chapter 25

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"He's not coming, Ava," I said Frankly, She yanks her arm away, Shakes her head

"Then I can't go-" Her eyebrows furrowing

" Ava, think of your child!" I try to keep my voice down, but I can't seem to manage it. It's like my vocal cords are resisting my efforts to speak softly. I take a deep breath and try again, but my voice still comes out louder than I intended.

" What don't you understand! he's doing this for me! he's making himself into a monster for my sake...he's not like this...he's not a monster!"

I step closer to her, my heart racing with passion and urgency. She can't deny it - it's her kid's life at stake. I need her to understand the gravity of the situation. I take a deep breath and try to keep my voice down, but the words come out with a force that I can't contain. "You have to listen to me," I say, my voice rising despite my best efforts. "This is important." She looks at me, her eyes wide with fear and uncertainty. I can see that she's struggling to keep her composure, but I can't back down now. I place my thumb on her lips, silencing her protests. "Just listen," I say, my voice low and urgent. "We have to act fast if we're going to save your child."
I hold her hand guiding her down the hallway- until My phone rang again, I didn't hesitate to answer


"This is Kendel...I-i wanted to say thanks" her voice hoarse or groaning...

"Are you okay?"

"I-i" she grunts over the phone " Trying not to cry...thank you- thank you so much for helping us!" a ball of fire that's stuck in my throat, burning and smoldering...What am I doing? Sh-should I...tell them that the police are coming? there's no doubt people like Kendel are in danger...

"Are we going or not?" Her hand reaches out and grabs my shoulder, pulling me closer. She asks again, "Are we going?" The urgency in her voice is palpable. I can feel her anxiety and fear. I know why we have to go, for Ava, who is pregnant and can't give birth in a terrorist group. But then again, Kendel has been trapped in that closet for 8 years! The police couldn't even find her, but this gang did! I don't know what I should do. Should I stay or go? It's a difficult decision, and I feel torn between my obligations to Ava and my desire to help others like Kendall I know that whatever I choose, there will be consequences. But I also know that I can't just sit here and do nothing. I have to make a choice, and I have to make it now.

I take Ava's arm dragging her to follow me into the dean where Riley and Jason stood facing one another their faces illuminated by the soft candlelight. The rest of the room is shrouded in darkness, but the candlelight provides just enough illumination to see the outlines of the furniture and decor. The air is scented with the warm and comforting aroma of the candles, and the crackling of the flames provides soothing background noise.

"There's police coming our way!" I shout-

"Cameron what are you doing!" Ava screams pulling away from my grasp on her forearm, she breaks away...

" I...I guess I should have let you guys know-"

"Why? Why are you telling us?" Riley asks, I stare into her dull blue eyes that were muted by shades of grey.

"because...You helped her, there's no doubt more people in Kendall's shoes...and I are good. So if you guys continue to save people I'll help you, It's a promise" Taking out my phone...offering it to them but they seem disinterested.

"Why do you tell us like we already don't know" Jason grins...Suddenly from behind a grunt of someone in pain rang against my ears- I quickly turn around seeing Kendel on the floor badly beaten and towering over her is William...His knuckles dripping with blood his eyes dripping with blood...He seizes her hair lifting her fallen head from the floor- her eyes squint in pain but her hazel eyes crack open and a tear cracks down her face.

I suppose we are doing this, huh?" William grins, his eyes glinting with mischief. I turn back to Riley, and it seems like I was left out of some type of joke. A joke they created all before I was even here, or maybe a joke they made only meant for me. My heart races as I try to make sense of the situation. Why do I feel like I'm in danger? Suddenly, I notice that William's grin has turned into a sinister smirk, and Riley's eyes have a glint of malice. I realize that I'm not in on the joke; I'm the punchline. My mind races as I try to figure out what they have planned for me. Will they hurt me? Embarrass me? Or is it something even worse?

"I suppose so, Liam " Jason mutters, my body freezing with tension. Every inch of my body turns hard, even my asshole, as I hear the wrong voice come out of the wrong lips at the wrong time. Jason's voice turns into a raspy voice, just like my boss, and he knows it, smiling. Even my air knows to get the hell out of here as they didn't wait to leave; they hurried to leave, leaving this body as if they already knew they were going to die. I suck them back in as soon as they left, but my lungs close! They don't want them back; they want me to die! Despite my efforts, I can't breathe, and my body feels heavy with the weight of despair. I can feel my life slipping away, and there's nothing I can do to stop it. The world around me fades to black as I struggle to hold on, but it's no use. I'm alone, and I'm going to die.

" I told you I control everything" Unlike me, Riley's body was still calm and in control while I feel like my heart has suddenly been stabbed or was never there in the first place.

"Has this all been- been a lie!?" I choke- I ask this even know I knew it's the truth...this can't be- this can't be real-

"yes," She spoke...Soon this wave of pain grips my hair, and my back presses against Williams's chest as he glares at me with those deep green eyes almost like the color of a poisonous plant, and seemed to glow in the dark. his pupils are small and narrow, giving the impression of a predator sizing up its prey. The whites of the eyes were tinged with a yellowish hue, like the eyes of a snake, and seemed to add to the overall sense of danger. The irises were a murky green, with a hint of brown around the edges, like the color of a murky swamp...His eyes trail down the my lips- he picks the bottom one from in between my teeth- before I could know what he's doing
He cuts- He saws my lips- and I can't stop it no matter how much I scream how much I struggle my lips are being sawed off cut off my lips...I watch as my lip sprays on Riley's unbothered face...not even blinking as my crimson blood slowly drips down her lips as they have done mine....and unlike me...She smiles while I scream
then it did the laughter from Jason- I want to die...I want to die I want to die I want to die! it's not too late to bite off my tongue I know byt the pain in my lips is so Intolerable that making one movement feels like people are chewing me from the insides!...he grips my top lip and I die...and I die because I can't- I can't do this anymore I just can't my tears from my eyes hits my lip burning it setting it on fire my tongue licks the blood continuously but it burns it fucking burns it burns The burning is constant, like a fire that won't die down.

" Hey, doggy dog!" Jason taunts as William slowly cuts away my lips...peeling it off with his finger...his finger- then rips it away like a bandaid, With one swift motion, he rips it off my skin...He rips off me... The pain is sharp and intense and so is the aftermath...I fell- stumbling to the ground, writhing in agony. The pain is unbearable, and I couldn't help but cry out in distress. My hands clutches at my chest, trying to ease the pain, but it only seemed to intensify...It feels like I'm being torn apart from the inside am torn apart...laying helplessly on the floor, listening to their mocking laughter with every breath. It's like a thousand voices all laughing at once, each one more cruel than the last. It was like they were daring me to fight back, to prove them wrong, but I knew it was hopeless...My eyes glisten as I see a gun...a small one but it's theirs...My hand- My hand grabs the gun...pointing it to William but he did the same thing as me...but I-I won't- I won't die!

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