18. a turn of events

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At the Hospital

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At the Hospital

Sophia shifted uncomfortably as she sat on the hospital bed, wearing a hospital gown. Her attention shifted to the door as it opened, revealing the doctor. She fiddled with her fingers as she approached her. Honestly all she wanted to do was go see Brian and her sister.

 "Ms Toretto, I have good news."She spoke.

"Good news? What do you mean?" Sophia questioned, an eyebrow raised curiously.

The doctor smiled at her. "Aside from your sprained ankle, your injuries are only minor. As well as Congratulations."

"Congratulations on only having minor injuries?" Sophia questioned confused.

"You're pregnant, Ms Toretto." The doctor shook her head with a smile.

Sophia looked at her in surprise. "Wait, what? I'm what?'

Her hand subconsciously rested on her stomach as her heart started beating faster. She was pregnant. She was going to have a baby. Was she ready to have a baby? She didn't even really know where her and Brian stood but she did know she loved him. 

"You're free to go, Ms Toretto. Your sister is anxious to see you. I'll let her in."

"Thank you." Sophia nodded before the doctor left the room, Mia quickly rushing in along with Logan.

After the two hugged for a minute, Mia pulled back and stared at her sister. "What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost."

"Mia." Sophia sighed. "Um, I'm pregnant."

Mia's eyes widened. "Oh my God. Are you sure?"

Sophia nodded. "Yeah, the doctor just told me."

"What are you going to do?"

"I don't know." Sophia said quietly. "Brian and I have never talked about kids, not even when we first started dating. I don't even know where we stand." She rambled. "I don't know what to do."

Mia rubbed her back soothingly. "It's gonna be okay. You're gonna be alright." Sophia sighed heavily and leaned into Mia. "I think you should go see him."

"Mia, is right you should," Logan spoke up trying to reassure Sophia, "It's okay if you're not ready  to tell him but know the way he looks at you shows how much he cares for you." 

"Thank you Logan but I'm not ready to tell him." Sophia said as she looked to her sister.

Mia gave her a soft look. "Either way, you need each other."

Mia helped her walk to Brian's room, having knowing where it was. As Logan went to go get some food that wasn't the nasty food the hospital offered. 

Sophia thanked her sister before slipping into the room, turning around to see Brian looking at her with a smile. 

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