29. hunting our evil twins

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"This is crazy, man

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"This is crazy, man." Roman spoke as Sophia rolled her eyes at his anthics.

Tej looked over at him from where he sat behind the computers. "What are you talking about now?"

Roman motioned to the pictures they had up of Shaw and his team. "I'm sitting here looking at these images. It's like we're hunting our evil twins. I mean, look at this black dude right here, he's handsome. Clearly that's me. We got a white Hobbs. There's Soph and this is Han. Tej, it's an African in a beanie. That's like your mini-me, man."

Tej shook his head at him and Roman started to laugh as he came to a stop in front of the picture of the blonde woman. 

"And Brian!" He called out to where Dom, Sophia and Brian where. The three turned to look over at him, Sophia lifting her head from Brian's chest in curiosity.

"When did you do this photo shoot?" Roman questioned as he pointed to the woman.

Sophia couldn't help but laugh as she remembered his blonde hair from when they first met. Brian laughed and removed one arm from around her to flip Roman off.

 "I'm just playing, man. You know you're the prettiest blonde around here."

Everyone turned at the sound of Hobbs' Gurkha pulling in, the man and Riley getting out of the vehicle.

 "All right, lock it up. We got two things. First off, this is the worst damn city in the world to commit a crime."

Dom stood up and walked over, Brian and Sophia following after him as Hobbs continued. 

"They got cameras on every street corner. I got video footage from CCTV of the raid." He handed it over to Tej. "Let's track that, see where it leads us. And secondly, we just got confirmation on what Shaw's crew grabbed from Interpol. They ripped off the database of every location that houses the final component that they need!"

"So where are they at?" Brian questioned.

"There are over two dozen of them around Europe." Riley informed.

Hobbs added onto her words. "But the list is only good for ninety six hours. Which means, wherever Shaw's crew is going to hit next, it's going to happen within the next four days. They got a window, and so do we. We gotta move."

"Hobbs is right." Dom spoke, "So, let's break this down. You met them. What do we know?"

Tej spoke from where he still sat behind the computers. "We know they have to be running custom engines. You heard that flip car going through those gears."

"Sequential transmission." Han nodded.

Gisele added on her agreement. "That didn't sound like a normal engine."

"That was a turbo diesel," Brian looked to her. "It sounded like something you hear at Le Mans."

Sophia leaned her hands on the table as she glanced around. "Did you see it take all those hits and still stay flat in the corners?"

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