10. five years later

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five years later

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five years later

It had been five years since Sophia's life went haywire. Five years after the events that token place on the day the Toretto family was torn apart. Five years since Jesse died and not being able to see Vince, Leon, Letty and their brother. And five years since Sophia had last seen Brian, someone who must not be named.

Mia was able to finish college and start working at the local children hospital.  While Sophia finished her courses online and was working a multitude of jobs in order to help provide for them. She kept her promise in staying strong for Mia so she wouldn't put her life on pause . Letty had returned after a year of being away, but they hadn't seen her for a few weeks now. 

"So, was that history man who dropped you off?" Sophia questioned her older sister as she walked into the kitchen with groceries.

"His name is Logan and yes he did," Mia was going on as she helped her younger sister put groceries away, "We just went to lunch to catch up." 

"Is this the part you try to explain you both are just friends and nothing more." Sophia explained finishing putting the food away. 

"Exactly, just friends from college." Mia smiled as she grabbed her things.

"Do you like this said friend from college?" Sophia asked curious to see her sister's reaction as she started to do the dishes. 

"Night S!" Mia ran out the kitchen avoiding her younger sister's question

"Night sis!" Sophia hollered back shaking her head at her sisters reaction. 

The phone suddenly started to ring and Sophia furrowed her eyebrows. Who the fuck calls someone at twelve in the morning? A sigh left her lips as she set the glass down and made her way towards the ringing phone. 


"May I speak with Ms. Sophia Toretto?"

"This is she. " Sophia replied, leaning her back against the counter.

A short sigh came from the other end before the woman spoke once more. "Ms Toretto, I'm afraid I have some bad news. It's about Leticia Ortiz."

"Excuse me? What do you mean bad news?" Sophia asked worriedly, her heart starting to beat faster, "Is Letty okay?"

"I'm so sorry to say this but unfortunately Ms. Ortiz has passed." The woman replied and Sophia felt the air leave her lungs. "I'm very sorry for your loss."

Sophia froze in her spot, her breathing hitching in her throat.

"Um," She cleared her throat as tears welled in her eyes, "Thank you." She stammered out before hanging up. 

The phone slipping through her fingers and clattering onto the ground, the brunette gasping out. Tears poured out of her eyes as Sophia shakily slid to the floor, her throat closing up. How could Letty be dead?

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