and Jason came and helped the people take proper baths, dressing them, talking to them, being friendly with them, with genuine affection in their eyes. Kendel, one of the girls who were in that closet, simply stares at me, only stares at me, unblinking. They freed these people, but at what cost? At the cost of all these lives. The thought of living that way, stuck in one spot, having humans shit and piss on me, having no choice but to drink it, every day thinking this is it, this will be my last meal, is unbearable. A while later, we left the bed, the house, to another house Riley bought for them. It's huge, and it's just for them, only for them, with a huge space. Maybe they are okay. Sure, the methods they're using are horrible, but they do it for the right reasons. The emotional weight of the situation is heavy, and it's clear that they are doing everything they can to help these people.

"t-thank you for helping us" Spoke Kendel but she speaks for all of them, all their eyes showing the utmost gratitude " They did everything to us...I'm glad you guys did what you did"I shouldn't get too full happy about this. I didn't kill anyone...but I wish I had...To accept her thanks with honor and not shame.          

"It's no problem at all" Riley adds holding onto her hand " But for obvious reasons don't say anything about what you saw...just say you got lucky alright?"

"I don't think that's a good idea" William spoke " If she wants to speak let her...After all, she's human" his lips curving upwards in a gentle and subtle expression of contentment. His cheeks dimple slightly, adding to the warmth of his smile. Soon we made it back to the house...maybe around 2 am and we left at midnight...
Jason and William went off to take a off the Adhering blood.
I'm the in the kitchen right now...eating some chips...God, I'm eating chips...Shouldn't I be crying again? or...doing anything besides eating fucking chips? I threw them...before I could lay my head on the table Ava came though she changed out of her dress to the same white hoodie and black leggings...grabbing a jar of peanut butter.

"Come with me" She whispers her eyes moving seeing if anyone is near, I stood and follow her into the girl's room and we walk inside the bathroom...She closes the door enclosing us inside. " Do we have a plan?"

"A plan...?" Tipping my head, My eyes jump in remembrance Of course she wants to escape.

" Ava, They...they are doing something good-"

"They aren't doing anything good! killing people isn't good!"

"but they saved those people! if it weren't for them...they would be hurt even more...not knowing what freedom is like...not tasting it, Riley gave them that chance"

"Your insane too!" She unlocks the door, I grab ahold of her arm pulling her back inside.

" Why do you want to leave so quickly? Are you okay?" my eyebrows furrow soon does hers. Her rosy lips parted, revealing a glimpse of pearly white teeth. 

"Of course, I want to leave quickly they aren't nothing but psychopaths!"

"including William?" I release my arm from her but my eyes pin her in place. 

"not him-" She's quick to respond, My teeth grind on top of each other making my jaw tense up...

"I see how he treats you. and it's shit...why would you let him do that to you?" As I look at her, I couldn't help but feel sorry for her. She had been through so much, and she still believes this is all an act...there's no act.

"you don't know him! I told you already he's just pretending!" the tears in her eyes speaks volume...I wish I could hold her, Save her...

"He's not acting anything! he deliberately put you in danger He wants you gone" I pick up her hand from her side..." When I...When I tell my boss to come here, He's going to take Jason, Riley, and William"  

"" her voice barely above a whisper.

" I'm sorry" I whisper to her...Should I do this? all they have been doing is saving people, monsters saving other monsters that's what they are doing...I shouldn't-

"I'm pregnant!" Her outburst made me gasp as if I were the father

"what-" a breath leaves my throat " your what-"

"I'm pregnant..." Holy shit I smile...but gravity didn't like it...holy...shit.

"Does-does he knows-"
"no" She whispers..." Please...don't turn him in yet, I'll do anything- I'm willing to do-" She gulps, to think before swallowing a breath and meeting my eyes again "Anything"

"I-I don't want anything like that ava...I promise" Though I never had a woman do those things to me. " I'll think about it okay?" Leaving the bathroom, walking down the hallways into the room, onto the bed...I need to sleep...I have too.
I felt myself tossing and turning in my sleep, my mind consume by bullets just as the dead people are over and over again... It's a nightmare that felt all too real, and I couldn't shake the feeling of dread that had settle in my chest...My eyes open...and remember they are saved...Kendel and her family are saved! it's like exchange, right? My phone buzz and I quickly rush to the bathroom slamming it shut- I grab my seizing phone holding it to my ear

" We just found out what happened!"      

"Boss not so loud" I whisper rather aggressively. " But boss they did something turned out the people in that party kidnapped these people-"

The message on my phone sends a shiver down my spine, but also a sense of relief. Finally, the terrorist who has been causing chaos and destruction in our city will be brought to justice. But then, I remember Ava. She is innocent, caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. I know I have to get her out of there before the authorities arrive. I walk down the hallway, my heart pounding in my chest, and push open the door to their room. I see Ava's sleeping form on the bottom bunk and creep over to her. She looks so peaceful, but I know she must be going through so much. I touch her skin gently, and she wakes up, startled. Before she can scream, I place my finger over her lips, signaling for her to be quiet. I have to get her out of there, no matter what.

"It's me" I whisper " I'm going to get you out of here...before it's too late"

"What do you mean?" She whispers back, slowly waking up...

"Just come on" Dragging her from bed.

"What about William? Is he coming?" she asks, slowing down our progress. They will be here soon, so I stop and turn to face her. I know we won't get anywhere if I don't answer her questions. Her eyes are still sleepy, but I have to answer.

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