11. unnecessary reunions

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Police Integration room

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Police Integration room

The sun had risen and Sophia was still at the police station. They had been asking her questions about Dom all night. She refused to answer them. She simply sat there silently with her arms folded across her chest.

"Where is your brother?" Stasiak demanded for the thousandth time, becoming frustrated with the youngest Toretto before him

Sophia sighed angrily. "Like I've told you, I have no clue where he is."

Sophia was tired, hungry and annoyed. Stasiak had been grilling her ever since they stepped foot into the FBI building.

"Bullshit!" Stasiak slammed his hand on the table, Sophia flinching. "Where s Toretto?"

"Do you not understand what I don't know means?" She snapped.

Before Stasiak could reply or interrogate her anymore, his phone buzzed. He glared at the youngest Toretto once more before stepping out of the room. Sophia let out a breath of relief, muttering under her breath. The door opened once again, Sophia bracing herself to be yelled at again as footsteps approached them.

"Hey, Tyler, we got a transfer."

Sophia slowly looked up from her hands at the voice, she tensed as she saw it was Brian. Brian turned to her and took a few steps in her direction. Looking down at the Sophia, his eyes locking with her's.

"You want to come with me?"

Despite wanting to say no and never speak to him again, she didn't want to stay and get yelled at more by Stasiak. And the sooner they left, the sooner she can get home and she knew how much Mia was properly worrying. Sophia nodded her head and grabbed her bag, standing up.

Brian placed his hand on Sophia 's mid back without thought as he led her out of the room. Sophia's body relaxed at his familiar touch as they stood in the elevator. As soon as the elevator doors opened, Sophia snapped back to reality and moved to stand on the other side of the elevator, Brian letting his arm drop back to his side before opening the door for them. He led her to his car and they got in, Brian driving them towards a diner.

At the Diner

Sophia continued to look down as she drank her coffee in hopes time would go faster while she was sitting in a booth across from Brian. Brian kept his eyes locked on Sophia  while she kept her gaze down at the mug of coffee she held.

After five minutes of silence and Brian staring at Sophia, a sigh left her lips as she brought her gaze up, her eyes locking with his.

"Why don't you tell me why you dragged me here, Brian?"

Brian sighed and leaned back in his seat. "You know, they're gonna capture Dom. Maybe worse. I don't want you or your sister getting tangled up in this, so, stay away from him."

Sophia  set the cup down on the table, shaking her head. Sophia leaned back in her seat and continued to drink her coffee trying to take in what he just said.

"That's what you have to say to me after five years? You're going to sit there and tell me to stay away from my brother?" Sophia continued.

She was frustrated by this. "What makes you care about what happens to me all the sudden? Why now? What changed?"

A hurt expression washed over Brian's face. He turned his head to look out of the window next to them briefly, then turned his attention back to Sophia. Her words stung, but Brian knew he deserved it. He took a deep breath.

"What I did to you was wrong.. I'm sorry. It was the hardest thing l've ever had to do," Brian replied truthfully. Sophia felt tears brim her eyes. She had to refrain from laughing a sarcastic laugh.

"I'm sorry too Brian. I'm so sorry that it was hard for you to come into my home and completely rip my family apart. I'm sorry that it was hard for you to come into my life, use me to get close to my brother and pretend to love me. I'm so very sorry that it was hard for you," Sophia spat, a mixture of sadness and anger raging inside of her.

She clenched her fists as the tears threatened to spill from her eyes. Brian swallowed hard. It felt like someone was twisting a knife into his chest. After seeing the expression on his face, Sophia felt a little guilty for saying all those things. But she wasn't going to apologize for it.

"I lied to you. I lied to Dom, I lied to everybody. It's what I do best, it's why the Feds recruited me," Brian said, a doleful look on his face.

"Maybe you're just lying to yourself, Brian. Maybe you're not the good guy pretending to be the bad guy.. maybe you're the bad guy pretending to be the good guy. You ever think about that?" Sophia asked, narrowing her eyes slightly.

Her heart pounded against her chest. She needed to leave before she started crying in front of him.

"Every day," Brian answered, his eyes meeting Sophia's.

She stared at him a moment before shaking her head. She stood up and began to walk away. She had only made it a few steps when she realized that there was something she wanted to ask Brian, something that she had wondered about for years. Sophia turned around and walked back to the table Brian was sitting at.

"You know, I always wondered. Why'd you let my brother go that day? What made you do it?" Sophia asked, nervously fiddling with her cross on her necklace. Brian looked up at the girl.

"I don't know," Brian replied quietly after a brief moment of silence.

Sophia nodded, then turned around and left, doing her best to process what had just happened.

Brian stayed there a moment, watching her walk away. He wanted to chase after her. That's what he should've done all those years ago. He should've stayed here and tried to work things out with her instead of running away.

But he didn't.

Author's Note

Hii! So I finished editing another chapter, I've decided to focus on one book at a time so I am not stressing myself out to much. As well as give me time to write my stories properly and do them justice. I really wanted to have them have little bit of angst but Sophia still has a soft spot as we can all tell. As does Brian but like who doesn't love Sophia? I hope you all like the new chapter and have an amazing day :))

Sophia's Necklace:

Sophia's Necklace:

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