23. beauty of public offices

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It had taken a lot of convincing for Sophia to go with them to one of the cash house

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It had taken a lot of convincing for Sophia to go with them to one of the cash house. Brian argued that she shouldn't go because she was pregnant and how it could put her in danger. Sophia had argued relentlessly how she wouldn't put herself in danger that she can't handle. Eventually Brian agreed, only after being death stared by Mia, but ordered Sophia to stay by his side at all times. Logan told Dom he'll stay with Mia and hold down the fort. 

So, there they were, standing in front of the cash house, wearing ski masks to hide their face and holding guns. The door unlocked and Dom sent the butt of his gun into the man's face, causing him to stumble back. The group burst into the cash house, guns raised.

"Ninguem move-se!" Sophia shouted along with her brother.

There were rows upon rows of women, all sitting in their underwear. The women began to scream at the sight of them. One of the men approached Sophia with a gun. The brunette glanced to the side and saw that Brian was preoccupied. Brian turned to face her to make sure she was okay, just in time to see her punch the man in the jaw.

Sophia helped Brian gathered all the money and put it down beside Dom, while the others all stood around everyone as they had tied them up. 

"That's all of it." Brian informed Dom, before moving back to Sophia's side.

He slipped his hand into Sophia's hand as the man who had opened the door spoke. "You are a dead man. You're all dead men! You don't have a place to hide."

"Who's hiding?" Dom questioned as he pulled off his ski mask, everyone following his actions.

"Are you crazy?" The man exclaimed. "Are you crazy? Do you know whose house this is? Whose money are you stealing?"

Dom poured gasoline all over the pile of money, Brian bringing Sophia closer to him as he smirked at Dom. 

"We ain't stealing it." Dom stated as he pulled out a lighter and threw it onto the money, watching it light up in flames. Dom turned to the man. "You tell your boss exactly who did this. Tell him there's more coming."

An Hour Later

Sophia followed behind Tej as they climbed up onto the roof of the building. Tej pulled out a set of binoculars, tracking their assigned vehicle. 

"We got eyes on five." Tej informed the others through the radio.

After a few minutes of him tracking the truck, he hastily handed the binoculars over to Sophia. She gave him a confused look before looking through them, a groan escaping her lips as she caught sight of where they were moving the money.

 "I know y'all said they were consolidating the money somewhere but, y'all ain't going to believe this!" 

Sophia and Tej turned their heads as the others quickly joined them on the rooftop. Brian wrapped his arms around Sophia's shoulders as he kissed her forehead. 

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